UFC 102 Goldie-isms

i was watching the fights on a very large HD screen..Goldie looked like he was up all night doing lines. Did anybody else noticed those bags under his eyes and how "stoned" he looked?


"Let's see if he tries to throw the big ---insert fighter's signature strike---- ," right before the second round starts.He's always saying this. Said it about Hendo's right, and Leben's left. It's like saying, "Let's see if he comes out walking on two feet..."

Hollywood Blonde - 
TheTrollSmasher - 
Mad Xyientist - "Leg Kick to the Body"

lmao im glad im not the only one who caught that

Yeah, I rolled my eyes at that one.
Was it Joe or Mir who was going off about people using "leg kick" like that?


Unseen - 
Hollywood Blonde - 
TheTrollSmasher - 
Mad Xyientist - "Leg Kick to the Body"

lmao im glad im not the only one who caught that

Yeah, I rolled my eyes at that one.
Was it Joe or Mir who was going off about people using "leg kick" like that?

Its to differentiate it from the dreaded Arm Kick to the Body...which is the most lethal attack EVER!!! Which is why you never see it as it has been banned in all nations.

gastt - Goldberg: [About Mike Russow] He weighed in at 260 so you know he must be more than that now Joe.

Rogan: No I don't think he cut any weight, I think he weighs what he weighed.

Goldberg: I think he is about 262-263 now.

Rogan: laughs disdainfully

Goldberg: awkwardly joins in on the laughter

Rogan: Alright... McCully..

Goldberg: laughs again

Oh God . . .

Who was the commentator Rogan replaced? I always thought he was the best, I know he's working with another promotion now.

Whambo - Who was the commentator Rogan replaced? I always thought he was the best, I know he's working with another promotion now.

Jeff Osborne?

orcus -  I will say that if he had said Leben is turning up the heat in a voice dripping with sarcasm, it would have been awesome. But I detected no hint of irony.

It was obvious sarcasm. No one is actually that stupid.

After the first exchange between Randy and Nog goldie yells "Hes DOMINATING the standup!" Couldnt help but roll my eyes

xcouturefan - 
During the Vera fight, I put the show on mute. It was sickening how they were talking up Vera.

I agree with this. Vera was woefully unimpressive but Joe and Goldie were talking like he was just ripping it up in there. I'm not sure what fight they were watching.

But ya, they add some comedy gold most of the time.

"No style points there." right after Leben's windmilling.

"It was a memorable night for Ed Herman."--Goldy, introducing Simpson vs Herman

I bet it was!

"This looks like DQ-city."--Goldy, on Gonzaga's low kick

Ever heard of a "no contest," Mike?

"You could hear it resonate throughout the arena, and I'm not sure that's a good thing."--Goldy, on Gonzaga's low kick

I'm sure it's not!

Being able to talk constantly for a few hours straight is a valuable skill (no shit, it's hard), but it would help if he was a little better informed about the fighting part.

i still miss bruce beck and blatnick. and this was despite blatnick getting overly excited when he got to explain a wrestling hold.

He's an embarassing tool. I have never understood why the UFC use him. He must have some serious shit on Lorenzo or something.

"It's allllll over" he said that this time right?

Anybody notice Rogan falling back more in the commentating?
It's like he leaves Goldie hanging on some of the wilder comments.

They are doing them all the time now I'm sure they are getting burned out on it, Maybe it's time to bring up some new talent to give the guys a break. I don't know from where because like it or not they really are the two best doing it.

I really like the host of ESPN's MMA live, I bet he could do good colour if he had a mind to.

 damn it sounds like a missed a good night of commentary since I was there. Ill have to dl it later just to hear this. lol