VectorWegaLives - ^ he doesn't have utilities because his house runs on solar electricity and propane. There is a (naturally created?!?) propane reservoir under his house and local propane companies actually pay him for access to some of that propane...WAT
so how dumb are people here?
lol, how hard is that to understand?
TheLurKing - Writing a check to a fund raiser while doing nothing to change what our government is doing with these heroes is an empty sentiment. 4 million dollars is a lot of money and will help a lot of injured soldiers but the wounded are gonna keep on comming.
its pointless, the 4mill will help them research but then you got a douche bag who is prolly pocketing half of that money and next year, there will be a whole new crop of injured soldiers that the goverment doesnt give a shit about.
question is
Will you help them too?
> Eddie Nash - Sorry bro, i didnt know that someone who supports amreicans doesnt support the 1st amendment
Banning you from the website (not that I am for it) has absolutely ZERO First Amendment implication.
Learn your Constitution.
> TheLurKing - Writing a check to a fund raiser while doing nothing to change what our government is doing with these heroes is an empty sentiment. 4 million dollars is a lot of money and will help a lot of injured soldiers but the wounded are gonna keep on comming.
Not true at all. I am glad you want to work to change the government's policies, but you act as if helping the soldiers through private means and working to change government policy are mutually exclusive undertakings. They most certainly are not. You can treat the disease and the symptoms at the same time (in fact, most of the time that is what doctors try to do).
Question: What will NOT helping our soldiers accomplish for you, in terms of changing the government's policies?
It is not an "empty sentiment" at all to want to support soldiers AND change the government.
What IS an empty sentiment is saying "they are gonna keep coming anyway" so why bother helping...
> Eddie Nash - question is - Will you help them too?
Answer is, yes.
Semper Fi.
> The goverment and military should be spending money to combat this problem, not every average joe.
Where does gov't money come from? The magic money tree?
Average Joe pays either way, no?
Well, actually no... If the government spends the money, then EVERY average joe does pay, but if private groups do it, then only the average joes who donate pay. So, actually, your own logic turns on itself: If you DON'T want every average joe to pay, then you should support private means to solve the problem.
But, again, nobody here has criticized the average joe for not contributing, and no one should (and, for that matter, no one has said the government shouldn't do more). The issue has been with people who are offended by the very idea of private groups asking The People for donations to take the initiative to do these kinds of things.
lol, you have it all fucked up man
American troops are over there fucking the Iraqs over. Stealing oil, killing kids and acting liek Commies
The only reason there is bombings is beacuse they want us to get the fuck out of their country.
how do you think the IRA started? they wanted the Brits to be gone. Same situation.
lol @ them protecting our freedom, from what? the CIA does that. get a clue bro
You can only laugh at little ediie.
Servicemen are protecting us from what? What country has attacked us?
Let's get something clear people, political solutions ensure freedoms, not military actions. If that was the case, why are Iraq and Afghanistan still problematic? Bomb them back to stone age and there you go! Why are the generals calling for political discussions?
Disbeliever is dead on! How much more of my money does the gov't get to waste? That's the issue at hand. Not what service men and women do or don't do. Put another dollar in the hands of the gov't and watch us loose 1.50 instead.
The CIA is part of the machine, they don't defend our interests. They defend the interests of the gov't and the puppet masters behind the scene. I feel sad for the troops. Their job is to defend the USA and what happens instead? They get duped into fighting 2 pointless wars! Political sock puppets.
The real enemy is the Pakistani ISS. Pakistani ISS are the ones who funded the Taliban and OBL with money from the US. The ISS is at fault for the waves of terrorism conducted by these Wahibi radicalist. If you want to go after someone, these are the people you want.
And by the I way, I am a Pakistani. Born in the US, raised in the US, but my entire lineage is from Pakistan.
Think people, don't parrot.
10mtncombat - you don't know anything about whats going on cause you aren't there. you are a parrot. saying what you've heard. the people that are bombing us are the same people killing other muslims in the name of allah. the same people that want to destabilize the government so it can basically be a mob-run country. the people that raped a guys wife in front of him because he didn't want the radical sunnis taking his son and making him join them. YOU have no clue dude. you think the cia would protect a homeland invasion? lol@you dude. oh wait, that can't happen... they won't fly planes into our building or bomb andything here. it's not protecting the freedom of the united states over in iraq, it's giving people a better life because we are the strogest nation in the world and if we don't put an end to injustices, no one will. then we will sit back and wait till they fuck with us instead of taking the fight over to them. or we can just standby and wait to get attacked like naive americans
You are dumber than I thought
"The Troops are puting an end to injustices"
Where the Fuck was America during The Bosnian Genocide?
Where the Fuck was America During the Rwanda genocide?
Why the Fuck hasnt America put a stop to the conflic diamonds?
Get a clue bro, the troops are only there to steal oil for bushs oil companys
If they didnt have oil, they wouldnt be there and thats a fuckin fact
I have to restrain myself from going to the parades and spitting in the troops faces as they return home, thats the way I feel
10mtncombat - funny behind a keyboard. you can come to fort drum whenever you want buddy. 14481 fuller road adams center ny 13606 -my address come spit in my face
the point of that?
am i gonna get paid?
If it dont make dollars, than it dont make sense
So we threaten people when we disagree with them?
Come on folks, be adults. We can disagree all we want, but threats are stupid.
