Till goes Instagram live with chimaev. Pulls knife

LOL, I get it. But it looks like a cellphone pic taken from 30k feet above the Octagon. I honestly couldn’t tell you who is who.

That is the most ridiculous facial hair lol

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Yeah, its the guy that jumped the fence and sucker punched conor after the Khabib fight

I posed their earlier:
On one hand we have religious zealots doing something in the name of religion. On the other hand, we have people that will fight to defend the honor of their woman. Both based on value systems. I’d imagine the defending the women scenario is happening much more regularly than Islamists confronting Mohammed artists or defamers.

Is this not true?

The same personality types are defending “honor” in both scenarios. Muslims that will go full jihad are far outnumbered by dorks that will go absolute batshit over “disrespect”.

With that said, I do believe we should have a hierarchy of which foreign Citizens we believe integrate the best. I’d say, generally speaking, Muslims are at the bottom of the list.


I don’t believe in killing people in the name of Mohammed. In no way is it justifiable to kill over that nonsense.

I don’t have issue with not wanting those that would kill over “disrespecting” Mohammed. Are you lumping in people that won’t disavow into the same category as those doing the killings?

You’re right. It ultimately comes down to value systems and how compatible they are. We may think we’re doing the right thing by allowing them into the West but ultimately we can end up doing far more harm than good. At present I think that they sometimes get an unfair shake but that is only due to their numbers. If the percentage of them were to go from say 2% currently up to say, 20-30-50 % without any shadow of a doubt things would deteriorate into absolute fucking mayhem . Mob mentally would take over . There would be essentially a war. Thousands of people would die. That’s a guarantee. Just look at the Hindu’s and tootsies. The suni and Shia.
Do I lump them in the same category. No.but it’s a very, very fine line and I don’t think it’s to much to ask while veting them.
It’s not like I would expect them to change the majority of their beliefs. For example I have no issues with them wearing burkas and things like that .
I don’t expect people to change their beliefs or cultural traditions but I do appreciate when immigrants make a genuine effort to assimilate.
I would appreciate that they disavowed their own for things like that.
Here’s an example that’s not quite exactly the same but close. I’m Australian. Nothing pisses me off more than Aussies that won’t work that are capable. They’re just dole bludgers. There is no racial stereotypes that even come close to pissing me off more than the hatred I have for Aussies that refuse to get a job.( barring extrem Muslim act’s of violence).
Point is I try to hold my own race to a high/higher standard. It makes us all look bad. It’s conceivable to me that other cultures can and probably should do the same.
I’d take the side of any illegal immigrant of any race that’s working over any Australian that refused to get a job. Even my own sister falls into that category

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You sound very practical. Logical too.

I agree with your points too. My hope is that our governments will stop virtue signaling and do what is actually best for its citizens.

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I’m glad we could understand each other.
Most people seem to be on the extremes of the argument. I don’t think it’s really a problem at all at the moment but that’s just due to numbers. It could go from the smallest problem to the biggest problem. It’s just something everyone needs to be aware of. Prevention is really the only thing you can do. If it becomes a problem then theirs absolutely nothing we will be able to do to fix it.
We can be aware of the risks without being bigots and racists

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