Tito accuses Anderson of knocking him out with an illegal strike

Tito sounds desperate for another payday. From challenging Logan Paul to this…I don’t believe he has any real confidence that he could actually win a boxing match. Is he hurting for money or what? Or maybe he just sees that the freak show boxing circuit is where it’s at right now. Unfortunately, he has no business in the ring with those guys. Maybe try challenging Jose Canseco. He may be still looking for a win, and Tito is easy money.

You should lighten up bro.Nothing HKP said is not true.Maybe you are just not educated on their separation or what went on before Tito got 100% custody of their two kids and a restraining order placed against her.

He had to prove in court that she was an unfit mother,and he did just that.


Silva cracked Tito’s skull!!!


He got hit so hard in the front of the head that Tito is feeling it in the back of his head


My first thought. Dude comes out and thanks Anderson for being an amazing dude, 24 hours later he’s a piece of shit who cheated to get the win.


Sweet sweet mother of fuck! Why didnt the story just end there? Is it different if it’s clicked and read at the source or something? That one sentence was just re-chewed and re-shitted. At least lorem Ipsum is useful!

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I wouldn’t say that. He is on a short list of fighters I dislike completely.

So much percocet

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lol not sure you have a good argument about a punch to the back of the head being illegal when it was caused by you already being ko’d and falling past your opponent face first into the turnbuckle, throwing off his timing and intended area of strike a little.

Tito just needs to admit the truth and congratulate Anderson for being the #1 light heavyweight on the night


The 1st shot put him out. And it wasn’t close to the back of the head


I fucking love Tito, I’ve met him many times And he’s the best most awesome person I’ve ever met.
And I really think he’s telling the truth here but not because I love him so much lol

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Lol…literally a joke bro…I was lightened.


those punches from tito were so slow and ineffective it looked like he was pretending to punch like you would if you were play fighting a toddler.


“tito tell em what i do so well”


“Everything you’ve ever achieved is with your mouth!!”

Just a sample of Jenna slinging dirt on Tito and this is not even the part where she called the cops on him.

I watched again in slow motion, the first shot hurt for sure but Tito was still in it, then Anderson clocks him full power to the back of the head, you call it a grazing shot, I see much more. Maybe another angle would help.

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His head hurts not from the punch to the back of the head, but likely now with age old nagging injuries come back to haunt you and perhaps it’s just his cracked skull injury rearing up again lol

Tito does this all the time, nothing new, he does seem like he would be a decent guy to his fans though. But when he speaks it’s really hard not to laugh at the shit he says, it’s entertaining. He is still a legend of the sport and a huge reason the UFC didn’t go belly up back in the day.

Jenna was bad judgment, feel bad for Tito actually, he couldn’t see that a trashy porn star would fuck him in other ways? Her posting a picture of some syringes and a prescription? Well the script looks to be an NSAID so stronger Advil lol, and some syringes that anyone can walk in and buy for anything. Show me a vial of testosterone or deca or some shit beside the syringes bitch lol

A couple of needles that could be for anything and a bottle of ibuprofen? Woah! Call the narcs!