UFC fans gave excess of $4 million to Intrepid

Dave Meltzer


--UFC fans contributed in excess of $4 million last night to the Intrepid Foundation


why does he mix the wwe shit with the mma shit?

it would be like they started posting legit mma news in the middle of the homo-erotic bjj stories on matbattle

i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on

^ classy

A big F U to Eddie Nash....these people got hurt and have been abandoned by their own government...so I guess its okay for us to abandon them, too? What a f'n loser!

That's awesome!!

Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on

A big fuck you.

Semper Fi.


Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us.

LOL, though this is likely a troll, in case it's not, the government IS your dime. Whether by taxes or donation, you're paying either way. I'd like to see more things paid for by donations. At least then, you have some choice where your money goes.

DERYL - A big F U to Eddie Nash....these people got hurt and have been abandoned by their own government...so I guess its okay for us to abandon them, too? What a f'n loser!

not my problem, they shoudlnt of signed up in the first place IMO.

If you joined, you knew u would be abandonded eventually. the United States has the worst history about taking care of their vetrans

Yet people still join, why?

Not my problem bro

fiercedragon - 
Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on

i agree it's not classy, but there is some truth to it. the u.s. government has hidden billions of dollars through an unwinable war, but can't take care of it's own troops. now a million out of work americans who have been backstabbed by it's government are told to come out of pocket for it's troops. hell, 1/3 of EVERY dollar you see already goes to the government. REVOLUTION!

exactly, its not classy but its the truth.

Im just tellin it like it is bro

fiercedragon - i agree it's not classy, but there is some truth to it. the u.s. government has hidden billions of dollars through an unwinable war, but can't take care of it's own troops. now a million out of work americans who have been backstabbed by it's government are told to come out of pocket for it's troops. hell, 1/3 of EVERY dollar you see already goes to the government. REVOLUTION!
a.  Regardless of how much the government spends on vets, we THE PEOPLE, can always do MORE to show our appreciation.

b.  Saying the "government" should pay means nothing.  Where does the government get its money anyway?

c.  It is this very attitude, "let the government take care of everything" that ultimately gets us to where we are.  If you want to rely on your government to "create" jobs, of course you will feel backstabbed if you are out of work.


i agree it's not classy, but there is some truth to it. the u.s. government has hidden billions of dollars through an unwinable war, but can't take care of it's own troops. now a million out of work americans who have been backstabbed by it's government are told to come out of pocket for it's troops. hell, 1/3 of EVERY dollar you see already goes to the government. REVOLUTION!

It is the government's fault to be sure, but at least here we are being ASKED to donate, as opposed to being forced to with bailouts, etc. So I'm glad that many of us CHOSE to donate, but Nash's comments are downright disgusting. Give or not, but don't tell me you shouldn't have to give a fuck if the government doesn't. But one thing agreed, none of us should give a fuck about Nash.

Sandy Pantz - 
Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us.

LOL, though this is likely a troll, in case it's not, the government IS your dime. Whether by taxes or donation, you're paying either way. I'd like to see more things paid for by donations. At least then, you have some choice where your money goes.

I dont pay taxes and i dont plan to, still not my problem. let the zombies and robots who goto work from 9-5 everyday for the rest of their lives pay the 5. Life is short, and im not going to spend 75% of mine at work

 Right on , DERYL.

I certainly wouldn't fault ANYONE for not contributing.  Up to you. But don't be sanctimonious at the very thought of private citizens doing something.

NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.

It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.

 HUH?  It's the government's job to do the tipping?

I fear Eddie Nash will not be with us much longer.

NoHo - 
Tahiti Bo -
NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.

It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.

HUH? It's the government's job to do the tipping?

No. It's the employers. And in the case of the military, the employer is the government.

"Hey, buddy, we're going to take money out of your check for our military, but we're not going to use it on the military. Instead, if you're a sucker, please donate more money to the soldiers we're supposed to be taking care of."

Preach on Bro, seems a lot of people here dont like to hear the truth and hate free speach

preach on bro!

Do you tip waitresses?

DERYL - i agree it's not classy, but there is some truth to it. the u.s. government has hidden billions of dollars through an unwinable war, but can't take care of it's own troops. now a million out of work americans who have been backstabbed by it's government are told to come out of pocket for it's troops. hell, 1/3 of EVERY dollar you see already goes to the government. REVOLUTION!

It is the government's fault to be sure, but at least here we are being ASKED to donate, as opposed to being forced to with bailouts, etc. So I'm glad that many of us CHOSE to donate, but Nash's comments are downright disgusting. Give or not, but don't tell me you shouldn't have to give a fuck if the government doesn't. But one thing agreed, none of us should give a fuck about Nash.

Then what is the possible reason for me to give a fuck?

I still dont get the point, should I feel sorry for these guys that actually joined an army and went to war got shot? I got shot in a street war 4 years ago and I wasnt on TV begging for peoples money.

people say, "they are keeping our freedom!" what freedom? by them going to Iraq to kill babies, terrorize families and steal oil is keeping my freedom?


Eddie Nash - 
DERYL - A big F U to Eddie Nash....these people got hurt and have been abandoned by their own government...so I guess its okay for us to abandon them, too? What a f'n loser!

not my problem, they shoudlnt of signed up in the first place IMO.

If you joined, you knew u would be abandonded eventually. the United States has the worst history about taking care of their vetrans

Yet people still join, why?

Not my problem bro

You're right. I guess no one should sign up for the armed forces. That way, we would have NO armed forces. Then no one would get hurt. LOL

The point is, regardless of them signing up to protect YOUR way of life and our government abandoning them, they are INJURED people. And brain injuries are NOT fun. period. So you don't need ot donate money, but don't say you don;t give a fuck. I'm assuming these people signed up to help America, not to get brain damage and have to "beg" people like you for money. Show a little respect, and then decide whether or not you want to donate. Respectfully.