Thoughts on DB Bench?

My new gym doesn't have a normal Hammer Strength machine for chest press. It has incline and decline but not the "normal" one. I was thinking of what I could do instead and I thought of DB bench. I don't want to use a BB as I workout alone. My guess is that DBs are better than Hammer Strength anyway. Any advice, thoughts, or opinions would be appreciated.

Also 1 arm DB Press with 1 arm DB fly.
Good to challenge the nervous system by doing movements you aren't
used to.

"You will probably find on this forum that the majority of us would advise you to ALWAYS use dumbbells instead of any type of machine."

Yeah, that's definitely the impression I had. I've tried to implement that philosophy in to my workouts but I never really evolved in that one area (push/chest). Thanks for the help.

Would you do the one arm DB presses on a bench or a ball?


DB benches are much easier on my shoulders than barbell.

"You can go heavier on a bench, but on the ball you include even more core/stabilizer muscles."

That makes sense. I suspected as much.

I'm going to start with the basic DB press tomorrow and maybe work in some of the one arm variations down the road. Thanks guys.

"but on the ball you include even more core/stabilizer muscles. "

oh boy, if i hear another bandwagon jumper say this I will puke on my screen.

How do you increase the strength of your "core/stabilizer" muscles by using a ball where you cannot use nearly the same weights as if you were on a firm backing??

When I can squat 600+ pounds, bench 425+, and deadlift 525+# on a Bosu ball I will be convinced. Until then I will stick with hard surfaces for "core"

"1 arm bench on the ball is a complete waste of time"

sniff, I love you man.

lol...I think you have that backwards son. For the goals you want, you will be the one sticking needles in your ass.

You keep lifting on your Bosu ball with your little dumbells, and I will keep lifting real weight.

Are you sure you are training at all?? 14000+ posts doesn't leave much time for that.

functional is more "functional" than squats, bench, deads, cleans, pullups/chins, box squats, weighted dips, Gironda dips, militray press, and the list goes on but it does not include Bosu

good luck with your "functional" training on your "stability" ball....

"functional is more "functional" than squats, bench, deads, cleans, pullups/chins, box squats, weighted dips, Gironda dips, militray press, and the list goes on but it does not include Bosu"

the problem with your argument is that canuck34 already does those along with the stability ball work.

just because too many gym bunnies get hung up on core strength and stability work doesn't mean it isn't valuable.

canuck34, your advice is appreciated bro.