it means that when he becomes champion he can get that stadium card in Dublin and face a fully fit Aldo.
Aldo is never fully fit, has backed out of four UFC title fights, almost a 5th, this is just another excuse. If it's not broken on X-ray, it's called a bruise, get on with it Aldo!
Guess you've never trained with a bruised rib before.
the only way they get an instant rematch is if connor wins a decision, and it's pretty close. given that aldo is injured this outcome would leave a lot of questions unanswered.
even if connor kicks or punches aldo's ribs in the first minute of the fight and the fight gets stopped, aldo will have to go through a long time to recover, allowing anyone to challenge connor.
GSP_GREASED_MY_BUTTHOLE - Who is perpetuating this myth that a bruised rib is such a bad/painful injury, are you guys sportsman or faggots
So you have just gone full heel/troll?
Have you ever had a bruised a rib?! If you have and still believe this is a bad/super painful injury you are a pussy
Do me a favor and go to all the other threads posts on this subject and call the dozens of poster, including green names, who speak to torn cartilage and bone bruises on thier ribs and call them all pussies.
Again you wouldn't be able to poop or sneeze without crying in agony, but I'm sure Jose fucking Aldo and everyone else are all pussies and you are the MAN!!!
WattMell - I just want to see this fight July 11. We have been waiting since what February? That sucks Aldo got hurt and much respect for still fighting. If he gets blown away he'll get a rematch and CM as champ in the meantime would be cool. I don't really care which guy wins I just want the results.
Pretty much this, I love both fighters. Wish aldo wasn't hurt
FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA - So fun to see people try and downplay a bone bruise on your ribs and act like it's no big deal. You all would be close to tears just trying to shit or sneeze with a bone bruise on your ribs.
Well said. I always get a kick out of the keyboard warrior badasses telling world champion mma fighters to man up
FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA - So fun to see people try and downplay a bone bruise on your ribs and act like it's no big deal. You all would be close to tears just trying to shit or sneeze with a bone bruise on your ribs.
Well said. I always get a kick out of the keyboard warrior badasses telling world champion mma fighters to man up
Oh my god what is wrong with you guys, you honestly believe it hurts that bad?!
It really depends on the severity of the injury. It may be painful for a month it may be painful for a few days before inclination goes down and starts to feel better. It really depends.
Fornwork - You are right OP. I certainly wont be giving Conor that much credit if he beats an injured Aldo.
Lol a bruised rib will be much better in 2 weeks. Once the fight gets going and adrenaline is pumping he won't even feel it.
So the green names who have commented on how painful it is and how long it takes to heal are wrong???
No they are faggots, rib bruises are part of the game and should not affect your performance. Suck it up.
Okay so you're a troll. Thanks
No you are misinformed, it is not a serious injury.
Okay. My apologies. I'll stop listening to the dozens of people who have actually dealt with torn cartilage and bone bruises on thier rib cage and just take the word or random Internet warrior calling pro fighters pussies...