Tim Sylvia vs Pride.

He presented no difficulty to Frank Mir. He presented no difficulty to Arlovski in their first fight.

Saying Sylvia is a tough fight everytime is wrong.

tim(sloth) wouldnt stand a chance in pride i love ufc but pride fighters are better. ufc does not have the best fighters in mma i agree with that

"He KO'd Ibrahim and Thompson with his heavy hands"

irrelevant... those two are nobodies, tim KO's champions

"By the way, Fedor was very cocky in the Fujita fight, swinging hisarms around to taunt Fujita"

thats totally false... youre making this up

"And is Tim Sylvia really that important in your life?"

obviously not as important as my posts are in your life

I don't think has a chance against Fedor or Nog. Then again I don't think anyone else does either.

Pride's second level are beatable by Tim and some other UFC fighters in my opinion.

"thats totally false... youre making this up"

No I'm not. Watch the beginning of the fight before they throw any significant punches.

Jack, stop trying to make everything personal, its lame bro. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend because you always seem stressed out.

i always post from work... i am stressed

and yves i think youre being a little too sensitive here...

and believe it or not i just watched the fight yesterday and i didnt see any major taunting that caught my eye, lots of respect was shown actually (hence the FALSE)

Anyone who loses to Frank Mir is not going to be a threat in Pride. Mir who could barely beat Wes Sims and got pounded on by LHW Freeman. Now people are on Sylvias jock again because he beat Arlovski. Its a gay circular logic that Arlovski was a top guy because he beat a bunch of bums and Sylvia. Now Sylvia is a top guy because he beat glass chin Arlovski.


Fedor swings his arm tauntingly in the beginning of the fight. He isn't doing a Genki Sudo act, but he lowers his stance and swings his right arm. I'm 100 percent sure and I know someone can back me up on this.

I'm not sensitive as nothing that is said on the internet has the ability to actually offend me in real life, but its more interesting/fun to debate MMA without a random personal insult in every post, thats all.

The fact that Tim Syliva lost to Frank Mir... FRANK MIR! Who was cloberred by Ian Freeman and struggled to defeat Wes Sims... shows a lot on how he would do with a guy like Werdum, who is a better all around fighter than Mir and a MUCH better grappler.

"Posting fawning praise of Tim Sylvia on here is about all 'jacktripper' has going in his life these days."

seems almost normal compared to how you fawn on me...

"The fact that Tim Syliva lost to Frank Mir... FRANK MIR! Who was cloberred by Ian Freeman and struggled to defeat Wes Sims... "

lol... so mir sucks also?

fedor lost to kosaka... KOSAKA!

"I'm not sensitive as nothing that is said on the internet has the ability to actually offend me in real life, but its more interesting/fun to debate MMA without a random personal insult in every post, thats all."

and clueless hater wasnt a random insult, i chose my words carefully

"lol... so mir sucks also?"

Yeah pretty much. He got owned by Ian Freeman. Could barely beat Wes Sims. And just lost to a guy in his SECOND MMA fight

"fedor lost to kosaka... KOSAKA!"

Actually that was a no contest as elbows are illegal in RINGS. He also beat Kosaka in Pride

"fedor lost to kosaka... KOSAKA!"

Yeah... you see Fedor "lost" to Kosaka by an illegal elbow. RINGS had to have someone (either Kosaka or Fedor) move on to the next round and Fedor was not an option as his cut would prevent him from fighting in the next round, hence Kosaka moving on to the second round and his "win" over Fedor.

Frank Mir actually got the holy fuck beat out of him by Ian Freeman as well as Pe De Pano... in his 2nd MMA fight.

As far as clueless hater, from your posts it is obvious that most people that post here know more about MMA than you do buddy. You are anti-Pride and think Tim Sylvia could beat Fedor. Enough said :)

"Yeah pretty much. He got owned by Ian Freeman. Could barely beat Wes Sims. And just lost to a guy in his SECOND MMA fight "

pele got beat in his second fight (of course he sucks too though... )

" You are anti-Pride and think Tim Sylvia could beat Fedor. "

more make-believe from yves! wrong on both counts

"Yeah... you see Fedor "lost" to Kosaka "

yes, exactly my point

"Frank Mir actually got the holy fuck beat out of him by Ian Freeman as well as Pe De Pano... in his 2nd MMA fight"

well as i said you are a clueless hater... therefore you will hate cluelessly. freeman pounded the crap out of barreto and see my above post re: pele (but of course all of them probably suck according to you)

"I'm not sensitive as nothing that is said on the internet has the ability to actually offend me in real life, but its more interesting/fun to debate MMA without a random personal insult in every post, thats all. "

yep... overly sensitive

"pele got beat in his second fight (of course he sucks too though..."

No he didnt. You should check your facts before spouting off or try to do some weak D level trolling

"well as i said you are a clueless hater... therefore you will hate cluelessly. freeman pounded the crap out of barreto and see my above post re: pele (but of course all of them probably suck according to you)"

Barreto? Oh my god! The same Barreto that Yvel KTFO? Or Vovchanchyn beat? Wow im impressed.

"pele got beat in his second fight (of course he sucks too though... )"

First of all... the point was that Mir lost to Pe de Pano in Pe de Pano's second fight. Meaning the more experienced Mir lost to the less experience Pe de Pano. I can clear it up some more if you'd like? And as far as Pele, his first loss came in his 8th fight.

"more make-believe from yves! wrong on both counts"

A few posts ago you said that Fujita rocked Fedor and that Tim Sylvia would KO him.

"freeman pounded the crap out of barreto"

LOL!!! Freeman beat Carlos Baretto in Hook n Shoot by decision. Carlos is 1-4 in his last five fights my good friend Jack. Ian is a natural LHW and beat the shit out of former UFC HW champ Frank Mir. Did I mention that Pe de Pano also TKO'd him easily in his 2nd MMA fight?

"yep... overly sensitive"

I couldn't see what you wrote through all the tears in my eyes, you'll have to repeat yourself please :)

So who is your favorite TUF fighter Jack?

Zuluzinho would snap Tim's other arm

good trolling sakuuu

"So who is your favorite TUF fighter Jack?"

diego sanchez

"I couldn't see what you wrote through all the tears in my eyes, you'll have to repeat yourself please :) "

enough with your feelings and sensitivities... im not your therapist

bla bla bla... everyone sucks to you guys, this is getting old, hate on

lol @ you ignoring all the other points in which you were owned.

ttt for Pele's 2nd fight and Ian Freeman's brutal destruction of Carlos "1-4 in my last 5" Baretto.