Trouble in MN.

yeah, what did you do to help the cause?

It's our job to know what's going on.  If we feel that we were under represented, that's entirely on us.  Cari gave another bite at the apple tonight but they basically listened to humor him.  Their minds were made up and the decisions were made.  Now it's time to plan--- This is going to have an impact for sure, how much of one is up to us.

I am just asking why 1 person knew about the meeting and nobody else was informed. It would have made a big difference having more then 1 mind there.

Plan what? they will overtax our shows and you know it!

What exactly do you think the plan should be?  Andy sent out e-mails telling people what was going on.  Everyone got complacent after the language was striken initially.  How is it a trainer's job to makie sure the promoters who do this for a living know what's going on?  The promoter is the one with the most at stake here.  WE fucked up.

Yes, they're going to fee the shows.  Guess who's fault that is?  I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count--- If you guessed MINNESOTA MMA, then you guessed correctly. 

Reilly has been pushing for fucking YEARS to regulate ourselves under CSA.  Only this year did people start even taking it seriously and even then were not willing to open up the checkbooks.  We took our dear sweet fucking time implementing this thing, so the state chose to implement their own policy. 

As far as plan--- If you're going to crawl under rock, that's your choice.  Personally, I'll be on the phones.  If I can't change this on the legislative end, i'm sure as hell going to make sure we find the money to keep shows running.  That's how I choose to deal with this.  Why?  I don't see many other choices.

yeah, that is my point. I Never got an email.

I didnt say it was his job. Im asking why I was not informed when knowledge of this meeting was known? If I heard of something that was going to affect your business in any way, Id tell you??

"and even then were not willing to open up the checkbooks" -???? Im lost on this one.

Im crawling under a rock? We will see about that one.

does anyone have info on the current rules, regs, and fees for the MN boxing commission. Apparently, it will be run the same as that. YAY!

I don't see you as the crawl under the rock type.  You're a fighter and a business man, I expect that you'll handle this situation as such. 

As far as regs and fee schedule, very little info is available online.  The medicals are crazy--- That's going to be issue #1.  Minimum fee is now $1500 but is going to be raised and changed per event.  A crucial part of this is going to be making sure the right people get on the commission.  People who are reasonable and know mma.  The time for finger pointing is over my friend.  It doesn't do any good.  It's time to look ahead and be pro-active.

Andy was blindsided, he went down to talk to a rep. about what we were asking for and then they whisked this shit through and put him on the hot seat, he wasn't expecting this, he didn't know about this bill being pushed through in advance.

For what it's worth I have been telling everyone to keep there eye's peeled for this shit and Andy has been saying the same thing, but Mike told me I was paranoid, and Steve when I talked to you Sunday night I was worried and you told me not too.

I am not blaming anyone you guys have done way more work for mma then me, I just sit around and shout, you are right when you say we have no one to blame but ourselves, many a time you guys have said we need to do this or it will be done for us.

Is July 1st D-Day

wasnt trying to finger point at all. I really just would have liked to have known. It sounds like he didnt really know it was coming either.

It is just so frustrating. Fuck it Im going Kohler mode.

btw, I am not a fighter anymore. I just have alot of passion for this sport, and also an investment. the passion is slowly fading though. once you see all the political shit from the inside, it changes you. promoters put there name, and HARD EARNED money on the line, and we end up being regulated by people who have no love for this sport.

how do they tax us the same as Boxing? there shows average 5000 people. our shows average 500-1000. that is not even comparable?

Jami's last post was more emotional than Brian's Song.

Subdivision 1. Applicability. The definitions in this section apply to this chapter.
Subd. 2. Boxing. "Boxing" means the act of attack and defense with the fists, using padded
gloves, that is practiced as a sport under the rules of the Association of Boxing Commissions, or
equivalent. Where applicable, boxing includes tough person contests.
Subd. 3. Commission. "Commission" means the Minnesota Boxing Commission.
Subd. 4. Contest. "Contest" means any boxing contest, match, or exhibition.
Subd. 5. Professional. "Professional" means any person who competes for any money prize
or a prize that exceeds the value of $50 or teaches, pursues, or assists in the practice of boxing as
a means of obtaining a livelihood or pecuniary gain.
Subd. 6. Director. "Director" means the executive director of the commission.
Subd. 7. Tough person contest. "Tough person contest," including contests marketed as
tough man and tough woman contests, means any boxing match consisting of one-minute rounds
between two or more persons who use their hands, or their feet, or both, in any manner. Tough
person contest does not include kick boxing or any recognized martial arts competition.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 13

