This Main Card Has No Appeal To Me... Except


  • Champ Brock Lesnar vs. interim champ Shane Carwin (heavyweight title-unification bout)

  • Yoshihiro Akiyama vs. Wanderlei Silva

  • Matt Brown vs. Chris Lytle

  • Stephan Bonnar vs. Krzysztof Soszynski

  • Kurt Pellegrino vs. George Sotiropoulos

Batman vs. the Aussie should be a great fight.

Kurt Pellegrino vs. George Sotiropoulos

Best match on the card.

How's this card not interest you? Every main card fight is a potential FOTY candidate.

Wand vs. Sexyama is a great matchup, can't wait to see it.  Pelligrino vs. Sotiropoulos is very relevant since it will determine a potential contender for the LW title. 

But Bonnar/Soszynski being on a main card is inexcusable.  

I had no idea they were televising Bonnar/Kryzstof...ick.

Bonnar again?

mcpeepants232003 - how can you not be interested in akiyama/Wandy, Sot/Pellegrino or Lytle/Brown?

 looks like a good card overall

UFC is saving a bundle on that card. it fucking sucks other than the main event and theyre all low paid fighters. weve had fight nights with far better cards

Sexyama fight will be off the third-hook

kind of disappointing for the 4th of july card.

Needs one more big fight.

2JupitersTooMany - Sexyama fight will be off the third-hook

I think you mean "on"

Brown vs Lytle will be a war...

Excited for every one of those fights except Bonnar..

Enough of this trolling Booshit!

Brown/Lytle will be fight of the night, and potentially of the year.
Bonnar/Soszynski was a pretty entertaining fight the first time around and if Bonnar has actually formulated a gameplan other than "throw hands", it will be an interesting fight for sure.
Wand/Sexy is actually the fight I'm least interested in, but anytime Wand is in the cage it is worth checking out.
Pellegrino/Sotiropoulos is also a FON possibilty between a couple well rounded LW nearing contention.

i like all of em except for bonnar vs soszynski

How the hell is Bonnar/Krystof on a UFC main card?

Am i the only one who finds Lytles current style boring?

He seems to have forgot everything he used to know and now only throws overhand rights

I like all those fights except Bonnar/Krysztof.

BONNAR NEEDS TO BE BOOTED FROM THE UFC, he is not even in the top 25 of his weight division.