MMA Underground Forums

Time For Another UG Gameplan

"Watch out for your opponents punches."

ttt Phone Post 3.0

Don't wipe your ass well for two days before the fight. Should make you irritable.You'll be red and sore, but coupled with the weight cut, you'll be in beast mode.

Also, order some Brazilian cats off the internet. Eat their turds like brown cheetos. This should counteract any toxoplasmosis, and hence agressiveness, advantage he may have. Raw ass plus Brazilian cat turds = keys to victory here.

Finally, if he talks about the Bible, Jesus, etc., stare off into space, but in his general direction, and make that high pitched droning noise from the invasion of the body snatchers made-for-tv movie.

Good luck

Punch him in the face. Phone Post

just (make him) bleed

shootfightermike -


This gif is pure gold. Best part is the guy smoking his cig like he doesn't give a fuck Phone Post


Pessimist_Pete -
shootfightermike -


This gif is pure gold. Best part is the guy smoking his cig like he doesn't give a fuck Phone Post

Not a cig bro. Phone Post

Bat21 -

Just bang, bro.

Avoid this. Phone Post


three punch combos, left, right, left, low kicks. hands up always. constantly pressure and move forward. dont shoot for the takedown, he might throw knees a lot. use the clinch to wear him down and trip him against the cage and pressure him with punches and elbows against the fence until a sub opens up or the ref stops it. he will break beforw you. guaranteed. always come from different angles amd keep him busy. Phone Post

PrettyBoy - 
Pessimist_Pete -
shootfightermike -


This gif is pure gold. Best part is the guy smoking his cig like he doesn't give a fuck Phone Post

Not a cig bro. Phone Post

That's not Lorenzo Fertitta smoking that non-cig.












Or is it?!?

Flying gogoplata. No one can defend. Phone Post

Beatdown Inc - Time to improve your look and demeanor.

Last fight my girl said "he looks like an asshole" & "doesn't look like he's trying very hard to win this."

I said "lol hey hold up, he's actually a pretty down to earth guy, but I agree with the latter."

Always enjoy watching you fight (cept the last fight was pretty blah) so I will be rooting for you as usual!

As far as changing my girl's "asshole" opinion, what can we do? New hairstyle? Smiling more? Telling my girl to fuck off live before the fight?

Let's see what works and good luck!
All fights can't be exciting I guess. It takes two to tango.

Changing her opinion, lol no clue. Can't judge people off looks unless your pretty shallow.

I'll be "trying" to win this one Phone Post 3.0

Kneeblock -

Bro, do not take this fight lightly. Mutante is legit as they come and has been around quite awhile. He's going to be strong on the ground, but moreso from the top than the bottom. Watch TUF Brazil to see him in action.

He's a southpaw, but his hands aren't really as much of a danger as his kicks. 

Circle left to get an angle and then work your single to push him into the cage and transition to a double. Guy's got a long reach so you want to dirty box with him and keep the fight ugly. Look out for his clinch game, stay at an angle and work single to double rather than going straight for the bodylock. Keep this guy's back on either the cage or the mat!

Good luck!

I don't take any fight likely, ever. My last few fights I've had some fun asking the UG their opinion on a gameplan.

I have coaches I pay quite a bit and we have a plan. It's just always fun to see other people's perspective.

Cezar has been at it quite a while. So have I. I took this fight because I expect it to be hard, not because I think I'll walk over him. In on a 4 fight win streak and just fought weeks ago. I could have easily said "no" but this fight interests me because its a challenge Phone Post 3.0

Well, looks like my gameplan has went out the window :) Phone Post 3.0

He does throw a good straight left and kicks well too.

Move to your left away from his power

Use jab to set up the clinch an wear out that guys HUGE SHOULDERS!

He has freakishly big shoulders, I'd try and gas him out in the clinch blow up those shoulders and see if it slows him down.

Tire him with wrasslin and finish him on top GNP or standing strikes!

Great last fight with nick! Phone Post

New opponent Rafael natal.....GO Phone Post 3.0