UFC fans gave excess of $4 million to Intrepid

Eddie Nash - 
DERYL - A big F U to Eddie Nash....these people got hurt and have been abandoned by their own government...so I guess its okay for us to abandon them, too? What a f'n loser!

not my problem, they shoudlnt of signed up in the first place IMO.

If you joined, you knew u would be abandonded eventually. the United States has the worst history about taking care of their vetrans

Yet people still join, why?

Not my problem bro

You're right. I guess no one should sign up for the armed forces. That way, we would have NO armed forces. Then no one would get hurt. LOL

The point is, regardless of them signing up to protect YOUR way of life and our government abandoning them, they are INJURED people. And brain injuries are NOT fun. period. So you don't need ot donate money, but don't say you don;t give a fuck. I'm assuming these people signed up to help America, not to get brain damage and have to "beg" people like you for money. Show a little respect, and then decide whether or not you want to donate. Respectfully.

thats where your wrong bro.
90% of them joined because they're high school dropouts or a way out of a prison term.

Dont join if you dont wanna get shot, thats my stance. Some people are made for the army, just like some are made to be janitors. Its what they do, what they were born for. Just dont complain when whats suppose to happen, happens. Its not my responsibility to pay their hospital bills. Its the goverments. they spend money bailing out autos and banks, bail out your troops.

craftybushidovet - Do you tip waitresses?

only if the service is exceptional

They dont just get a tip, just to get one. If they need tips to survive, then get another job. Why the fuck are you working there in the first place?

theres 401 ways to make money, choose 1. this is the 1 you chose? then dont bother me for tips douche bag

NoHo - 
Eddie Nash -
NoHo -
Tahiti Bo -
NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.

It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.

HUH? It's the government's job to do the tipping?

No. It's the employers. And in the case of the military, the employer is the government.

"Hey, buddy, we're going to take money out of your check for our military, but we're not going to use it on the military. Instead, if you're a sucker, please donate more money to the soldiers we're supposed to be taking care of."

Preach on Bro, seems a lot of people here dont like to hear the truth and hate free speach

preach on bro!

It's not that they hate free speech, it's just that they've been blinded by the Bush administration who have used the troops as a way to brainwash ignorant Americans who are plentiful on UFC and WWE forums.

You can get away with anything in this country as long as you wrap it up in an American flag or say it's for the troops.

"Hey, would you please go over there an slit that minorities throat? It's for the troops of course. Do you support them? Great! Here use this knife. It's military issued. Thanks and God Bless"

I can't even believe I just read this stupid post. Are you 15 and just beginning reading about government and politics?

Mulletron5000 - nobody is telling you to donate. this is about providing EXTRA help to those in need, not primary help. the gov't can do more, but these soldiers require more than the gov't is providing; there is nothing wrong with helping out a little just as there is nothing wrong with not helping out at all. but to not have some compassion for a troop who lost half of his skull trying to remove an IED is disgusting.

so I should have compassion? why?

Thats just like someone moving into a crack house and asking me to feel sorry for them being a fiend and help pay for their recovery.

They knew what they were getting into

Only  a loser feels the need to inject his personal politics here. A loser.

4 million is fantastic !!

TTT for our Armed Forces !! And Merry Christmas 

It doesn't matter who is supposed to be taking care of them, the fact is they aren't being taken care of. I hate Bush as much as any Bush hater, trust that. It's not their fault they were put in the bullshit war with Iraq. It's amazing people donate money to help stray dogs and shit, but when it comes to helping a FELLOW HUMAN BEING their wallet gets cramped. Do I think the government should do more, hell yeah, but I think they should do a lot of stuff that they don't.

I'm not in a great way financially so I gave what I could to help these guys. Not much but even a little bit can count. If you choose not to, that's fine too. To me that event was worth at least $5, if not $20.

Eddie Nash:
You don't have to have compassion, but when it comes back around don't expect it from anyone either.

trust me, i dont expect anything from anybody.

If I want or need something, I take it, and if someone is dumb enough to stand in my way, that someone gets removed

You understand what im sayin?

Eddie Nash - trust me, i dont expect anything from anybody.

If I want or need something, I take it, and if someone is dumb enough to stand in my way, that someone gets removed

You understand what im sayin?
Yeah, we understand what you're saying. You're a douchebag.


Mulletron5000 - 
Eddie Nash - 
Mulletron5000 - nobody is telling you to donate. this is about providing EXTRA help to those in need, not primary help. the gov't can do more, but these soldiers require more than the gov't is providing; there is nothing wrong with helping out a little just as there is nothing wrong with not helping out at all. but to not have some compassion for a troop who lost half of his skull trying to remove an IED is disgusting.

so I should have compassion? why?

Thats just like someone moving into a crack house and asking me to feel sorry for them being a fiend and help pay for their recovery.

