Top WWE Wrestler trashes UFC fanbase

Sure, WWE fans are fickle. But trust me when I say this, UFC fans are worse. We came into this used to fickle. #LoyaltyIsEverything


Is this her being salty that Ronda was getting booed?

Jones right nostril - Is this her being salty that Ronda was getting booed?

Appears so</p>

Jones right nostril - Is this her being salty that Ronda was getting booed?

They put the belt on her, WAY too fast. You'd think they'd learn by now.

Well we saw how she handled getting booed last night lol, we all know she cant handle rejection and will take it super personally.

It’s too bad because Ronda was cutting great promos on Becky. And Vice versa, that busted face made Becky’s career. For someone who’s been in the company less than year Ronda is excelling at a phenomenal pace. 

   When Ronda takes on Jax they’ll be on her side again. She has Heyman helping her write her stuff. She’ll be fine. 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

Wait who’s the wrestling superstar that trashed UFC fans? 

Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

“fake Rassl’in” is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

LOL. Baszler’s still crying about how viewers hated her on TUF and afterwards? I thought she was “playing the heel”? Don’t you want to be booed then?

OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

I thought Rhonda was going to love WWE until they asked her to lose and her petulant child behaviour would start again.

I don't think it matters getting injured for a fake fight or a real fight if it's how you pay your bills it's risk you have to take.

To be fair she's not really wrong but it's not a mma fan thing it's a thing of fans of everything from sports to TV hard fans of anything are the worst.

(oops, hit 'post' button accidentally... carry on, wrestling fans...)

MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

I would put CTE easily as big of a deal in pro wrestling as it is in fighting. It’s not as bad now as they try to be super careful about screening for it, but it’s still a very significant issue.

But injuries aside:

Pro wrestling and fighting are both entertainment businesses - they only matter if you can get butts in seats and eyeballs on video.

A belt in MMA is indicative of the most skilled & best fighter. A “fake belt” in pro wrestling is indicative (most of the time, depends on the booking) of the best entertainer.

A belt in MMA might show that you’re the best in your class, but it doesn’t mean people care. And if people don’t care, you don’t get paid - ask Demetrious Johnson.

A “fake belt” (again, most of the time) means you draw the most eyeballs. This means you also have the most earning power.

Even if you take top tier, “main event” talent out of the equation, I’d be willing to be that “mid card” pro wrestlers, when compared to “mid card” pro fighters, make more money, have more skills translatable to other forms of entertainment, are more marketable, and get way more exposure.

To act as if the belt is all that’s at play or matters here is a silly argument.

Ronda looked legit pissed off that she was being booed. Her skin is too thin for WWE.

JOB - Ronda looked legit pissed off that she was being booed. Her skin is too thin for WWE.

This. Im looking forward to tonight to see you her response. 

JOB - Ronda looked legit pissed off that she was being booed. Her skin is too thin for WWE.

To some degree I think that was the point. Have her over milk the beating creating enough time for the crowd to get bored and chant. Now she can hate on the fans and turn heel. Because if they ever team her up with Shayna, Jessamyn and Marina she cant do it as a face. Plus Bayley and Sasha have been posting lots of 4 horsewomen pictures. Especially after NXT this weekend.