Time for 3 min rounds post usada

Son of Neckbone - I prefer 5 rounds, 3 minutes each, no standups unless there is flagrant stalling. This would also help with getting a more accurate representation of the score.
This. Would defo help with scoring and possibly more action packed fights? Strikers more likely to go for KO against a wrestler knowing they have less time on the ground if they get taken down. Wrestlers and BJJ guys attack more on the ground knowing they have less time to set up Phone Post 3.0

Daniel Gallemore - Oklahoma has pros do 3min rounds, 2min for ammys. I think they typically do 5 rounds for pros though. Phone Post 3.0
Well Oklahoma is gay. Phone Post 3.0

Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

Daniel Gallemore - Oklahoma has pros do 3min rounds, 2min for ammys. I think they typically do 5 rounds for pros though. Phone Post 3.0
That sucks Phone Post 3.0

1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0
U guys understand it's impossible to give anything near max effort for 15 min right? The whole fight will basically be a jog or a brief sprint and then walking. Phone Post 3.0

gokudamus -
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0
U guys understand it's impossible to give anything near max effort for 15 min right? The whole fight will basically be a jog or a brief sprint and then walking. Phone Post 3.0
I understand. Artificial breaks in the action created by "rounds" is nonsensical for fighting. Phone Post 3.0

1800champagne -
gokudamus -
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0
U guys understand it's impossible to give anything near max effort for 15 min right? The whole fight will basically be a jog or a brief sprint and then walking. Phone Post 3.0
I understand. Artificial breaks in the action created by "rounds" is nonsensical for fighting. Phone Post 3.0
Apart from the perfect sense he's just written? Phone Post 3.0

20min fight. No rest. Phone Post 3.0

1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

Bivabiva -
1800champagne -
gokudamus -
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0
U guys understand it's impossible to give anything near max effort for 15 min right? The whole fight will basically be a jog or a brief sprint and then walking. Phone Post 3.0
I understand. Artificial breaks in the action created by "rounds" is nonsensical for fighting. Phone Post 3.0
Apart from the perfect sense he's just written? Phone Post 3.0
Depends on whether you want mma to be more fight-like or more sport-like. Phone Post 3.0

1800champagne - 
gokudamus -
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0
U guys understand it's impossible to give anything near max effort for 15 min right? The whole fight will basically be a jog or a brief sprint and then walking. Phone Post 3.0
I understand. Artificial breaks in the action created by "rounds" is nonsensical for fighting. Phone Post 3.0

not really...most real street fights are done in like a minute because there is no time limit and you arent waiting for someone else to gas and you dont pace yourself, which all happens when you introduce rounds either way.....so make them shorter and it will actually mimick a street fights...its counter intuitive but its the reality...

Morgz - 
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

no fights ever go 15 minutes

I see both sides

3 minute rounds seems like it would give way to too many guys edging, and stalling to win rounds. 



gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

no fights ever go 15 minutes

Occasionally they do, but it isn't common.  Even better.  Fights will run their natural course, and end in a reasobable amount of time, or no more than 15 minutes, max.

Morgz - 
gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

no fights ever go 15 minutes

Occasionally they do, but it isn't common.  Even better.  Fights will run their natural course, and end in a reasobable amount of time, or no more than 15 minutes, max.

occasionally they do?when..i dont think ive seen a 1:1 fight go for more than 5 minutes in my life

keithws2 -
mennis65 - 7 minute abs. Phone Post 3.0

Will absolutely blow 8 minute Abs out of the water!

Unless someone of course comes up with 6 minute Abs....

No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.

gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

no fights ever go 15 minutes

Occasionally they do, but it isn't common.  Even better.  Fights will run their natural course, and end in a reasobable amount of time, or no more than 15 minutes, max.

occasionally they do?when..i dont think ive seen a 1:1 fight go for more than 5 minutes in my life

Ryan vs Tico....over a half hour

Morgz - 
gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
gokudamus - 
Morgz - 
1800champagne - Time for one 15 minute or 25 minute round. Phone Post 3.0

The sport is supposed to be simulating a fight. There are no breaks in fights. Phone Post 3.0

no fights ever go 15 minutes

Occasionally they do, but it isn't common.  Even better.  Fights will run their natural course, and end in a reasobable amount of time, or no more than 15 minutes, max.

occasionally they do?when..i dont think ive seen a 1:1 fight go for more than 5 minutes in my life

Ryan vs Tico....over a half hour

thats preusada, bro

also, not an eventful action packed fight

Rudi - 5 minute rounds 90 seconds rest. Phone Post 3.0
Proving that black guys have less cardio...
Rudi Pining for more rest....TYPICAL Phone Post 3.0