Yet another pair of Gracie Academy Blue Belts that feel that they earn the privilege of wearing a Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt because they have black belts in Karate.
The Academy need to do some serious in-house policing to keep this sort of thing from occurring again.
Yeah. How about a simple. "A gracie online blue does not equate to u being able to wear your tma bb when teaching grappling"
Why don't you just give Rener a call about it?
what karate styles have black belts with red bars?
not surprising
Wearing bjj black belts and bjj gis while supposedly teaching karate. Sounds legit!
I would like to say I am not against the way they teach I am just concerned that by them allowing blue belts that have black belts from other martial arts will take advantage of their Gracie certification by posing as Jiu-Jitsu black belts. I think they need to really inform these indiviudals that do have black belts form other martial arts that they can no,t for any reason, pose as Jiu-Jitsu black belts or else lose certification. More regulation needs to be done.
The Gracie Academy (TM) online training and grading program is tailored for TMA instructors to be certified Gracie Combatives (TM) instructors at their own schools.
These young women paid their fees to be certified instructors of the real Helio Gracie system and their school is listed on the official Gracie Academy list of training centres.
Few, if anyone, on this forum are qualified to criticize the Gracie Academy's endorsement of these exceptional martial arts instructors.
And they're defending it on the Gracie Academy Facebook page. I'm a nut hugger but this is getting ridiculous
They need to end this crap by mandating that if they are brought to the attention of GA via a photo of a certified instructor wearing any belt OTHER THAN their earned belt WITH a BJJ Gi, they loose their certification AND get publicly shamed of course. End of story.
Koga - The Gracie Academy (TM) online training and grading program is tailored for TMA instructors to be certified Gracie Combatives (TM) instructors at their own schools.
These young women paid their fees to be certified instructors of the real Helio Gracie system and their school is listed on the official Gracie Academy list of training centres.
Few, if anyone, on this forum are qualified to criticize the Gracie Academy's endorsement of these exceptional martial arts instructors.
So you are stating that it is okay for CTC blue belts to wear Jiu-Jitsu black belts. Everyone knows that Jiu-Jitsu is the only martial art that the black belts have the red bar on them. One can not say that these two girls had no idea that this is the case.
Any instances of BJJ black belts wearing their belts whilst in a TMA Gi? Doesn't seem to be a problem disciplines outside of BJJ have to deal with.
They have a system that leaves them wide open to this because it's hard to have oversight over people who send in videos
Fuck anyone defending this bs.
It looks like Rener may be defending them too
He needs to make examples of them
im confident hes defending them in public(because he profits off of them) but behind the scenes hes scolding them like hell
Koga was def trolling.
And the fact they tried to post that statement and then had photos of those girls w BJJ black belts on as if it is ok makes me want to slap Rener upside the head. Its basically saying that flat out if you are paying them money to be a CTC you can be a fraud in how you represent yourself. Unlike the previous fraud who was outed but wasn't cutting that CTC check. For ALL the people who talked shit on Eddie Bravo when he first opened his affiliation for 10th planet you fools better torch the Torrance academy for publicly standing behind this bullshit.
This is a great opportunity for Rener to take a stand and reinvigorate the brand by chastising the shit out of these girls. It would scare the others into line
circusmonkey - Any instances of BJJ black belts wearing their belts whilst in a TMA Gi? Doesn't seem to be a problem disciplines outside of BJJ have to deal with.
You won't find it. Mainly as the whole TMA world knows the branding power of a bjj black belt. It has the mystique of people putting in hard work and sacrifice for 10yrs or more. Hell I have friends in TMAs who are a bit in awe of that since I am a brown and getting close. People know its a great marketing brand so if they can sneak it in they will. For bjj there is no grand money making to wear the bjj belt while say doing karate or something, so you won't see people trying to pull that shit off.
BigEyedFish -what karate styles have black belts with red bars?
Just to be an asberger's level total MA nerd about it... American Kenpo does. BUT, the bars are on both ends of the belt and it would mean you are a 5th degree BB if you had such bars. Plus, the red bars go to the very end/tip of the belt and obviously they wouldn't have stripes on top of that too...
...Which is to say, that is NOT anything other than a " BJJ 2nd degree black Belt" the girl is wearing.