They knew what they were getting into

wow, if anyone thought that you were not a troll before, comparing injured military members to crackheads definitely outs you as one now.

you should have compassion because you are a human being. i don't donate to every fund established for people who died in a vehicle accident, but i definitely have compassion for them and their families.

Ive been shot before, nobody paid my hospital bills, nobody made any donations for me. So I left my compassion in the hospital bed

So let's see...Nash doesn't pay taxes, but I bet he has someone deliver his mail, pick up his garbage, fix his roads, teach his kids (God forbid he has any!) at school, takes books out of the library (assuming he reads) etc. etc. etc.It's the "I can get all this shit for free and don't have to pay for it" attitude.And then he thinks that 90% of the troops are fuckups, basically. And they were told that 1 in 5 of them would get brain damage, and this excited them so much that they signed the papers ASAP.And now since Bush doesn't want to help them, we should tell them to fuck themselves, and "deal with it" for the rest of their lives.But God forbid they need some money to work on rehab, because they all got what they deserved, apparently. God forbid someone should ask NASH for money, because it's all his. Even though my taxes pay for HIS municipal services.I'm a liberatarian, so don't preach to me about how fucked up our government is. But maybe you could learn about compassion, common sense, respect, and humanism.

It takes a special kind of person to bitch about how the governemnht doesn't do enough, and then be all "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie."

"I have gots better stuff to spend my money on"

Yup, like a gun to kill yourself.

NoHo - I bet UFC made two times more than that for themselves with all the advertisements and commercials they ran.

 Yep, seems likely.  They're a for-profit business, why wouldn't they?  Would you rather have had them make the exact same amount of money and NOT raise any for this cause?

Look here is the deal. All Nash is saying is that, we all as individuals make our own path. I am not one to bash the miltiary(HOO-RAH DEVIL DOGS). But I def do not agree with us being over there or the fact our shitty govt is not taking care of these guys.

Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on


Eddie Nash - 
Mulletron5000 - 
Eddie Nash - 
Mulletron5000 - nobody is telling you to donate. this is about providing EXTRA help to those in need, not primary help. the gov't can do more, but these soldiers require more than the gov't is providing; there is nothing wrong with helping out a little just as there is nothing wrong with not helping out at all. but to not have some compassion for a troop who lost half of his skull trying to remove an IED is disgusting.

so I should have compassion? why?

Thats just like someone moving into a crack house and asking me to feel sorry for them being a fiend and help pay for their recovery.

They knew what they were getting into

wow, if anyone thought that you were not a troll before, comparing injured military members to crackheads definitely outs you as one now.

you should have compassion because you are a human being. i don't donate to every fund established for people who died in a vehicle accident, but i definitely have compassion for them and their families.

Ive been shot before, nobody paid my hospital bills, nobody made any donations for me. So I left my compassion in the hospital bed

move out of the ghetto

SugaShaneDZ I agree with you.


May as well ban him again.

I have a lot of guys that I was in with that came back and are REALLY fucked by TBI. I also know that since I was in that a LOT of the guys in are mental cases before they even go off. People don't realize that drill instructors de-program, AIT helps re-program to what the military wants out of you. Then if get out, who helps to make back into a "normal" person. These guys are trained to be killing machines and then get home and don't know what to do or who to turn to. They don't have their company men to turn to. They don't want to admit it if they are feeling weak or overwhlemed, cuz they are programmed NOT to feel. I could go on all day.

DERYL - So let's see...Nash doesn't pay taxes, but I bet he has someone deliver his mail, pick up his garbage, fix his roads, teach his kids (God forbid he has any!) at school, takes books out of the library (assuming he reads) etc. etc. etc.It's the "I can get all this shit for free and don't have to pay for it" attitude.And then he thinks that 90% of the troops are fuckups, basically. And they were told that 1 in 5 of them would get brain damage, and this excited them so much that they signed the papers ASAP.And now since Bush doesn't want to help them, we should tell them to fuck themselves, and "deal with it" for the rest of their lives.But God forbid they need some money to work on rehab, because they all got what they deserved, apparently. God forbid someone should ask NASH for money, because it's all his. Even though my taxes pay for HIS municipal services.I'm a liberatarian, so don't preach to me about how fucked up our government is. But maybe you could learn about compassion, common sense, respect, and humanism.

It takes a special kind of person to bitch about how the governemnht doesn't do enough, and then be all "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie."

except, like most people, I dont expect shit from the government. Im my own man. I take care of my wife and kids on my own with no help. I dont go around looking for handouts, I take what I want when I want.

except, like most people, I dont expect shit from the government. Im my own man. I take care of my wife and kids on my own with no help. I dont go around looking for handouts, I take what I want when I want.

so who pays for your kids to go to school, Mr. "I don't pay taxes?" Who picks up your garbage? Who builds your roads?