Thoughts on Karv Maga?

Good times...

krav maga = thumbs down

Ryan Delorenzo fought a Krav Mega guy in shooto st.louis that was part of the Israeli special forces and that now lives in St. Louis. This guy had a school and was all over the news. They were acting like he was the deadliest man alive and all sorts of Jedi b.s. He also was supposed to be 7-1 in Muay Thai.

Anways Ryan knocked him out cold at 1:20 in the first round. He was out for a long time. The whole place was in awe of what happened. I just said I told you so...

I think krav mega is good if you want to surprise someone but I sucker punch is good for that too.

I also know some mma schools that call themselves krav mega but are really mostly bjj and muay thai. The name brings in people though.

sorry to interupt but but most of you always surmise what a real life and death would turn out to be , there is no absolute truth in real fights no matter who you are, the most regular things ive experienced though is 1.) the one who hits the most and doesnt stop wins2.)fighting is only 5-15 seconds unless its not realfighting not like bs ive seen where people trashtalk (sorry in the U.S.) the only culture ive seen where people can actually shout at each other and not hit and hurt each other (matured democracy)3.)dnt think just because your good at all ranges you will be covered in a real fight the pace is different and the danger is way more ----The reason why i like krav maga is not because of the techniques but the principles. It is learn fast get a base martial art and build on it. believe it or not a lot of us are sheltered from real combat even me but unfortunately my fuckups are archived (sorry). Btw im not a krav maga practitioner im a Gracie barra black belt and an instructor of various FMA arts search my name on the internet (alvin aguilar), sorry for the troll but take this from somebody whose been shot 3x with an m-16 and stabbed numerous times etc. ad nausem with no bs, dont knock what u havent seen.ive learned so much from this forum just thoguht id give something back

So KM sounds like something Emil Boztepe might teach. An art so deadly, it can not be tested against other arts because people would die?

Thank you bjjbomb. Just because Krav isn't useful in mma doesn't mean its a "gimmick" or something that has no value. It can be very beneficial for many people.

deadreddread and dogface seem like they need to move to a safer area. Ever thought of downtown bagdad?

Seriously, where do you guys live? Honest answers please.

Are you seriously telling me that if someone tries to mug you your going to kill them?

Best defence against being mugged is not walking alone in dangerous areas, walking in a confident manor when you do have to walk about and not stupidly stopping to give someone the time when the ask

serious question,

how do practice an eye gouge? How many eyes has your intructor gouged out?.

I just bring this up because I saw some similar thinking in wing chun, "throat strike, fight over" etc etc.

But how do practice a "lethal" technique if you can never actually train it at 100% against a resisting opponent?

throat strikes, eye gouges, etc sound great, but I am doubting anyone teached them if they have never actually crushed a trachea/gouged out some eyeballs etc...

Ever seen the fake KM vs. BJJ write ups?

They usually include,"I then proceded to motion a kick to the throat to show what would be my finishing manuever."


JackFunk -

The "lethal" techniques are stopped a good 3" before the strikes land. Eyes gouges are simulated by "hovering" the fingers over the eyelids, etc.

This practice creates a false sense of distance and security. Guys who train in this "lethal" style tend to walk around thinking they're Jason Bourne.

Krav as well as "efficient" TMA's often profess this "straight line" theory stuff that seamlessly links "lethal" moves together straight from the onset of the attack. In reality, you wont seamlessly flow through attacks (what Kravists call Reztev). You'll probably need to tussle a bit before you land your finisher. Krav ignores this.

You'll also hear a lot about the "fragility" of the human body from Kravists. Stuff about 7 pounds crushing the trachea, 8 pounds tearing the ears completely off. I even read a Krav book that professes the ability to RIP THE COLLARBONES OUT!111 with the bare hands. Remember that shit karate instructors used to say about palm striking the nose twice to cause instant death?

While sure, taking a shot in the larynx is not a good idea, there's absolutely no proof of krav's silly claims that you'll die if someone lightly touches your neck.

I might seem to have a low opinion of Krav, but i dont think its useless. I really just think a true fighter should have some sparring-hardened toughness under his belt for when his THROAT STRIKE REZTEV COMBOOOO!! fails to kill his opponent in a seamless blur.

so....whats better gi or no gi ?


Half-gi, def.

KM sounds a lot like Kenpo Go Shin Jitsu, Buk Sing Choy Lay Fut or Wing Chun..So deadly no one can practice it's deadly moves on a game opponent without getting hurt..LOL

The first post in the link above is pretty much my take on the eternal Street vs Sport debate.

I personally can't speak for every Krav Maga school, but the one that I train at, we learn mostly boxing and kickboxing techniques. We actually spar with some of the techniques that we learn in class, but we leave out the dirty stuff like eye gouges, throat strikes and groin strikes, etc, but for the most part, we spar with the techniques that we learn in class.

Does anybody have any opinions about Moni Azik's krav maga? I belive he was a soldier in the Israeli military. Thanks in advance.

Moni taught Carlos Newton, real bad-ass