the tourney for no1 heavyweight..

 has been going on since 2006...cain is the winner.

 there's a b in zombie and prove me wrong...

 where did i lie? is cain not the no1 hw? didn't nog,mir,carwin,lesnar,cain,werdum,cc,aa, sylvia,jds,bigfoot,fedor,barnett,rothwell.nelson...all have a shot @no1?

fiercedragon -  where did i lie? is cain not the no1 hw? didn't nog,mir,carwin,lesnar,cain,werdum,cc,aa, sylvia,jds,bigfoot,fedor,barnett,rothwell.nelson...all have a shot @no1?


 Posting on the internet drunk is always a bad idea

 oh, i get it. since zuffa didn't say tournament it doesn't count...

brotha lynch hung - And you wonder why you made the shill list fiercedragon...

 still not 1 intelligent point debating this...

SeditiousViciousness - So Fedor and Overeem can't be #1 because they haven't fought guys in the UFC. But Cain is #1 even though he has never fought anyone outside the UFC?

 fedor can't be no1 BECAUSE HE JUST LOST to a fighter that may not have been ranked in the top 10.

overeem can't be no1 because he doesn't have a top 10 win. 

cain is undefeated. cain has 4 top 20 wins. 2 top 10 wins, in the last 2 years. tell me whose record is better the last 2 years?

SeditiousViciousness - So Fedor and Overeem can't be #1 because they haven't fought guys in the UFC. But Cain is #1 even though he has never fought anyone outside the UFC?

 and you realize cain won fights outside the ufc,right?

 Who has Cain beat to become number one ?  Lesnar ?  Kongo ?   Zombie past prime Nog ? ?

Are you serious ? ? ?

Meanwhile, Alistair is holding two combat fighting HW Titles in two top organizations.  And Fedor has one loss in 11+ years of fighting. 

Barnett, Fedor, Ubereem all shit all over Cain Velasquez who beat up a WWE pro rassler with big muscles.

i love no one ever mentions werdum, who is rightfully number 1 Phone Post

EatonBeever -  Who has Cain beat to become number one ?  Lesnar ?  Kongo ?   Zombie past prime Nog ? ?

Are you serious ? ? ?

Meanwhile, Alistair is holding two combat fighting HW Titles in two top organizations.  And Fedor has one loss in 11+ years of fighting. 

Barnett, Fedor, Ubereem all shit all over Cain Velasquez who beat up a WWE pro rassler with big muscles.

lol @ overeem's 2 titles. even the biggest anti-zuffa shill wouldn't bring up those illegitamate belts. barnett hasn't fought or beat anyone good lately and fedor just finished tapping to a barely top 10 fighter. tell me which hw has 4 top 20 wins the last 2 years?


RicePicker -  i love no one ever mentions werdum, who is rightfully number 1 Phone Post

 no one believes he's no1 is why. memory of him getting crushed by jds is still too fresh...

Edokaz248 - Cain is legit but he has only 2 top 10 wins against Brock and big Nog

JDS is legit but only has 1 top 10 win over Werdum in 2008

lol yea sure there fighting for number 1 in Dana and your dream world

 who do you have as no1? fedor? just lost. werdum? should have had a draw vs. bigfoot.beat fedor. but,just got smoked by jds and has just 1 top 10 win.

Werdum beat the #1 guy in Fedor got number 2

Cain beat the default number 1 guy in Brock and got number 1.

Rankings aren't strict or consistent enough to take seriously for HW's.

Edokaz248 - Im arguing the future more so then now. fact is with 1 win by Overeem in the tourney he easily can move up to number 1. Cain has 2 notable wins and the fact he sint fighiting will only benefit SF. lol should of had a draw? really? your trying way to hard.

he just BEAT fedor. not JDS just beat him.

that was 2008 thts as relevent as JDS being subbed by a CAN! lol
i guess you didn't see the bigfoot/werdum should stop posting now...


 So this "tournament" was going on since 2006 and was apparently just waiting for Fedor to lose in order for it to culminate in someone becoming #1?

