It's a shame that if Conor wins now all we will hear from people is how Jose was injured and he never would have won if he was healthy. I wanted to see this fight happen as much as the next guy but not really like this. As much as I hate to say it they should have postponed so there is no doubt who the better fighter is and no immediate excuse for people to jump on if Conor wins. Now it's gonna be like;
If Conor wins on the feet = because Jose was injured
If he beats him on the ground = because Jose was injured
Any success at all Conor has in the fight = because Jose was injured
That really sucks for Conor imo and is not the way one of the biggest title fights in years should be, the fight is now tainted.
sagemma - Im not worried. Aldo will mirk him either way
Possibly but I wouldn't be so sure. I'm a fan of both guys and would just like to see the best man win, just think it's a shame that it's like this for one of them.
I mean Aldo will most definitely get the instant rematch now no matter how Conor wins. Hell, he would probably get an instant rematch if he loses regardless of this injury ever popped up or not.
But it also sucks that if Conor now loses how everyone will give EXTRA credit to Aldo for being such a warrior and say how Conor couldn't even beat Aldo while he was fighting injured.
doerksenfan - Conor should do the honorable thing and allow Aldo one free body kick, like in the famous Frank Dux vs Paco fight. Then it's kick for kick.
sagemma - Im not worried. Aldo will mirk him either way
Possibly but I wouldn't be so sure. I'm a fan of both guys and would just like to see the best man win, just think it's a shame that it's like this for one of them.
Yeah honestly i do agree with you, it does change everything if Connor wins and i hate it just as much as everybody else when someones win is discredited.
lol about taint, conor probably caused that injury by having jose so scared and angry. It's conor's time, no matter what. I'm just worried when he meets Frankie.
Not at all really. If he wins many will put it down to Aldo's injury; this sets up an immediate rematch and they both make even more money than they will for this fight.
It's an unfortunate situation but the reason it's happening is that a.) Aldo wants it and b) For everyone involved, there's apparently just way too much money to be had.
Only Aldo will know the extent to which this injury may or may not have an impact on his performance, but expect a whole lot of downplaying about it over the next couple weeks regardless.
doerksenfan - Conor should do the honorable thing and allow Aldo one free body kick, like in the famous Frank Dux vs Paco fight. Then it's kick for kick.
it means that when he becomes champion he can get that stadium card in Dublin and face a fully fit Aldo.
Aldo is never fully fit, has backed out of four UFC title fights, almost a 5th, this is just another excuse. If it's not broken on X-ray, it's called a bruise, get on with it Aldo!
ajsr - Not at all really. If he wins many will put it down to Aldo's injury; this sets up an immediate rematch and they both make even more money than they will for this fight.
"If he wins many will put it down to Aldo's injury".
And therein lies the problem.
I understand the whole rematch thing but as of right now I don't care about the rematch, I haven't been waiting for this fight for the last few months just to think about a rematch and how much money they'll make with it. I care about July 11th and want to see two healthy fighters go at it then and have no excuses after.
Aldo, Heart of a Champion, Knowing he cant go 100 % for the next 2 weeks and still wants to fight, If he Wins, then what........Mcgregor "was trying to hard to hit the ribs"..... Let the fight happen, its a fight no ones 100%