UFC 107: The Best Eva!

[MY First Thread on the UG]

For all intents and purposes, I have never enjoyed watching a UFC event as much as I did UFC 107.


I was lucky enough to win TAPOUT radio's "Wanna go to a UFC 107 viewing party @ the TAPOUT theater?" contest.


Thousands of people stood in unreal lines, in a f*cking monsoon, all day long to save money on TAPOUT gear, meet and greet fighters, etc @ the TAPOUT Warehouse sale (happening all weekend). Thanx to Crooklyn, and Russell, we didn't have to wait in line. We ran into Quadros while shopping, he hung out and conversed for 5 mins. He's awesome! We spent around $100, and got around $200 worth of great gifts for xmas. we arrived too late to meet the fighters who were only there for signings, but we did witness Jens Pulver give his hat to a little kid who was star struck to say the least. It made his (and his dad's) day!

 EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE at the TAPOUT Warehouse was amazingly helpful. Great customer service!

 We were escorted through the facility (WOW) to the theater (again WOW). I got to meet fellow UG member TripVersion01  and his pop (also winners). Cool guys. Trip is a stout dude, and he n I cant wait til the UGGP comes to the west coast!

Russel led us four through the warehouse for some free swag! (very nice) We ate gourmet, catered food (delicious), and were wandering the halls of the TAPOUT facility, meeting fighters like Jens Pulver, Kendal Grove, A.Johnson, Justin McCully (sp?), and Dan Hardy. Some security guard mistook me for a fighter, I guess, and asked to have his pic taken with me??.  He later found me in the hall, and asked me to sign the pic lol... I asked "Who do you think I am?" he replied "It don't matter, man. You'll make it." I still dunno who he thought I was lol!... strange .

watching the fights, and hearing K. Grove (behind me) talkin smack to Rumble throughout (and vise-versa), was hilarious. I felt sorta bad for Trip n his dad having to sit next to the one dude who wouldn't shut up during the entire event, but it was Pulver, so I'm sure they didn't mind.

All the fighters we met were amazing. Very humble, and down to earth. Throughout the night, we were only shunned (sorta) by the TAPOUT crew, but they appeard to be extremely busy with their sales event, so I guess they're forgiven. The Charles "Mask" Lewis Theater is a gorgeous tribute to one of the true pioneers of/for the sport of MMA, and we are greatful to have had the opportunity to see it.

Thanx to Crooklyn, Russel, TAPOUT radio, the TAPOUT crew, all the fighters, and TripVersion01 and his dad for makin this an experience to remember!

F*ck da UG!

pics to follow... embed codes... grrrr  

If UFC 107 was the best UFC you've seen so far, that is pathetic. The production sucks, the fights were good but far from awesome.

 someone missed the point^

 Glad to hear that you enjoyed it! Tapout are great and that was a really cool opportunity of them!

(i'll have to disagree with ufc 107 being a great event but I can definitely see why it was that memorable for you, i know it would've been for any other fan as well)

Kid wearing Jens' hat.


 Very nice... sounds awesome

 My lady and Jens: F*ck da UG!


 Me n Kendal Grove


TheGoldenRule - Kid wearing Jens' hat.



TheGoldenRule -  My lady and Jens: F*ck da UG!



 Me with TripVersion01 and his pop


TheGoldenRule -  Me n Kendal Grove



TheGoldenRule -  Me with TripVersion01 and his pop



 Thanx TMR!

 My lady n I in the middle


TheGoldenRule -  My lady n I in the middle



TheGoldenRule -  Thanx TMR!


  the other'n was wrong...


 she likes hearts...what can I say?

TheGoldenRule -   the other'n was wrong...

 she likes hearts...what can I say?


i'll brb in 30min-1hr. somebody should pick up the slack if there's more pictures to insert

 I've also got a vid of Stephen Quadros goin off on the drum kit in the TAPOUT hallway!

Mother-effer can play! Cant figure out how to get it from phone to computer....stand by.

I think I actually heard Trip's pop talking to Quads about playing music together back in the day???


 You do need a new camera dude :)