Top WWE Wrestler trashes UFC fanbase

Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

Shes the first to hold it twice because usually once a person wins the belt they get bumped to the main card. They usually dont make them lose it and stick around to earn it back.

And from reading comments on articles about rousey it doesnt seem like fans are happy about her being given the belt so soon. Just from youtube videos ive seen she has horrible mic skills and is not great in the ring. I was reading a site that said her matches are gone over with a fine tooth comb before she ever does a match.

I personally dont see why the hold up a belt and their whole womans division for her. She sells tickets without the belt. 

She has a point.

OJTT_Wiggy - 
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

“fake Rassl’in” is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

So is a high speed car accident, it’d also be stupid to consider yourself “champion” of.

Becky Lynch is The Man right now. 

OJTT_Wiggy -
MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

I would put CTE easily as big of a deal in pro wrestling as it is in fighting. It’s not as bad now as they try to be super careful about screening for it, but it’s still a very significant issue.

But injuries aside:

Pro wrestling and fighting are both entertainment businesses - they only matter if you can get butts in seats and eyeballs on video.

A belt in MMA is indicative of the most skilled & best fighter. A “fake belt” in pro wrestling is indicative (most of the time, depends on the booking) of the best entertainer.

A belt in MMA might show that you’re the best in your class, but it doesn’t mean people care. And if people don’t care, you don’t get paid - ask Demetrious Johnson.

A “fake belt” (again, most of the time) means you draw the most eyeballs. This means you also have the most earning power.

Even if you take top tier, “main event” talent out of the equation, I’d be willing to be that “mid card” pro wrestlers, when compared to “mid card” pro fighters, make more money, have more skills translatable to other forms of entertainment, are more marketable, and get way more exposure.

To act as if the belt is all that’s at play or matters here is a silly argument.

The average mid to lower tier WWE athlete makes more per year than a mid to lower level UFC fighter.  If we are talking indies, the I would imagine the MMA guy would probably make more.

So what’s going on with Ronda? Fans aren’t liking her like wwe thought they would?

ons ear - So what's going on with Ronda? Fans aren't liking her like wwe thought they would?

No they actually adore Ronda and truly appreciate her.

But Charlotte Flair is royalty. Ronda doesn't deserve to beat her, yet.</p>

 If Pro Wrestling is still sacred, then Flair goes over something like this



Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

I re read my post and I was being a dick. I take it back. Probably what Shayna was getting at. 

I didnt realize she was NXT women champ. Good for her being successful. 

And i I guess I did like her in mma Indy shows when she would walk out to to the ring with a guitar. 

Morgz - 
Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

I re read my post and I was being a dick. I take it back. Probably what Shayna was getting at. 

I didnt realize she was NXT women champ. Good for her being successful. 

And i I guess I did like her in mma Indy shows when she would walk out to to the ring with a guitar. 

Baszler's fighting prime was a few years before WMMA blew up thanks to Ronda Rousey.

Morgz - 
Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

I re read my post and I was being a dick. I take it back. Probably what Shayna was getting at. 

I didnt realize she was NXT women champ. Good for her being successful. 

And i I guess I did like her in mma Indy shows when she would walk out to to the ring with a guitar. 

Baszler's fighting prime was a few years before WMMA blew up thanks to Ronda Rousey.

She’s the only person in mma history to have two twister subs. She’s in a great feud with kairi sane and is a two time nxt champion, only one in womens history to do so and is extremely over. She’s 100% correct and that majority of mma “fans” are fucking garbage. 

2006 Bodog classic. Chael was referencing Jorge Masvidal's bodog days recently. </p>

<img alt="" src=""  480px; height: 270px;" />

<iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="465" src="" width="700"></iframe></p>
Ryann Von Doom -
Morgz - 
Morgz - 

Who is the “top WWE wrestler”?

and what would Bayzler know about having mma fans?

“She is the current NXT Women’s Champion in her second reign, the first woman to hold it more than once.”

I re read my post and I was being a dick. I take it back. Probably what Shayna was getting at. 

I didnt realize she was NXT women champ. Good for her being successful. 

And i I guess I did like her in mma Indy shows when she would walk out to to the ring with a guitar. 

Baszler's fighting prime was a few years before WMMA blew up thanks to Ronda Rousey.

She’s the only person in mma history to have two twister subs. She’s in a great feud with kairi sane and is a two time nxt champion, only one in womens history to do so and is extremely over. She’s 100% correct and that majority of mma “fans” are fucking garbage. 

If I recall she’s also the only person who got dominated by an opponent who didn’t deserve to breathe the same aiir

OJTT_Wiggy -
MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

I would put CTE easily as big of a deal in pro wrestling as it is in fighting. It’s not as bad now as they try to be super careful about screening for it, but it’s still a very significant issue.

But injuries aside:

Pro wrestling and fighting are both entertainment businesses - they only matter if you can get butts in seats and eyeballs on video.

A belt in MMA is indicative of the most skilled & best fighter. A “fake belt” in pro wrestling is indicative (most of the time, depends on the booking) of the best entertainer.

A belt in MMA might show that you’re the best in your class, but it doesn’t mean people care. And if people don’t care, you don’t get paid - ask Demetrious Johnson.

A “fake belt” (again, most of the time) means you draw the most eyeballs. This means you also have the most earning power.

Even if you take top tier, “main event” talent out of the equation, I’d be willing to be that “mid card” pro wrestlers, when compared to “mid card” pro fighters, make more money, have more skills translatable to other forms of entertainment, are more marketable, and get way more exposure.