10mntcombat: Breath solider. I get it you are little jumpy, maybe trigger happy, but just breath. We still live in the only TRUE free country in this world. People should voice their disagreement, that's the only true path to wisdom.
Don't be so happy about the NWF area of Pakistan. A lot of westerners have been very gung ho about kicking ass there and have come up short. The NWF and their Afghani cousins are not some pushovers, they are crazy and they will fight until everyone is dead.
A man guarding his home is worth more than a platoon of trained soldiers. And believe me the NWF folks believe this to a point that you won't see in a lot of other parts of the world.
Rome fell because Ceasar surrounded himself with yes men.
10mtncombat - it's funny how i would gladly take a bullet to die for this country so you can sit on your computer and say these things. you have no idea how much i love america. if you go to these other countries and see just how lucky you are. you would be the same way. i would do anything for it. for my kids, for my kids kids, for your kids and your family. anything
This is how you use to show your love for America. It isn't any better or any worst than me showing my love for this country by pointing out the wrongs that it commits. How it sends its young men and women to die for oil. To fight a nonexistent enemy.
The great thing about people, we are all different. We can't all be warriors, leaders, philosophers, or teachers, or anything else. Appreciate the uniqueness of all not just those that are like you.
We have had this type of loser troll on here for years and you guys STILL bite.
That's the funny thing.
10mtncombat - it's funny how i would gladly take a bullet to die for this country so you can sit on your computer and say these things. you have no idea how much i love america. if you go to these other countries and see just how lucky you are. you would be the same way. i would do anything for it. for my kids, for my kids kids, for your kids and your family. anything
Im glad you love your country, we need more people like you. I appreciate what youve done.
That still doesnt change the fact that I dont give a fuck about our country. All I give a fuck about is me, my kids, wife, Money and my fam. thats it. lol @ dying for a country, those are the only people i would die for, I wouldnt die for bush but I guess we need people who are willing to for the world to work.
If anything goes down, i will be the first person to leave this place and say goodbye too america, Ill be in mexico, canada or the carribean in a second.
mrzipplokk - We have had this type of loser troll on here for years and you guys STILL bite.
That's the funny thing.
If thats what you want to call me, fine. I will not argue.
Im just tellin it like it is bro, they crucified Jesus on the cross for tellin it like it is bro.
Thats just the way it is in this world, people cant stand to hear the truth
I'm not mad at you mountain . I'm just surprised you guys bite.
disbeliever - My issue is that we have to run "drives" and hope people donate money to help these people. Instead of our tax money going towards rebuidling another country, why not take care of our troops AFTER they get home and out of service?
I don't like the situation. I would not have gone to war in Iraq. But what is done is done, and hopefully we can clean up the mess and get our guys out of there and at the same time at least leave some hope that we accomplished something.
But, you are not making full sense.
If our tax money didn't go to rebuilding Iraq, there would be even more instability there and even more US soldiers being killed. So one can make the argument that the money being spent there is helping our soldiers. (Sure, you can argue how effectively this money is spent. You can make that point about everything the gov't spends money on.)
Also, if you are a realist and see how government works, do you really think the gov't will divert money from one spending line to another?
Your choice, in practicality, is a non-starter. It's not a matter of pulling money from one place and spending it in another.
If you want the government to spend more money on TBI and wounded soldiers, expect a tax increase, i.e., new money.
Then we can come around full circle to my earlier point (to which you said I twisted your view)... would you prefer to have a tax increase on everyone to take care of the issue (and, knowing how the gov't operates, think about whether your money will be effectively used to solve the problem) or would you prefer to let private foundations do what they can to address the issue and "hope" some people donate (of course, also keeping in mind whether or not they will effectively use funds)...
And, keep in mind, TBI is not well understood. There is a lot of work to do to figure out how to help these folks out. It isn't just a matter of having the gov't set up some "program"....
What? How about spending the money here at home helping poor kids, poor families, returning troops, etc... I can think of a million things that need our attention here. No new taxes needed, because you are not in Iraq in the first place and you are not wasting money on a pointless endeavor!
Your statement shows your obvious lack of understanding of the quagamarie that is Iraq. Under Sadaam, there was no instability. If you understand the Beoudian way, then you understand my previous statement.The instability occurred when the US toppled Saddam. Simple truth. Oh wait, that's right, we were done with Saddam, no longer needed. God forbid if he ever got on t.v. and told the world that he was on the US payroll. Oh yeah wait, he is dead now, we are safe now.
When the US leaves, the level of violence will be even more extreme. You fail to understand the hatred between Shias and Sunnis, just like the morons that called for this war. You fail to understand the level of hatred between the Sunnis/Shias/Kurds/Turkomen. And let me do one better here, when the US leaves and the Sunnis are massacred by the Shias, who do you think is going to come a knocking? The other Sunnis states and their martyrs.
We have accomplished 0! Iraq exists because of a British pen stroke. It is artificial and its people are forced into a political boundary that they don't want to be a part of. It is a mess and will be a mess for a long time. The Iraqis need to decide for themselves what is the right destiny for their people and lands, not Americans who fail to see what the true underlying issues are. This tribal warfare, this is a majority of peoplle (Shias) retaliating for their decades of oppression under the minority (Sunis) rule. This is only going to get worst!
GREAT POST rayonyx7
some people are just fuckin retards, you cant get through to them.
Simple fact is, America wants to rule the earth and conform everyone. If they dont conform, their TERROIST!