UFC 180 vs. Bellator 131 vs. WSOF 15


Big tito fan here

I back -
Ep32nv - To me I'm most interested in UFC 180, Bellator then WSoF.
Of the fights in the card I'm interested in:

4/10 for UFC 180
Hunt for the title takes it for me!

5/12 for Bellator
I'll record and watch just to see the drama. Thinking Shamrock and Wand are coming out during the Tito fight or something crazy.

3/4 for WSoF I'll record and watch just because I like MMA Phone Post 3.0
Wand just got pulled off any promotion for event because he's still under Zuffa contract. Phone Post 3.0
Jenna coming out in Bonnar's corner then. Phone Post 3.0

the islander - 


Big tito fan here

A recent Tito fan or a fan for a long time of Tito? Because it really does matter which one.

If you call yourself a Tito fan, but have only been a fan for the past few years, then I'm sure you honestly believe that Bellator beats UFC.

But if you call yourself a Tito fan from back in the day when he actually mattered in MMA, was a pioneer and a superstar, then seeing him do the ridiculous shit he does should only serve to depress the shit out of you and make it that much harder to actually support Tito here.

I fall into the latter.

Although I wasn't as big of a fan of Tito's as most people were, I could at times find myself rooting for Tito and for sure respected the shit out of his abilities and his hard work.

But then he ran into a problem called Chuck Liddell and quickly found himself in a position that he had never faced before, and that was the fact that the sport was evolving past him and he was no longer the very best, in the UFC at least.

He found out rather quickly that he wasn't the top dog and that really got to him.

Ever since the first Chuck Fight, even the first Randy fight, Tito hasn't been the top anything since before Chuck and Randy came along and tore thru him.

And ever since then,he's only been able to represent the few fighters who trained harder and smarter than anyone else and that hard work showed inside the Octagon against fighters like Ken Shamrock.

But, as I said, if you consider yourself a Tito fan from way back, I don't know how you can support any of Tito's antics of late or consider what he's doing by using the UFC and all that they've mutually helped build together against itself, as something that paints Tito in the best of lights.

I think he's doing more damage to his name and what little respect he still has from his "old school" fanbase.