His face is actually really creepy in that video with Chael.
was this when he was married to Jenna Jameson? That’s probably wher ethe money went
TIto is pure entertainment when it boils right down to it
He was a legendary pioneer in the UFC
But, outside the ring he’s unintentional comedy gold
He’s so dumb it’s painful, but like a train wreck, you just have to watch
I mean, he makes Chuck look like a Rhodes Scholar
agreed, complete with mortar board and gown
I laugh every time Chuck looks back over at the hosts like, “are you hearing the same things I am??”
When Chuck, drunk on Nyquil, thinks you sound like a fucking idiot, you have real problems
It is so painful Chuck’s ear is trying to slide off his face.
Holy shit
The iraq and everywhere such as.
Gets me every time
oldie but a goodie
Such as