Trust - why did you freeze/close GStrebendt's thread about Bobby Hoffman?

The Shannon Ritch Dan Severn fight for me was the final evidence that Shannon throws fights.

I’m sorry of others don’t feel that way but I do.

I don’t care to see him fight at all and won’t support him as a fighter.

I do not know him a a person but throwing fights imo makes me not want to see him fight.

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It was Reggie Cardiel!!! Thats right!!!

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Captain Canuk, there are very few Rhodes scholars in this sport… expect the worst


Fair enough, and I understand that. You cannot expect people who fight for a living to be saints but we have so much in the way of those with shady, moronic, to downright illegal murderous actions that far outweigh those doing the opposite.

Basically too many Joe Sons to not enough GSPs.

In regards to Tito not coming back, I doubt that it’s all about Jenna.

Tito has provided a wealth of poor decisions and actions for his himself to focus on.

I was in my bjj instructors corner when he fought Shannon. Not because i was a good coach, grappler or fighter, but because i was always willing and able to travel for his fights.

Anyway, he felt a lot of pressure to win that night; losing to shannon would have been very embarrassing for him.

Fortunately he made quick work of “The Cannon”, winning by armbar and having a really cool immediate (he was still in the ring) post-fight interaction with Carlson Gracie Sr, who was in the audience and gave a standing ovation after my instructor acknowledged him and yelled “jiu jitsu!”


Tito is actually a very good person. He may play the persona on t.v. but he has a heart of solid gold… we are never going to agree on politics or religion or many things that we quite frankly dont know much about, thats just life, but Tito has been giving back to his comminuity and to this sport his entire career. He is genuinely a very nice person…


Tito finally sold his house,but I don’t know if he moved to Florida like he wanted to or not.

He was asking for 6 million & finally settled for 4.5 million.

I don’t know if they ever caught the guy that robbed his safe.


Thank you for sharing that.

It’s nice to know that despite how he is perceived that there are those who feel that he’s basically a good guy.


Lol, holy shit… Technically, Monte didnt lie.


I’ve told the story here before about Tito being at the first ufc event i ever attended, ufc 21 in cedar rapids, IA. He had a polaroid camera and was taking pics with everyone, and charging i think $1.

Here’s one i don’t think I’ve told. Tito was selling punishment merch at a hook n shoot show in Indiana. Post fight party was at a bar/strip club, with a horseshoe shaped bar starting by the entrance.

I’m on the opposite side of the bar, and i see Tito walk in. I get the bartender’s attention and say, “I got that guys drink”. He ordered an O’Douls.

An instead of just raising the beer and saying thank you, he worked his way all the way around to where i was and thanked me to my face.


The guy that robbed his safe is probably the guy Ken Shamrock beat into a living death



I just got a call from one of the biggest names to ever post on here. He asked me not to put his name out there but i hadn’t spoken with him in years and yes, he left here for the exact same reasons Tito left. It was like a family reunion and when he found out i was posting here again he had to check it out! Hes doing quite well for himself and would love to come back here but it will never happen… thank you to all the trolls who “keep it real”… fagsticks


Found a pic from that night.




What a fuckin Clownshoe…

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There is nothing more stupid looking than a clown shoe! Maybe a chicken foot

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All joking aside, Ultimate Keyboard Warrior, get back on here dude. This is everyones forum and i dont have anything against you. We are all a bunch of middle age faggits or we wouldnt be here. You are welcome on any of my threads you big dummy…