Werdum beats the universally accepted #1 and doesnt become 1 himself. Cain beats the fake, replacement #1 by default and somehow becomes 1 himself.

Thats fascinating but that shit doesnt fly with people whove watched 15+ years of MMA. No UFC fighter managed to fight and beat the #1 HW so they just somehow stole the ranking back.

Yeah, real slick.

HELWIG -  So this "tournament" was going on since 2006 and was apparently just waiting for Fedor to lose in order for it to culminate in someone becoming #1?

Werdum beats the universally accepted #1 and doesnt become 1 himself. Cain beats the fake, replacement #1 by default and somehow becomes 1 himself.

Thats fascinating but that shit doesnt fly with people whove watched 15+ years of MMA. No UFC fighter managed to fight and beat the #1 HW so they just somehow stole the ranking back.

Yeah, real slick.


HELWIG -  So this "tournament" was going on since 2006 and was apparently just waiting for Fedor to lose in order for it to culminate in someone becoming #1?

Werdum beats the universally accepted #1 and doesnt become 1 himself. Cain beats the fake, replacement #1 by default and somehow becomes 1 himself.

Thats fascinating but that shit doesnt fly with people whove watched 15+ years of MMA. No UFC fighter managed to fight and beat the #1 HW so they just somehow stole the ranking back.

Yeah, real slick.

that's how tournament formats work. fedor had a chance to keep his no1 ranking,but he lost. werdum had a chance to earn the no1 ranking, but he couldn't win consecutive top 10 fights. tell me exactly who has done more to merit a no1 spot than cain? fedor? 1-1 the last 2 years against fringe top 10 fighters. werdum? 2-1 the last 2 years w/ a blowout loss to a non-top 10 fighter.  cain? 4-0 the last 2 years w/finishes against no1 and 4 top 20 wins! now if the ufc fighters couldn't win the no1 ranking w/o beating no1, then the SF tourney winner can't win the no1 ranking either...


 "now if the ufc fighters couldn't win the no1 ranking w/o beating no1, then the SF tourney winner can't win the no1 ranking either..."

Youre confused again.

The websites defied the ENTIRE LEGITIMATE system and just did whatever they want. Lesnar never beat anyone ranked 1. He had TWO F'ING wins over ranked guys when they made him the world ranked 1 fighter. Thats not even debateable.

The SF tourney winner will have bested a group containing the former long time #1 in Fedor, the current linear #1 champ in Werdum(who, you know, ACTUALLY BEAT THE #1 GUY) and the current promotion champ in Overeem. Not to even mention two former UFC HW champs in Arlovski and Barnett(who actually got the same win over the same opponent for the same belt that Brock did and did it how many years ago when it counted for how much more?)

"that's how tournament formats work. fedor had a chance to keep his no1 ranking,but he lost. werdum had a chance to earn the no1 ranking, but he couldn't win consecutive top 10 fights. tell me exactly who has done more to merit a no1 spot than cain? fedor? 1-1 the last 2 years against fringe top 10 fighters. werdum? 2-1 the last 2 years w/ a blowout loss to a non-top 10 fighter.  cain? 4-0 the last 2 years w/finishes against no1 and 4 top 20 wins!"

Youre confused again. The rankings of Fedor's last 4 opponents are public record. Not a single one was "fringe 10" You not liking how often he fights is irrelevant. He fought Sylvia/Arlovski/Rogers/Barnett(fell apart last min)/Werdum. That is a great list of opponents back to back.

You seriously arent grasping the gravity of Werdum's win if you think that loss to JDS(the only time he's been stopped in his career) takes away from it.

Cain is awesome. The win over Lesnar was fantastic. But the faux rankings leading up to it do not make Cain the unquestioned #1 now.

Id LOVE to see somone interview the heads of the 4 majoy sites and put them on the spot with physical copies of the data and demand an explanation for how Brock became #1 before he even fought Carwin.

And even better, when somebody wins this tournament(likely one of the 3 favorites) an explanation for why they are now not #1. Since according to the sites you dont have to beat the #1.

You cant just make up the rules when its convenient.