The NEXT step Aliveness plus

As for boxing, I can remember at least 3 Instructor conferences with Guro Dan, you know where he has us start with shadow boxing and then move into the focus mitt drills? In his own nice way, he'll say something like, "OK, I think we're going to work on boxing for little while because I can see alot of us need to work on our body mechanics a little." In other words, most of us sucked! But I have noticed a large improvement in the last couple of years as people worked on improving. Still, I am sure there are many JKD guys who can't/don't box, which is sad, but true.

Shin Shoji and I used to box on the side years ago, along with a few friends of ours, such as Scott, and he rang my bell more than a few times. I don't spar as much as I used to, and I don't force my less experienced students to do it, but the more experienced students have to get in the water if they want to keep advancing. For my JKD students, I would like them to able to kickbox (thai), or box, defend some basic knife and stick (mostly largo mano), and be reasonably experienced on the ground (at least 80 hours on the mat), and most importantly, be able to transition between the different areas as needed.


Lol! Deaf midgets eh Rory? Is there no end to your depravity?

Nah, well just throw down. . ."you're not so bad!"

Matt(lead singer for the ScreamingMonkeys)Thornton

No way lew. For real? I always heard the nun story although I never heard she was blind but have also heard the boxing & fencing connection (from Aus).

Hey Adam, sorry for the delay in posting, but I was at Sifu's since Thursday afternoon and haven't had a chance to check the forum out.

You interested in bringing a couple of guys over in a couple of weeks? We are having a test this coming weekend (first weekend in March), but we should be able to do something in the afternoon if you like after 2:00 on the 2nd or 3rd weekend (I'll need to check with Alan to make sure he's going to be in town). He's got the most experience. John has only been boxing/sparring about 8 months or so, and not that often. He's also about 140 lbs, so he's a definately a lightweight!

Let me know if you guys are interested!



You've got mail!


March 9th is good with me as well Steve. You just have to tell your guys to be nice and not hurt me :). I have my first full contact pro kickboxing match on the 16th in Augusta. It is the Winter Wars card put on by the Carlsons. Looking forward to training with you and your students.

March 9th works for me! I don't think we need to worry about hurting you guys! Like hurting a brick wall! You guys need directions to the school? Scott's been there a couple of times.



Send directions to That way we will have it in our email. See you in a few weeks.