Trouble in MN.

The boxing commission hasn't stopped sleezy boxing promoters from putting on shitty shows in MN, why would it stop those in MMA?

Gavin, true that it is far from over but just the fact that they took the language out to appease us and then slid it right back in when our backs were turned should show you their agenda.

When this is all done we will be under the boxing commission.

Everything since the ban in Red Wing tells me what is happening, every time mma is brought up there is a big piece in some paper or on the news on how this sport needs to be regulated, there is something pushing this thing forward, it has never been hyped like this before with so much coverage.

When the boxing commission was put back in place I stated it was done to take over and tax mma, I still believe this, the state will either get there money or shut us down, the money is going to the poorly managed state budget, if you can't smell this shit your not sniffing.

Sounds like extortion to me...

The boxing commission was not put in place to tax MMA--- It was put in place because they still wanted to run boxing events.  That commission is Day's baby, and it's not like he's a first term senator.

The whole "no corresponding bill" information came directly from him.  Time to give him another call--- it's been made very clear by him--- He wants absolutely NOTHING to do with MMA.  The same obviously can't be said for others on the commission or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I'll like your statement--- just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you...  Very, very true--- MN MMA found it's place in USA today this morning because of the number of towns banning it.  It does need to be regulated--- I don't' think any of us are arguing with that.  It's going to be taxed--- I think we've all come to accept that.  The issue is now who is going to regulate us and how much are we going to be taxed.  We could have attacked this years ago but people were complacent... People have been talking about establishing our own regulatory body for years, but nothing was ever done with it.  We have nobody to blame for this but ourselves.

At this point, playing arm chair quarterback or being negative really does no good.  All we can is keep fighting it (or at least try to change it enough to make sure our interests are represented) until it becomes law.  I see no other path that is beneficial.

Dick Day will be gone in a year. He's running for Congress against Tim Walz and really doesn't stand a chance.

pg 31

Thanks, Andy... I never really had a chance to read the actual bill until now.

Sorry for being an asshat, you guys were right. 12 oz gloves? two minute rounds? Yikes!

If I'm reading this right, the 12 oz gloves and 2 minute rounds are for toughman.  I don't see any clearly defined mma rules in the document.  The fee agreement as written is very subjective--- I think the MINIMUM $1500 fee would kill a lot of the real small shows, if it goes up from there, it would be RIP for a lot of the mid level shows as well.

I guess part of this is what does the fee pay for----  Does it cover the officials? Physician?  Health Insurance for the event?  If so--- 1500-2000 isn't bad... I also thought it was odd how specific it is that it WILL INCLUDE amateur events.  Kid might know this better than I do--- Are golden gloves bouts required to be sanctioned?

golden gloves are a part of USA boxing I think. There is no state regulation for amatuer boxing.

That was my understanding also but I didn't know for sure.

So outside of Fees, how is this going to change MMA in the state?

and when will it take affect?

TTT for EFX @ the Myth Thursday Night.

i think there is just some added language about toughman contests, which is left over stuff from last year the toughman stuff is seperate from mma.

the ammendment i worked on yesterday adds 3 things to the current bill.

1) MMA is defined as any combination of boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, grappling, or other regcognized martial arts.

2) the commission will have 4 members with knowledge of mixed martial arts.

3) the commission will adopt unified rules for mixed martial arts.

again, this was a compromise i was forced to make, by rep murphy, rep gunther, & rep mahoney. they are willing to make changes next year and work with us, but they are insistant that the language go in this year.

this is all happening in the joint economic development committee. sf2089 is the omnibus bill that is making it's way to the floor.

yes, the $1500 fee, the surtiy bond, the medical insurance, the licensing fees make it much more expensive to hold an event. it seems really high...i'm still curious as to where the $$ is going...

So basically, the $1500 fee includes nothing-

Surety bond--- depends on the amount

Do we know an amount yet for how much medical coverage would have to be in place?

This is pure speculation because I don't have the above numbers, but it sounds like this is going to amount to about 5k a show.  For bigger shows, that can fly--- but for the smaller shows (myth, rush, savage, batb) it could be a killer.

the boxing commission requires a minimum $20000 medical coverage for injuries sustained in the ring for each fighter, and a minimum $20000 in life insurance for each fighter.

yeah, this will push the smaller shows out of business. if 7000-10000 people go to see boxing at the target center, an mma show can do at least that many people if not more....

if 7000-10000 people go to see boxing at the target center, an mma show can do at least that many people if not more.... LOL!

if 7000-10000 people go to see boxing at the target center, an mma show can do at least that many people if not more.... LOL!

I wanna know why I didnt know about the meeting at the capitol yesterday, and why someone was there speaking on behalf of my promotion without me knowing?

now we are gonna be run by the boxing commission? what the fuck is this shit! this is what we have been trying to avoid the whole time??????????????????????????????????????????

It's our jobs to stay informed.  There was a huge meeting and apparently the majority of us were in the dark.  I'm glad Andy was able to show up-  He wasn't there on behalf of anyone's promotion, he was there on behalf of MMA.  In reality, thank god he was... This is fucking ugly now, but it could have been a whole lot worse.

According to Day, we have nothing to worry about--- according to how it reads RIGHT NOW, we have major problems.  Four of us went to the committee meeting today--- it got moved to 7pm.  EFX sent one representative, we are waiting ot hear his report and if they were even willing to give a second bite of the apple.

Ill tell you right now, it wasnt pretty. Just got off the phone with Carey.

When people are making decisions about MMA in MN, they are making decisions about my show. I knew nothing of this meeting, or I would have been there!

If I knew of a meeting yesterday, I would have told everyone I know that is a stakeholder???

DAY is a lying cocksucking motherfucking faggot ass fuck!

Yeah, that'll show 'im.