UFC 4 Flyer?

Who cares if I or someone else doesnt remember every ebay deal or any deal they have done.Sorry I "forgot".I remember most but not all.

 Rickson- you're too nice. We pefer to call each other dickheads- cock jockeys- and finally, pole-smokers

 It's funny that the ONLY deals that people can't remember are the questionable ones!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

WWE_Fighter -   

Says the guy who devotes entire threads about me.

Why dont you make another??  It will give you an excuse to go surf some more gay porn in the name of "posting pics of me".

Otherwise, get off my nuts faggot.

Murph, aka WWE, aka Irish101, aka tough-guy411, why have you STILL not posted a single thing on this board that has SUBSTANCE? You like to contribute but you only contribute BULLSHIT, nothing to help anybody...

When you start posting facts and not fiction I'll lay off your ass, until then fuck you too!


 unless you are still following your pattern of buy high, sell low... its going to take some time for you to sell your stuff. I'm glad you are concerned with my rep on this board...

the questionable deals are NEVER remembered for some reason!