To act as if the belt is all that’s at play or matters here is a silly argument.

I don’t think I phrased my question properly or you possibly didn’t catch my sarcasm, but what I was really looking for was your explanation of how pro wrestlers take more damage than MMA fighters. 

I remember some of the Bodog. I remember some of the Costa Rica beach shows. I remember a a season in Russia. My memory gets bad but seems like at one point they merged with m1? Or maybe it’s all just running together. I think they both (Bodog and M1) used to air on Mark Cuban’s HDnet. 

Hell i I just saw Kirell Sidelnikov on Bellator this past weekend and I could swear I saw him back in the m1 day’s, maybe Bodog?

respect to Shayna fighting way back then when there were not 8 big shows a month. Maybe 8 a year if we were lucky. 

MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

I would put CTE easily as big of a deal in pro wrestling as it is in fighting. It’s not as bad now as they try to be super careful about screening for it, but it’s still a very significant issue.

But injuries aside:

Pro wrestling and fighting are both entertainment businesses - they only matter if you can get butts in seats and eyeballs on video.

A belt in MMA is indicative of the most skilled & best fighter. A “fake belt” in pro wrestling is indicative (most of the time, depends on the booking) of the best entertainer.

A belt in MMA might show that you’re the best in your class, but it doesn’t mean people care. And if people don’t care, you don’t get paid - ask Demetrious Johnson.

A “fake belt” (again, most of the time) means you draw the most eyeballs. This means you also have the most earning power.

Even if you take top tier, “main event” talent out of the equation, I’d be willing to be that “mid card” pro wrestlers, when compared to “mid card” pro fighters, make more money, have more skills translatable to other forms of entertainment, are more marketable, and get way more exposure.

To act as if the belt is all that’s at play or matters here is a silly argument.

I don’t think I phrased my question properly or you possibly didn’t catch my sarcasm, but what I was really looking for was your explanation of how pro wrestlers take more damage than MMA fighters. 

300 days on the road, constant bumps is harder on the body than MMA. Ask anyone who’s done both, they always say the Prowrestling schedule and bumps are harder on the body.

Once fans realize they can throw Ronda off her game by booing she's done in the WWE.  She doesn't have the emotional maturity to handle it. 

DaddyRich -

Once fans realize they can throw Ronda off her game by booing she's done in the WWE.  She doesn't have the emotional maturity to handle it. 

Other wrestlers have been lighting her up on Twitter. Rusev posted her photo from the Holm fight when she is just sitting up from the knockout dazed, bloody and swollen next to Becky bloody, defiant and triumphant. I don’t think people are giving her enough credit in the ring and out. She is still extremely new to this and the progression so far I think has been impressive. And after the beating she took last night if you find it hard to doubt her commitment and toughness you’re blinded by hate (not you specifically).  I was a Ronda MMA hater but she is starting to win me over. Still not 100% sold though. But gotta give credit where credits due imo. 

Alexa Bliss is the best chuck out the rest.

DaddyRich - 

Once fans realize they can throw Ronda off her game by booing she's done in the WWE.  She doesn't have the emotional maturity to handle it. 

100% fact here.

Once she starts acting like an entitled brat and sulking about getting booed the wrestling fans will absolutely rip her every time she comes out.

Ryann Von Doom -
MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
MasterofMartialArts - 
OJTT_Wiggy -
Dogman - 

Lol "belts" in fake Rassl'in. Dumbest shit eva

"fake Rassl’in" is WAY more damaging to legit fighters than fighting is

That wasn’t his point, but it raises another point. Even if that’s true (I’m assuming you’re not referring to actual brain damage or the broken bones, dehydrating from cutting weight, scar tissue, injuries etc suffered by fighters in training and fights), don’t you think it’s even dumber to get hurt or injured/damaged for a fake belt? 

I would put CTE easily as big of a deal in pro wrestling as it is in fighting. It’s not as bad now as they try to be super careful about screening for it, but it’s still a very significant issue.

But injuries aside:

Pro wrestling and fighting are both entertainment businesses - they only matter if you can get butts in seats and eyeballs on video.

A belt in MMA is indicative of the most skilled & best fighter. A “fake belt” in pro wrestling is indicative (most of the time, depends on the booking) of the best entertainer.

A belt in MMA might show that you’re the best in your class, but it doesn’t mean people care. And if people don’t care, you don’t get paid - ask Demetrious Johnson.

A “fake belt” (again, most of the time) means you draw the most eyeballs. This means you also have the most earning power.

Even if you take top tier, “main event” talent out of the equation, I’d be willing to be that “mid card” pro wrestlers, when compared to “mid card” pro fighters, make more money, have more skills translatable to other forms of entertainment, are more marketable, and get way more exposure.

To act as if the belt is all that’s at play or matters here is a silly argument.

I don’t think I phrased my question properly or you possibly didn’t catch my sarcasm, but what I was really looking for was your explanation of how pro wrestlers take more damage than MMA fighters. 

300 days on the road, constant bumps is harder on the body than MMA. Ask anyone who’s done both, they always say the Prowrestling schedule and bumps are harder on the body.

You guys may be privy to information that I’m not, but I just don’t see it. I know a few fighters but I don’t know anyone who does both, and I probably never will lol. That seems pretty rare. I’m not referring to things like being on the road, I’m saying permanent damage to your body like repeated blows to the head. I would think that cutting weight alone for most fighters would be more damaging than anything for wrestlers.