UFC 88 Press Conf Pics

Here are the pics from today's press conference. Did anyone know that fried green tomatoes really exist?? they had them at the luncheon! I thought it was just a movie...



Awesome, Tracy!


xakx - 


WTF is it me or does Karo look way different?

Damn I didn't even realize that was Karo.

He must be ready to fight!

he was 173 as of this picture... he only has 2 lbs to cut, which is completely different than his normal fight mode...

^He'll never do it :)

yup... he looks thinner (karo)


 Matt appears to be a lucky, lucky man.

tracylee - Here are the pics from today's press conference. Did anyone know that fried green tomatoes really exist?? they had them at the luncheon! I thought it was just a movie...

holy shit, cant believe youve never had fried green tomatoes. as normal as a hamburger. must be southern thang. our food rocks.

no pics of Tracy's Bolt ons busting out of her shirt? :(

u let me down Tracy

 good stff like always Tracy

thanks you guys....

and not all albums have my "bolt ons" in them, thank you.

TTT thanks tracylee. As usual. :)

 My buddy has full credentials and said out of all the fighters that Chuck was the coolest, took time to talk to everyone, even some guys who waited and time ran out, they go a chance to still interview Chuck.

Said some of the other guys definitely had the "superstar" can't stop for you sort of mentality.