Trust ME, Tito will kill Charles..

I like how TPSM has disappeared.

Where is that crow eating motherfucker?

Will he still call Chuck 'Charles' now?

tbftne = TPSM.

tbftne accepted it like a man...props to him.


ttt, Trust me Tito did not kill Charles.

Trust me, TPSM will not come back here and call him Charles.

I love when threads like this get ressurected!

Especially after the fact.


Hey dumb ass, where are you now? glad to see you are taking ths so well.



I'm right here you gothic wanna be faygot.

Listen, Tito will be back. The eye gouge was one of those freak things that definitely threw him off of his game plan and Chuck took full advantage of it.

Tito is still one of the best fighters in the world and he will be champion again.

"IF TITO LOSES I WILL NOT POST ON THE UG FOR ONE YEAR. That goes for not only this name, but tbftne, beast from ne, and moosedupont and any others as well."


buh bye tbftne you MMA guru:)

Dracula? No man you have it all wrong my name is Dracul, man you are so silly. Not a goth fag either, are we jumping to assumptions again? Remember how well that went over last time, you know, that whole Tito vs Chuck ordeal. the eye gouge wasn't the reason he lost, he tried to take Chuck down twice, and failed, and was left to only try and stand with him. Tito was afraid from the time he walked out of the dressing room. Get over it bud, and if what everone is saying is true and you have to quit posting for a year, then you will be missed, it was fun to argue with you and we will see you in a year.


I was offering a bet, which nobody accepted. I woulda quite posting for one year if somebody woulda has the cajones to take me up on the bet.

I dont see anything there about offering a bet.Why would anyone make a bet with a troll with 20 screen names anyway? But if you actually lived up to your word and stopped posting I wouldnt be able to LMAO off at you struggling to be taken seriously.So...go on...tell me more about the eye gouge:)

I have and always have had 1 screen name.

The mods changed my screen-name back to my old handle out of respect for my street fighting ability.


Damn, how's that crow taste?

"From: TPSM: I love all of the people that actually believe Chuck has a chance. Believe me, this will look like Tito versus Bohlander, Mezger, Vladdy, etc.
He is not gonna strike with Chuck too much, and chuck doesn't really have the one punch KO power anyway.
Tito, will take Chuck down AT WILL. Once they are there it will be Chuck on his back, up against the cage getting mauled.
This will go on for a couple of rounds until Chuck really gasses. Then you will see Chuck getting battered and cut by Tito's GnP.
Ref stoppage in 3'rd round.
I am making this guarantee. Out of 1,000 fights, Tito wins 999.
Bring this up the day after the fight and see if I was wrong!"