There is hereby created the Minnesota Boxing Commission consisting of five members who
are citizens of this state. The members must be appointed by the governor. One member of the
commission must be a retired judge of the Minnesota district court, Minnesota Court of Appeals,
Minnesota Supreme Court, the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota, or the
Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, and at least three members must have knowledge of the boxing
industry. The governor shall make serious efforts to appoint qualified women to serve on the
commission. Membership terms, compensation of members, removal of members, the filling of
membership vacancies, and fiscal year and reporting requirements must be as provided in sections
214.07 to 214.09. The provision of staff, administrative services, and office space; the review
and processing of complaints; the setting of fees; and other provisions relating to commission
operations must be as provided in chapter 214. The purpose of the commission is to protect
health, promote safety, and ensure fair events.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 14

No member of the Boxing Commission may directly or indirectly promote a boxing contest,
directly or indirectly engage in the managing of a boxer, or have an interest in any manner in
the proceeds from a boxing contest.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 15

The governor may appoint, and at pleasure remove, an executive director and prescribe the
powers and duties of the office. The executive director shall not be a member of the commission.
The commission may employ personnel necessary to the performance of its duties.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 16

341.25 RULES.
(a) The commission may adopt rules that include standards for the physical examination
and condition of boxers and referees.
(b) The commission may adopt other rules necessary to carry out the purposes of this
chapter, including, but not limited to, the conduct of boxing exhibitions, bouts, and fights, and
their manner, supervision, time, and place.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 17

341.26 MEETINGS.
The commission shall hold a regular meeting quarterly and may hold special meetings.
Except as otherwise provided in law, all meetings of the commission must be open to the public
and reasonable notice of the meetings must be given under chapter 13D.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 18

The commission shall:
(1) issue, deny, renew, suspend, or revoke licenses;
(2) make and maintain records of its acts and proceedings including the issuance, denial,
renewal, suspension, or revocation of licenses;
(3) keep public records of the commission open to inspection at all reasonable times;
(4) assist the director in the development of rules to be implemented under this chapter; and
(5) conform to the rules adopted under this chapter.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 19

Subdivision 1. Regulatory authority; boxing. All professional boxing contests are subject
to this chapter. Every contestant in a boxing contest shall wear padded gloves that weigh at least
eight ounces. The commission shall, for every boxing contest:
(1) direct a commission member to be present; and
(2) direct the attending commission member to make a written report of the contest.
All boxing contests within this state must be conducted according to the requirements of
this chapter.
Subd. 2. Regulatory authority; tough person contests. All tough person contests, including
amateur tough person contests, are subject to this chapter. Every contestant in a tough person
contest shall wear padded gloves that weigh at least 12 ounces.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 20

The commission shall:
(1) have sole direction, supervision, regulation, control, and jurisdiction over all boxing
contests and tough person contests held within this state unless a contest is exempt from the
application of this chapter under federal law;
(2) have sole control, authority, and jurisdiction over all licenses required by this chapter; and

Subdivision 1. Licensure; individuals. All referees, judges, matchmakers, promoters,
trainers, ring announcers, timekeepers, ringside physicians, boxers, boxers' managers, and boxers'
seconds are required to be licensed by the commission. The commission shall not permit any of
these persons to participate in the holding or conduct of any boxing contest unless the commission
has first issued the person a license.
Subd. 2. Entity licensure. Before participating in the holding or conduct of any boxing
contest, a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other business entity organized
and existing under law, its officers and directors, and any person holding 25 percent or more of the
ownership of the corporation shall obtain a license from the commission and must be authorized
to do business under the laws of this state.
Subd. 3. Background investigation. The commission may require referees, judges,
matchmakers, promoters, and boxers to furnish fingerprints and background information under
commission rules before licensure. The commission shall charge a fee for receiving fingerprints
and background information in an amount determined by the commission.

Subd. 4. Prelicensure requirements. (a) Before the commission issues a license to a
promoter, matchmaker, corporation, or other business entity, the applicant shall:
((2) show on the application the owner or owners of the applicant entity and the percentage of
interest held by each owner holding a 25 percent or more interest in the applicant;
(3) provide the commission with a copy of the latest financial statement of the entity; and
(4) provide the commission with a copy or other proof acceptable to the commission of the
insurance contract or policy required by this chapter.
(b) Before the commission issues a license to a promoter, the applicant shall deposit with
the commission a cash bond or surety bond in an amount set by the commission. The bond shall
be executed in favor of this state and shall be conditioned on the faithful performance by the
promoter of the promoter's obligations under this chapter and the rules adopted under it.
(c) Before the commission issues a license to a boxer, the applicant shall submit to the
commission the results of a current medical examination on forms furnished or approved by
the commission. The medical examination must include an ophthalmological and neurological
examination. The ophthalmological examination must be designed to detect any retinal defects
or other damage or condition of the eye that could be aggravated by boxing. The neurological
examination must include an electroencephalogram or medically superior test if the boxer has
been knocked unconscious in a previous boxing or other athletic competition. The commission
may also order an electroencephalogram or other appropriate neurological or physical
examination before any contest, match, or exhibition if it determines that the examination is
desirable to protect the health of the boxer.
History: 2006 c 282 art 11 s 22

