Tim Sylvia vs Pride.

What up Jon Kerry, did you want to talk in person?

Come on boy, give up your number and we can discuss your infatuation with me in person

LOL @ you wanting to fight him just because he is kicking your ass in this thread

UFCs HW division is the worst in the sport. Nuff said. Well maybe there's some SHW division in KOTC or something

"What up Jon Kerry, did you want to talk in person?
Come on boy, give up your number and we can discuss your infatuation with me in person.

I know your reply, it will be everything but your number."

"LOL @ you wanting to fight him just because he is kicking your ass in this thread"

It doesn't say anything about fighting - just an attempt to get the digits and maybe a date.

"LOL. Tell that to Erikson, Braga, Overeem, etc."

Yeah, those guys have almost as many KO and standing TKO wins as Tim Sylvia does, too.

"Orcus, could you hurry up and make a "WERDUM = MOST OVERRATED FIGHTER IN THE GP"

I would, except I don't seem him being rated that highly by very many.

Could you hurry up and make some more posts "lol"ing at UFC?

"And yeah I saw the fight with Ausserio Silva, it went the distance and Ausserio was never even close to being KO'd"

ok so he sucks because he didnt stop silva? not all fights end in a stoppage

"Using Pride rules and Pride scoring Minotauro beat Ricco. Minotauro attempted the finish the fight while Ricco attempted to stall"

ricco had just as many sub attempts as nog and dominated the takedowns, standup, striking and gnp... he was robbed

"Why do you use personal insults in every post? Chill out and learn to talk like a human being."

because the delusional hate of tim and disrespect of his skills and accomplishments sicken me... yoshida and aleks have done NOTHING in mma to compare to sylvia

"Fabricio "Spent 20 minutes buttscooting against a sick, injured Kharitonov rather than stand" Werdum."

Heh, pay that.

So. It's safe to say your not Tim Sylvia's biggest fan hey John Kerry.

"Your a no class fag that enjoys provoking people for a reaction. Why is your life so lame?"

Nick: Sounds like you've met him before.

What sub attempts did Ricco have in the fight? He stalled, his ground and pound was meaningless and besides a few lame flying knees he did nothing on the feet.

Ausserio Silva is no where near a top 10 HW yet Sylvia had a tough time with him meaning Silva landed significant strikes and was able to EASILY last the whole 3 rounds with Tim.

"How do you think Tim would do against a guy like Arona?"

Arona is a LHW and Tim is a HW. The fact that you say Tim Sylvia is the best champion in MMA really tells us a lot.

"The fact that you say Tim Sylvia is the best champion in MMA really tells us a lot."

that you hate on a HW with a 21-2 record or whatever that's beat two legit top 5 fighters?

That's about all I'm getting from the people on here at the moment. No logic just a lot of stupid pointless negative bullshit.

"Ausserio Silva is no where near a top 10 HW yet Sylvia had a tough time with him meaning Silva landed significant strikes and was able to EASILY last the whole 3 rounds with Tim."

he hung 3 rounds with tim and didnt get KO'd

props to assuerio

yves watch the dvd, he gos for several subs and dominates every other aspect. it was a bogus decision, politically pride couldnt have ricco win that fight

Put him in there with Hunt, first round.

Fellas some of you need to wake up take your nose out of Tim Sylvia's ass and smell the coffee. I can not believe anyone here would honestly believe that Tim would be ranked anywhere in the final 8 of the OWGP. He can not and will never beat any of those fighters. Fabricio "Go Horse" Werdum is training in one of the top fighters camp in the world and actually instructing Cro Cop in BJJ. If you are a true mma fan and follow these fighters the absolute improvement in Werdum's striking was one of the biggest surprises of the entire first round against a very good kick boxer in Overeem. He brought the fight to him, took some shots and beat him in his own game. Tim Sylvia has no ground skills that I have witnessed. I am not saying anything disrespectful I like Andre but he has no chin at all. I am not impressed with Sylvia beating him he is way overrated. I'm just saying if you watched these fights last week these guys dish out and take punishment so much more intense than any hw fights I've seen in the UFC. Tim has balls just for being there, and I respect him for his ordeal with Mir, It just is not the same caliber of fighters here period in that division.

Kerry I can not believe some of these people really buy into the Sylvia band wagon. I have bad news if Randy Courture decides to unretire and fight in the HW division there will be a new champ "The Natural". I am not convinced that Monson couldn't get that Tim to the ground and tear his shoulder apart in a kimura. I am not disrespecting Tim just feel that division is pathetic and to compare to Pride not realistic.

Kerry with you all the way, my predictions are that Pride wants Fedor, Cro Cop, Big Nog, and Yoshida(or either Japenses fighters) in the finals. Here is the match ups in round 2: main event Yoshida vs Fujita guarentees 1 of the Jap fighters get in, Cro Cop vs Hunt billed as revenge fight for Cro Cop and rubber match and really only fighter I think Hunt can beat, Werdum vs Big Nog battle of 2 Brazilian BJJ masters, and finally Fedor vs Barnett, Barnett called him out and announced to the crowd Fedor you are already dead, revenge factor involved here as well. What do you think? Could be some upsets Hunt beat Cro Cop once could do it again, Werdum could handle BiG Nog on Ground, Fedor coming off injury and Barnett is rolling, I do not care so much for the other fight one of the Jap fighters will get in.

Crap Kerry I think Tim Sylvia if called up right now could beat any of the above fighters and take this whole thing? I hope they do not call him.

kerry if sylvia beats fedor youd just say its just proof of how much fedor sucks

carry on you two clueless bitter haters...

"Sylvia essentially got KO'd while winning his last fight"

Wow, then I guess Wanderlei has "essentially" been KO'd in half of his wins, including those against killer strikers like Sakuraba and Shungo Oyama.

Tim would get destroyed by the top PRIDE heavyweights.

fedor almost got KO'd by fujita... sylvias combos would have stopped him

deal with it

Fujita ias a very hard puncher. He KO'd Ibrahim and Thompson with his heavy hands. A punch like the one Fujita landed on Fedor would of knocked out Arlovski or Sylvia easily.

So Tim Sylvia can't stop Ausserio Silva, gets armbarred by Frank Mir in one round, but would beat Fedor.

By the way, Fedor was very cocky in the Fujita fight, swinging hisarms around to taunt Fujita. Look at how he fought in the Cro Cop fight, Cro Cop's K-1 caliber striking could not hurt Fedor in a significant way. Fedor is not completely unstoppable but it will take more than Tim Sylvia to stop him.

Fedor will lose when someone can take him down and get good position on him without being reversed. Someone like a bigger Ricardo Arona with more finishing skills and slightly better takedowns.

And is Tim Sylvia really that important in your life? The factthat people don't give praise and much respect to Tim Sylvia on the internet makes you "sick?" Its ridiculous to come on here and call everyone an idiot that doesn't believe Tim Sylvia is the top HW in the world. Because the general belief among serious MMA fans is that he is not. Check any credible rankings and they will agree.

I don't think any of us really know who would win between any of these heavyweights... you just don't know until they fight.

But as a personal opinion, although I don't think Sylvia is the best HW in the world, he does present a difficult challenge to any other HW simply because of his size coupled with pretty good discipline nowadays.

But... who knows.