UFC fans gave excess of $4 million to Intrepid

3t for the troops

In these days of billions to the morons who got us into this economic mess, damn right we should support our troops.

Like today some ass, a former Chairmen of Nasdaq admits to a 50 billion dollar fraud. We all know this is where our money goes, to the dicks who scam everyone and get 2 months house arrest.

Yet some guy making jack defending what he/she thinks is right will struggle through the rest of life.

 We can not do enough, ever, for those injured in the line of duty.

Eddie Nash - 
leftlowkick - 

move out of the ghetto

I dont live in the ghetto, I robbed some douche bag after he went to the ATM and got his keys as well. I followed him home and robbed his house 3 days later but he came home for a fucking lunch break, I watched him for 2 days and he never came home after he went to work. but on the day I break in, he decides to take a lunch break at home.

ANyways, I already had his laptop, 50 Inch Plasma, surround sound system and DVD player in my car. I was getting the reciever for the sound system when he came back, i dropped that shit, ran to the garage (i parked inside to keep from view of the streets) and took off. This dude came chasing after me shoting a gun at me n shit. one went through the back window and hit me in the shoulder.

I lost him and made it to the hospital.

what an obvious troll...you do realize it's the law for the hospital to report gun shot victims to the police. And with no health insurance I'm sure you could pay your hospital bills too huh? I had fucking Kidney stones and it would have cost me $30,000 in bills if i didn't have insurance. Please ban this fuck, trolling about MMA is one thing, trolling injured US soldiers is unacceptable.

oh and who the fuck wouldn't change their locks after they were robbed and had their keys stolen?

Donating to the troops made me feel good. THE END

DERYL - A big F U to Eddie Nash....these people got hurt and have been abandoned by their own government...so I guess its okay for us to abandon them, too? What a f'n loser!


"It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press."

"It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech."

"It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate."

"It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

"And it is the soldier that gives dumbass fucking trolls like Eddie Nash the right to be a fucking idiot."

semper fi you ungrateful fucking bitch

Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on

 More helmets and bibs, apparently. They don't take food stamps anyway.

And if your parents knew their spawn would result in the likes of you I bet they wish they would have left your ass as a stain on the sheets... or the back seat. Asshole. I can't believe I actually feel sorry for you because your life, without a doubt, must absolutely suck.


bjjdna - "It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press."

"It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech."

"It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate."

"It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."

"And it is the soldier that gives dumbass fucking trolls like Eddie Nash the right to be a fucking idiot."

semper fi you ungrateful fucking bitch

 It is the soldier that protects our country where we have these things...it is the constitution that gives us the freedom to [fill in the blank]



 Eddie Nash = dueche bag

Eddie Nash - i wouldnt give a dime

They knew the dangers before joining the army, they knew what could happen to them.

The government should be taking care of this stuff, not us. if the goverment doesnt give a fuck, why should I?

I have gots better stuff to spend my money on

There's an element of truth to that, the republicans talk about caring for the troops, but we all know how the soldiers are treated after LEAVING the military in the US.

So we were called on to help.

 > It was a charitable event correct therefore the production and payroll could be written off?


NoHo - 
Tahiti Bo -
NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.

It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.

HUH? It's the government's job to do the tipping?

No. It's the employers. And in the case of the military, the employer is the government.

"Hey, buddy, we're going to take money out of your check for our military, but we're not going to use it on the military. Instead, if you're a sucker, please donate more money to the soldiers we're supposed to be taking care of."
You = moron.

It's an employer's job to tip?.... tipping is voluntary on the part of the customer (although most waiters rely on tips because they get paid so little)... BUT... you don't know much about economics do you?   If the employer took care of "tipping" the waiter, your food would cost more... the tip would be passed on to you anyway...  

However, as it stands, you should be THRILLED that employers don't "take care of tips"... free riders like you get to benefit from lower prices by not tipping.

Swell for you.

Same probably goes for government spending on military... I highly doubt an idjit like you is in a tax bracket high enough to care anyway... again, you benefit by not having to even worry about actually pay ing major taxes that support the military...  BUT, thanks to this wonderful country and free speech (and the veterans who maintain it), you get to bitch about it anyway, as if you did.

Semper Fi.


 I think people are forgetting.  Helping people is a GOOD thing. 

bjjdna - "It is the soldier, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press."

"It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech."

"It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate."

"It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag."


"And it is the soldier that gives dumbass fucking trolls like Eddie Nash the right to be a fucking idiot."

semper fi you ungrateful fucking bitch

Just when I thought we couldn't see someone more retarded than Karateman

Tahiti Bo - 
NoHo - 
Tahiti Bo -
NoHo - I'm not giving my money to ANYTHING I don't have to. It's MY money. I worked for it. This is the Governments job. Not mine.

It's the same thing as when you see a tip jar at a fast food joint.

HUH? It's the government's job to do the tipping?

No. It's the employers. And in the case of the military, the employer is the government.

"Hey, buddy, we're going to take money out of your check for our military, but we're not going to use it on the military. Instead, if you're a sucker, please donate more money to the soldiers we're supposed to be taking care of."
You = moron.

It's an employer's job to tip?.... tipping is voluntary on the part of the customer (although most waiters rely on tips because they get paid so little)... BUT... you don't know much about economics do you?   If the employer took care of "tipping" the waiter, your food would cost more... the tip would be passed on to you anyway...  

However, as it stands, you should be THRILLED that employers don't "take care of tips"... free riders like you get to benefit from lower prices by not tipping.

Swell for you.

Same probably goes for government spending on military... I highly doubt an idjit like you is in a tax bracket high enough to care anyway... again, you benefit by not having to even worry about actually pay ing major taxes that support the military...  BUT, thanks to this wonderful country and free speech (and the veterans who maintain it), you get to bitch about it anyway, as if you did.

Semper Fi.


 Beautiful ownage, Bo=)


Eddie Nash - trust me, i dont expect anything from anybody.

If I want or need something, I take it, and if someone is dumb enough to stand in my way, that someone gets removed

You understand what im sayin?

oh man... what a badass..... lol

IrishLew - 
Eddie Nash - 
leftlowkick - 

move out of the ghetto

I dont live in the ghetto, I robbed some douche bag after he went to the ATM and got his keys as well. I followed him home and robbed his house 3 days later but he came home for a fucking lunch break, I watched him for 2 days and he never came home after he went to work. but on the day I break in, he decides to take a lunch break at home.

ANyways, I already had his laptop, 50 Inch Plasma, surround sound system and DVD player in my car. I was getting the reciever for the sound system when he came back, i dropped that shit, ran to the garage (i parked inside to keep from view of the streets) and took off. This dude came chasing after me shoting a gun at me n shit. one went through the back window and hit me in the shoulder.

I lost him and made it to the hospital.

what an obvious troll...you do realize it's the law for the hospital to report gun shot victims to the police. And with no health insurance I'm sure you could pay your hospital bills too huh? I had fucking Kidney stones and it would have cost me $30,000 in bills if i didn't have insurance. Please ban this fuck, trolling about MMA is one thing, trolling injured US soldiers is unacceptable.

Sorry bro, i didnt know that someone who supports amreicans doesnt support the 1st amendment

Yes I went to the county hospital 2 countys over and I set up a payment plan in someone elses name.

Thanks for not knowing about life lol