Subdivision 1. Annual licensure. The commission may establish and issue annual licenses
subject to the collection of advance fees by the commission for promoters, matchmakers,
managers, judges, referees, ring announcers, ringside physicians, timekeepers, boxers, boxers'
trainers, boxers' seconds, business entities filing for a license to participate in the holding of any
boxing contest, and officers, directors, or other persons affiliated with the business entity.
Subd. 2. Expiration and renewal. A license expires December 31 at midnight in the year of
its issuance and may be renewed by filing an application for renewal with the commission and
payment of the license fee. An application for a license and renewal of a license must be on a
form provided by the commission. There is a 30-day grace period during which a license may be
renewed if a late filing penalty fee equal to the license fee is submitted with the regular license
fee. A licensee that files late shall not conduct any activity regulated by this chapter until the
commission has renewed the license. If the licensee fails to apply to the commission within the
30-day grace period, the licensee must apply for a new license under subdivision 1.

The fee schedule for licenses issued by the Minnesota Boxing Commission is as follows:
(1) referees, $35 for each initial license and each renewal;
(2) promoters, $400 for each initial license and each renewal;
(3) judges, $25 for each initial license and each renewal;
(4) trainers, $35 for each initial license and each renewal;
(5) ring announcers, $25 for each initial license and each renewal;
(6) boxers' seconds, $25 for each initial license and each renewal;
(7) timekeepers, $25 for each initial license and each renewal; and
(8) boxers, $35 for each initial license and each renewal.
All fees collected by the Minnesota Boxing Commission must be deposited in the Boxing
Commission account in the special revenue fund.

Subdivision 1. Examination by physician. All boxers and referees must be examined by a
physician licensed by this state within three hours before entering the ring, and the examining
physician shall immediately file with the commission a written report of the examination. The
physician's examination shall report on the condition of the boxer's heart and general physical
and neurological condition. The physician's report may record the condition of the boxer's
nervous system and brain as required by the commission. The physician may prohibit the boxer
from entering the ring if, in the physician's professional opinion, it is in the best interest of the
boxer's health. The cost of the examination is payable by the person or entity conducting the
contest or exhibition.
Subd. 2. Attendance of physician. A person holding or sponsoring a boxing contest shall
have in attendance a physician licensed by this state. The commission may establish a schedule of
fees to be paid to each attending physician by the person holding or sponsoring the contest.

Subdivision 1. Required insurance. The commission shall:
(1) require insurance coverage for a boxer to provide for medical, surgical, and hospital care
for injuries sustained in the ring in an amount of at least $20,000 and payable to the boxer as
beneficiary; and
(2) require life insurance for a boxer in the amount of at least $20,000 payable in case of
accidental death resulting from injuries sustained in the ring.
Subd. 2. Payment for insurance. The cost of the insurance required by this section is
payable by the promoter.

Any person or persons who send or cause to be sent, published, or otherwise made known,
any challenge to fight what is commonly known as a prize fight, or engage in any public boxing
or sparring match or contest, with or without gloves, for any prize, reward, or compensation, or
for which any admission fee is charged directly or indirectly, or go into training preparatory for
the fight, exhibition, or contest, or act as a trainer, aider, abettor, backer, umpire, referee, second,
surgeon, assistant, or attendant at the fight, exhibition, or contest, or in any preparation for same,
and any owner or lessee of any ground, building, or structure of any kind permitting the same
to be used for any fight, exhibition, or contest, is guilty of a misdemeanor unless a license for
the holding of the fight, exhibition, or contest has been issued by the commission in compliance
with the rules adopted by it.

A Boxing Commission account is created in the special revenue fund. Money in the account
is annually appropriated to the Boxing Commission for the purposes of conducting its statutory
responsibilities and obligations.

What boxing promoters are averaging 5,000 people to a show? Besides Tony Grygelko, boxing promoters in Minnesota are drawing on average of 1,000-2,000 at best.

Shit, it is now way past my bed time. I have to pour cement tommorrow morning.

if you know anyone that needs conrete work, we guarantee our concrete against fire and theft.

I was only thinking of his show. forgot about Roch, and dont know anything about the rest of them. Is that the current status (about 1- 2,000)

Andy has been down to the captial a number of times and has emailed people. Because it is important to us, Andy has gone down when the legislators go into session, that is when you meet them and get to talk to them. There aren't special MMA bill times, they meet in sessiona and go over every Minnesota issue. It is our duty to have informed representatives, to do that you have to sacrifice some of your personal times and take a chance at meeting them when they are in session. If you want to know when Andy or I, will be at the capital, send Andy your email and inform him that you are interested.

greg nelson