Thoughts on MuayThai v. SanDa

lies, lies and more lies.... not you JumpKick. what a crock of shit!? hey JK, see how it's like Wonder Woman with the bulletproof bracelets deflecting bullets? only with a horrible body?

"The san da fighter's alliance which not only has a web page but has a rate card for instructon on the web page doesn't actually exist and doesn't actually offer instruction?"

This is for training with John, not Mark.

"A trainer who is respected and runs a successful gym walks up to me out of the blue at an event and tells me he was promised a match with a NYSD fighter by a certain person who, until recently kept pics of all those NYSD fighters on their web page, but it didnt' really happen? He imagined it all?"

Sure, Mark always trys to get friends fights. Promises fight? I doubt it. Some of his friends are on your team. But, that has nothing to do with Mark teaching at Kings Way - no point in bringing it up.

An official who works for a major KB body who I have known for years walks up to me at Mark Negron's first event and tells me something because it never actually happened?

I don't even know what this means so, I can't respond except that it seems to have nothing to do with Mark Teaching at Kings Way.

Mark, no need for insults dude. Take the higher road.

Sambo Steve, I guess your friendship puts on blinders at times. That's not calling you a liar, it's just that you aren't seeing my point of view. I see no point in going on with this thread but if you want details, feel free to email me....

"That's not calling you a liar, it's just that you aren't seeing my point of view."

I see your POV, just don't agree with it. If you have any details you would share with me via e-mail, you can post it. If it were anything relevent, I would post it anyway.

I have a dream....

...that one day we can have an intelligent discussion of the sport of San Shou and/or San Da without it devolving into another of these pointless bitch-fests. I think we all have gotten the picture, you guys don't get along. Can we move along now?

Steve, we've seen these "details" before. lies and fabrications. that's the MO. when the truth stings, throw some crap into the fan to try and make everyone stink.

KK, I agree. and your words carry a lot of weight with me, as you must know. but there is good reason that this type of thing keeps coming up. yeah, it's a "he started it" type of thing. but if you saw a bully picking on someone in the street, you step in. right? jaipetch posted something and was called "ignorant" for it. we all know the rest. that's how I see it and I mean absolutely no disrespect by not taking your advice.

ted, can you imagine how a guy with 36 posts feels when he tries to contribute to the forum and someone jumps on his ass? I suspect he'll think twice next time before offering his two cents. which pisses me off even more. it's just f'in pathetic how some people feed their egos when they know they are useless.

Sambo Steve,

I don't want to drag anyone who isn't aware into the fray, but a certain trainer who isn't crazy and is well respected showed up in Atlantic City expecting his student to face "NYSD Fighter X". It was even supposed to be for a title. He didn't dream that idea up, he was promised that fight.

By speaking for someone that he has no authority to speak for, he made "NYSD Fighter X" look bad. He made the gym look bad. He also wasted the time of the other trainer and the other fighter.

You'll see some intersting things happen in the near future, and I don't want to speak about them yet. But I found out because of them that once again Mr Negron promised fighters for a card, and the fighters didn't have any idea what was going on. In this case, it involved a fight that was about to be sanctioned by a certain commission and luckily we resolved the issue before it created a problem.

If you can't see the problem in those actions, well, you are never gonna get my point of view.

More importantly, ask yourself why he's making promises that clearly he can't deliver on, speaking for those he has no business speaking for. Pretty obvious answer, he's desperate to look relevant..

Negron can talk trash about me all day and night, and guys like Jump Kick can join in for fun. None of it changes the facts. I've been in this sport since day one, and promoting since 1994. And I have developed into one of the major promotions in the country.

When I was sitting ringside in Baltimore during US vs Russia, where was Negron?

When in 1994 I introduced San Shou/San Da to the northeast, where was Negron?

ETC ETC. Reality check, Negron is a johnny-come-lately and not even a very successful one. Earlier I listed the talent that has fought on my shows, the teams that have competed in my tournaments. We both know that nothing Negron has done comes close.

If Negron is really "one of the community" why do none of the major San Da teams support him?

How many athletes attended Negron's Muay Thai tournament?

I could go on, but I suspect you understand the point well enough

"I should be happy that at least you're not accusing me of molesting them like in the other thread"

Show this to anyone and ask them what they thinks it means. You don't see the big picture. If you read my post, you would see I acknowledged that you might be playing with words and you seem to have confirmed that.

It's funny how you duck every issue I bring up in my posts, how do you live with yourself? You may have been around for a long time, but that's not much to gloat about. You've been making enemies for just as long, and losing the respect of your students, collegues, follow TMA stylests, the commission, journalists, fighters and everyone else you deal with.

Absolutely pathetic ho you duck the undergroud issue now that you KNOW I have even more good reasons to call you out as a hypocrite. You have a lot of shit to talk until someone calls you out, then it's "whatever" or you seem to get distracted and ignore the heat. Hahaha.

LOL @ Ross.


This is boring, I'm going to check out some porn.

Be sure it's Thai porn and not Chinese. The Chinese just copied their porn off the Thais.

ttt for porn (no national preference, I say let the market decide)

"I hope this thread is deleted."

Why? It's buried in the kickboxing forum. Nobody comes here anyway, maybe you can't resist clicking on it and becoming depressed?





Don't touch my Monkey!!

Is that me?? :D I look better than I thought.

well maybe the San Da vs Muay Thai fighters at the Battle of Brooklyn
on Saturday will solve this debate once and for all!!!

Who is "NYSD fighter X" and who was he promised to fight? I know
most of the people that fought at that show and I didn't hear anything
about a title fight that didn't happen.

TTT for some good fights (guaranteed to be better than these internet
ones) on Saturday at both B.O.B and the amateur mma in NJ.

I'll take on a Muay Thai guy.