UFC 297 Strickland v. Du Plessis thread

Oh I didn’t catch that. Hell yeah

Piss break…


watch you mouth talk shit about murica’s hat

Agreed , quit and gassed soo much when he had a bit of adversely.


We have it too easy.

The exchange is we’re awake at this hour watching absolute oxygen thieves put on shit fights.

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Let’s go Mayra! Got suddenly interested in the Co-Main upon realizing she’s the badass chick that finished by kneebar recently… I’d have posted then but everyone was shortly thereby 502’d.

Feel bad for Mallot. Seemed like the right time in a long career to get his shot and boy did he get the perfect platforming by the UFC in Vancouver and then in Toronto but wasn’t sold unfortunately and say this as a Canadian.

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Thank God! It’s finally time for Pennington’s fight.

I’m usually the guy defending fighters because I have a lot of respect for them. I don’t generally say they “quit”. In this case, it was clear that’s what happened. He didn’t get hit with a big shot, he wasn’t gassed. He felt a dude on top smashing him and instead of trying to find a way to survive, he just gave up.


Take this kind of post to after dark :rage:

She’s a sub machine.

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Ok, so whos gonna die first? Last time i was watching someone die on TV was when Finnish guy had a sauna battle with a Russian dude. Finnish guy won.

Ok…maybe there’s some truth to this. He got full guard and Magny isn’t known as a passer or brutal gnper.

Fuck, its the lesbos


Imagine how bad that would suck to be there live as a Canadian fan.

You pay out the ass for tickets and have one of the shittiest PPV cards ever.

You probably tell your friends “At least we’ll get to see some of our local boys get the win live, eh.”

Then, this. lol

Haha, being I am in France atm, I couldn’t place a bet on the WiFi,
And in the past I used a VPN , to Access skybet when abroad,
Found out tonight all I have to do is turn off WiFi and I can bet freely without using the vpn

Bueno Silva is funny lookik but she kinda turns me on.
Somethin about her mouth, and the way her teeth poke out, I find inviting.


This entrance music is straight doo doo