Trap “Daddy” Gambino says “bully me in person!”


Get em Tramp. Teach those bullies a lesson they’ll never forget.


All I thought about while watching video




Let’s get through September first my man.

You have a few lined up, no need to keep asking.

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TRACK, they don’t want your thunder!!! Keep up the good work!!!


I’ll be here brother.


All jokes aside I’ll be Vegas next week with the wife for ibjjf worlds . Come through and say hi


I hope in-person Trap is as decent as he claims because online clout Trap is a bit much.


Only one way to find out brother…

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Let’s roll! I could use some getting smashed lately! Wait…. Pause… :joy:

No but for real anybody I’m down to train and meet anybody who’s coming with respect!

I only want to defend myself against the lies and hate if it ever happens in person. I’ve had haters at my fights that’s about it. Never came into the gym before.


Is this a spin?

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How about you just shut the fuck up and stop spamming the forum you fat fucking retard?!?!?


Bro you were on some Jerry Springer day time garbage. Why would anyone have any interest in you lol? That’s the joke


@TrapGambino man, on some level you have to understand why people here don’t respect what you do.

I respect that you have dreams.

But a lot of people in this sport spent hundreds of hours toiling in the gym in what was at the time a niche sport. People didn’t think we were cool for watching or competing in MMA, they thought we were fucking weird, or skinheads, ect. Now being a fighter is something people do as a part time hobby to get Instagram likes.

I’m not trying to be mean, but what would happen if you went to a local BJJ tournament and did the hw blue belt division? You’d lose, and the guy who won that division would be the 20th or so best grappler in the room. At a local BJJ tournament.

You shouldn’t be talking about publicity. Before you ever dream of people paying a promotor money to watch you, you owe this art hundreds of hours of sweat, toil, headaches, injuries, sacrifice, depression, ect. And that’s for the right to call yourself a competent ammy.

You’ve said “I have what it takes to become a professional fighter. I have the talk, I have the look…” so please don’t be shocked if a forum of people who love what MMA used to be hate you. Most of us don’t hate you really, we hate what you represent: the bastardization of a once beautiful thing that has been monetized into meaninglessness.


So someone from the UG is going right…I’ll find it I’m too broken down to fight his fake fat lying immoral ass. We need a gofundme?

Dude well stated but man it’s right over his head. He’s suffered some brain damage from somewhere.


It’s a psychological thing.

When you talk as though you’ve already reached these lofty goals and spread that everywhere you get some sort of validation in your mind without actually having done the work to get there.

Some sort of believe and achieve bastardization.


U all live in a bubble if u think people don’t respect me. Literally nobody treats me like y’all attempt to on the internet. :man_facepalming:

In real life I get respect everywhere I go because I have no reason to be disrespectful or disrespected.

When u talk shit to me I’ll defend myself. Online or in person. Y’all make up shit and live in ur own bubble. Real life is way better than Internet forums.

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@dfw.jr set up, Gambino vs Arlovski for his UFC debut.