top 10 athletes in the world right now


A very interesting list...and no women. Floyd made the list but nobody from any other combat sport, especially mma. I pretty much dislike the list, though. Thought a gymnast should've been on the list...

I'd say the list is pretty decent (I thought for sure I'd see Tiger on there somewhere and was glad I didn't);

10 - Alex Rodriguez New York Yankees

09 - Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, FC Barcelona

08 - Jeremy Wariner, 400-meter sprinter

07 - Liu Xiang, 110-meter hurdler

06 - Sidney Crosby, Pittsburgh Penguins

05 - Roger Federer, tennis

04 - LaDainian Tomlinson, San Diego Chargers

03 - Floyd Mayweather, boxer

02 - LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers

01 - Roman Sebrle, decathlete

Very interesting to see these kind of lists. My impression is that people judge based upon individual sports not athleticism. If you were to say who is the best hockey player, arguably Sidney Crosby is that person but is he the best athlete in the NHL? I don't think so. Skills in one sport and athleticism are not necessarily the same thing. One drastically helps the other but I think they can be individually assessed. For example Wayne Gretzky was the best hockey player for over almost a decade but he would never be considered the best athlete. He had skill and speed...he lacked strength and stamina, IMO.

If Roman Sebrle is ranked ahead of the sprinter and hurdler, Anderson Silva and GSP should be ranked ahead of PBF.

I think Faber could be on this list if PBF was. You could say the same about GSP or Anderson, maybe even Torres. If you are looking at all round athletic attributes, I don't think pbf would have a better blend than Faber or GSP.