I take what I want when I want.
Tough Guy Alert!
I take what I want when I want.
leftlowkick -
move out of the ghetto
DERYL -Exactly
except, like most people, I dont expect shit from the government. Im my own man. I take care of my wife and kids on my own with no help. I dont go around looking for handouts, I take what I want when I want.
so who pays for your kids to go to school, Mr. "I don't pay taxes?" Who picks up your garbage? Who builds your roads?
LOL at least I know this thread is dead now, since Nash is obviously a troll. LOL at robbing somebody and bragging about it on here. I see now that it doesn't matter what anyone says, since you'll type anything to stir trouble. LOL
im sure the ppl i robbed dont post here
SugaShaneDZ - I have a lot of guys that I was in with that came back and are REALLY fucked by TBI. I also know that since I was in that a LOT of the guys in are mental cases before they even go off. People don't realize that drill instructors de-program, AIT helps re-program to what the military wants out of you. Then if get out, who helps to make back into a "normal" person. These guys are trained to be killing machines and then get home and don't know what to do or who to turn to. They don't have their company men to turn to. They don't want to admit it if they are feeling weak or overwhlemed, cuz they are programmed NOT to feel. I could go on all day.
DERYL - LOL at least I know this thread is dead now, since Nash is obviously a troll. LOL at robbing somebody and bragging about it on here. I see now that it doesn't matter what anyone says, since you'll type anything to stir trouble. LOL
forrestfan - EDDIE NASH = TOM STALL.
May as well ban him again.
NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.
It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.
Tough call. lol
Come back little Eddie, we need a good laugh.
just tellin it like it is bro
VectorWegaLives -Eddie Nash -
I dont pay taxes and i dont plan to, still not my problem. let the zombies and robots who goto work from 9-5 everyday for the rest of their lives pay the 5. Life is short, and im not going to spend 75% of mine at work
You don't? What do you buy..just produce? Where do you live...on the streets? If you pay rent, you're paying taxes you just don't know it.
Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime
They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.
The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?
I have gots better stuff to spend my money on
LMAO @ "I dont, rent, I own. I live in Vegas, there is no taxes."
Your house payment comes out of your paycheck before taxes? Your utilities are tax free? Everything is taxed one way or another and everyone pays taxes.
Just tellin it like it is bro !
VectorWegaLives -
There is no taxes? Are that true? Clark count don't have none taxes? WAT
I'd donate just to see if Eddie Nash could talk all that sh*t to those veteran's faces.
Since the UFC spent so much time discussing and showing footage in order to receive donations could they then justify that the costs/revenue lost due to should be considered losses and taken off on their taxes?
It was a charitable event correct therefore the production and payroll could be written off?
$4 Million is great, TTT for all of us who helped and all others offering moral support. I truly feel sorry for anyone condemning the effort. You must be very unhappy people.
greco yeoman - $4 Million is great, TTT for all of us who helped and all others offering moral support. I truly feel sorry for anyone condemning the effort. You must be very unhappy people.Made me feel good to donate.