Trust - why did you freeze/close GStrebendt's thread about Bobby Hoffman?



He came back on & said that he stopped posting because people were posting pictures like him having his hand in a cookie jar.

*The picture that I posted was a hand in a cookie jar with this symbol.


Lol did I tell you how Royce was staring at my wife at a Bellator a few years back LMAO

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Omg, I was talking recently with a guy who used to work with Shannon, we were reminiscing about the old days

Shannon should just wear big clown shoes everywhere he goes

That said, guy said that Shannon actually had real skills, but something was missing upstairs


Shannon had his “retirement” fight at a local show here. I was shocked that he was licensed to fight but it turned out he wasn’t. The last fight ended and all the commission guys, judges, etc. all left and he had a worked fight with a guy who had bludgeoned him to shit in a real fight before. He isn’t able to get licensed because he submitted falsified paperwork and got charged with a felony. He pleaded it to a lesser charge but in the court paperwork he claimed to be a disabled veteran on a fixed income. A friend of mine who was an infantry soldier in Iraq told me Shannon was an air conditioning technician in the army and didn’t do any real combat training besides what everyone is required to do.


He backed out of our fight and I was truly looking forward to pushing his shit in…


I don’t recall, had he ever claimed to be anything more than that? Is there any Stolen Valor involved here?

Stolen Valium?


Stolen valor would require using a medal like a silver star or uniform for monetary gain or monetary benefit.

It’s pretty hard to get people in this way under the new rules.

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I don’t think he has ever specifically mentioned but has implied or hinted he was some kind of badass, pointing out how he was a contractor and posing with guns a lot. I know he played up his background as a veteran and high value security guard for important people overseas when he was being prosecuted for falsifying paperwork for fighters from his gym. One thing I found funny was every year ASU has “MMA Night” for one of their home duals for wrestling. One year Shannon somehow lied or BS’d his way into that, despite not being a wrestler or having barely attended ASU as a student. You had Henry Cejudo who granted was only connected to ASU by Sunkist but also Bubba Jenkins, Aaron Simpson, Ryan Bader and Dan Severn. Then you had Shannon the Cannon parading around with a huge championship belt acting like a bigshot. It was almost like he was being a parody and reminding everyone him and Severn would be signing autographs afterwards.

Like I said he has made a living on half truths and his ability to finesse his BS.


Cannon is a goof. There is no point in even getting into it, if you’ve been around, you know.


No sir,I would have remembered.


Was this in Indiana? Or at least near Chicago? I think I was at that fight. Shannon came out ready to tap immediately because he had fights lined up for the next two weekends.


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Ohh wow are u accusing Shann the Can of fixing a fight…!!!



Welcome back UKW.


Im glad you are back Ultimate Keyboard Warrior! Yolo brother! Lets let bygones be bygones and run this fucking forum… seriously, hit the reset button and enjoy this place with us… im sorry i said all that nonsense against you, i dont even know you and it was self defense! Im glad you are back big guy…


I apologize, I went overboard. No BS, I went too far. I won’t do it again. Sorry. We all have different burdens, none of us need anyone piling on. Peace.


That’s simply not true. Maybe it was overturned, but a jury DID find him guilty.

@JohnMorganMMA get in here big guy. These fellas set a good precedence. Here, I’ll apologize first. I’m sorry you’re a shit corporate mouthpiece who’s infinitesimal penis was buried under an avalanche of McDonald’s and horse semen 20 years ago. I’m definitely sorry your chin starts at your bottom lip and ends just above your bellybutton. My grandma would turn in her grave if I didn’t apologize for laughing until I cry because you were told to do 10 push-ups (but she’s a ghost so she sees you’re fat and gets the joke).

What do you say? Friends?