This commentary???

Are they commentators or fortune tellers? They seem to be talking non stop about how they think the fights should go and not in what’s happening .


i think they are doing their best to not tell us who they think is winning lol

Theyve been doing this for sometime now


Someone drank a few to many Xyience energy drinks

Great and necessary thread. OP do me a favor, could you be sure to start another similar thread right after this UFC event ends? Thanks. We don't get enough of these.


Tenners gonna ten …they say

Bring back Jimmy Smith!


DC fucking sucks

VARIOUS - Tenners gonna ten ...they say

You somehow completed the impossible task of having an even better follow up post than the OP.

1 Like
MasterofMartialArts -

Great and necessary thread. OP do me a favor, could you be sure to start another similar thread right after this UFC event ends? Thanks. We don't get enough of these.

God forbid people discuss on a....wait board.

Yeah you'll see some of the same threads each event. Yet you cared enough to take time, click on said thread, and comment. What's that say about you? Fuck off.

1 Like

I actually like it. Other then them saying Kape should have won I think they've been doing a good job being none biased. Giving credit to the other fighter even when they train with one of the other. 

1 Like
MasterofMartialArts -
VARIOUS - Tenners gonna ten ...they say

You somehow completed the impossible task of having an even better follow up post than the OP.

Then stays on said thread...for some reason....why? Obviously you aren't interested.

ShortElbowInTheClinch -

Bring back Jimmy Smith!

Him with bisping would be really good 

Robert Thomas - 
MasterofMartialArts -

Great and necessary thread. OP do me a favor, could you be sure to start another similar thread right after this UFC event ends? Thanks. We don't get enough of these.

God forbid people discuss on a....wait board.

Yeah you'll see some of the same threads each event. Yet you cared enough to take time, click on said thread, and comment. What's that say about you? Fuck off.

Lol. Good one. 

Dude mentioned the restaurant the guy who was ko’d has . Great stuff

No telestrator tonight???

They’ve been terrible tonight (Bisping and Cormier). They interrupt and talk over each other.

MasterofMartialArts -

Great and necessary thread. OP do me a favor, could you be sure to start another similar thread right after this UFC event ends? Thanks. We don't get enough of these.

The number of threads just shows how shitty these commentators are. If it contributes at all to them getting fired then these threads are very necessary.

livelaughlove -
MasterofMartialArts -

Great and necessary thread. OP do me a favor, could you be sure to start another similar thread right after this UFC event ends? Thanks. We don't get enough of these.

The number of threads just shows how shitty these commentators are. If it contributes at all to them getting fired then these threads are very necessary.

This. I'll keep commenting until DC is gone