The Madness of Make Believe Martial Arts

This guy has some pretty entertaining videos. If you’re not doing anything, you should check them out. This is an older one so it’s a little unpolished. Features a segment on Charlie Z. The CM Punk video is hilarious


I am thankful that these guys are exposing fake martial artists and their bullshido.

Thankfully, real styles such as my patented Kung-Jutsu still flourish.


LOL, watching the video and had to pause and come type… I lost my shit when he described Charlie Z as having “the permanent expression of a dog who was just shown a magic trick.”


“Mastered the art of…ninja eternal virginity” got me.


I put it to the youtube app when I saw it was long. I’ll pick back up on it from bed later.


I just about pissed myself when he was reading an excerpt from the “ninja” Ashida Kim’s book, where he said:

“She hooked her legs around my waist, and raised her hips to accept my ninja dick…”

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All of his videos are like this. I’ve watched them all at least 3 times each. He’s got one on Ronda, Conor, Jones, a 3 part PRIDE doc and he just started a TUF retrospective. He’s really good at this shit.


Good find. This one is entertaining and amusing as hell.

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I will snatch every mother fucking birthday.

Dude clowns Denis Siver and Brendan Schaub in almost every video. He does a lot of call backs

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Watch the cm punk one next

Rex Kwon-Do will get you a woman like Starla. Can anyone say the same about bjj?


2021 review. Short video

He bought and read the entire Ashida Kim erotic novel. It’s like a 3 hour video. It’s hilarious

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I finished that first video. I’ll check more tomorrow. Dude’s extra chill then suddenly hilarious delivery makes it. Fun way to revisit stories and clips I’ve seen before. Thanks op.


CM Punk. This one is awesome. They all are. You wouldn’t regret doing a deep dive in his channel (beeeep). My only complaint is it takes like a month before a new video comes out. He does everything himself and does a shit load of research. But every time a new one comes out I end up watching like 5 of the old ones in a week. He is relentless on Denis Siver of all people

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That guy’s awesome.

MMA On Point is also pretty good as well, though more polished.

I legit died at talking about how Travis Browne hit Brendan Schaub so hard that he thought he was a comedian afterwards.


Fuck I forgot about this guy, his vids are great


God dammit Dan. Get your shit together!

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Dicey Dicey

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