Tired Of Cheap MMA Fans!

I don't like people whining about the events being worth the money but I fully respect eveyone's responsibility to manage their finances and make those decisions we all make on what to spend our money on.

I have had to limit my hobbies (mainly due to not enough time to follow them all) and the wife allows me a couple I can follow at all costs. MMA being one of them. She has actually got into it and has attended the UFC and watches some of the fights she is interested in with me.

I did not get the NBA season pass so that money is well spent on the MMA events. Whatever choices people make, please don't bitch about not getting your money's worth. Every sport has good games/fights and bad ones.


lmao at this guy spending 1000$ a month for lunch and then giving out financial advice. save it.

if the event puts out a good product, or reasonable expectation of one, i'll buy it. if they try to sell me some of the shit you're pushing, they can keep it.

if i live in san diego do i need to buy season tickets to the chargers?