UFC responds to Culinary Union announcement

An Expensive Hat - 
Jamien604 - 
An Expensive Hat - 
turdboy - 
An Expensive Hat - 
turdboy - Anyone favoring the pieces of shit running that culinary union over the UFC have no clue what they have been doing to MMA for years. They are NOT our friends.

UniteHere is working for fighters unionizing, not the Culinary Union. The Culinary Union is one of several affiliates to UniteHere, which is just a big, nationwide union/unionizing organization.

And the Culinary Union hasn't done shit to MMA, you dope. They issue inflammatory statements, but they didn't get the UFC taken off of Spike once, or force the UFC to not sign a fan favorite fighter, or anything like that.

And the Culinary Union hasn't done shit to MMA, you dope. They issue inflammatory statements, but they didn't get the UFC taken off of Spike once, or force the UFC to not sign a fan favorite fighter, or anything like that.

ou either have no clue or you are straight up lying. I don't know what is worse.

The Culinary Union has a history of attempting to shut down UFC operations, prevent sanctioning of MMA, block the UFC from putting on events, preventing fan favorites from competing in high profile venues and generally being a thorn in the Fertitta's side because of their past issues with Station Casinos.

How many fighters have not been paid because the Local 226 did everything possible - including paying off politicians - to prevent the UFC from putting events on in New York? That isn't "caring for fighters". That waging a vendetta against a company that pissed them off in the past. Their "affiliation" with UniteHere is nothing but a political move to get back at the UFC - NOT to protect fighters - regardless of UniteHere's mission statement.

Why did you put quotation marks around "caring for fighters" the same way you put quotation marks around "affiliation," a word I actually used? Do you think my position is that the unions are caring for fighters?

Is the culinary union so poor that they can only afford one paid poster on here? Where are all your buddies to come in here and back you up.

Are you such a low level shitposter that your only response to a legitimate post devoid of insults is to parrot a commonly repeated forum meme?

Lol Nevermind I just looked at your post history, you just love to start shit with people and play devil's advocate.

I take back what I said, you don't give a fuck about the culinary union or the ufc. You just want to argue.

So I am out. Have a great day. Relax, breathe, take it easy. Maybe go rub one out.

Malvert the Janitor - Two greedy cooperate entities pretending to give a shit about people in an effort to further their own interests. Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0

HereticMMA -
Malvert the Janitor - Two greedy cooperate entities pretending to give a shit about people in an effort to further their own interests. Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0
Yes, but only one of them has at least a partial alignment with the fighters. The other just wants to see the ufc burn Phone Post 3.0


Malvert the Janitor - Two greedy cooperate entities pretending to give a shit about people in an effort to further their own interests. Phone Post 3.0

True, although less so with UFC -- they do sometimes look out for fighters in ways that don't further their commercial interests.

I would like to see a fighter's union, but it would be disastrous if the Culinary Union played a role in forming it. Their only objective would be to make life as difficult as possible for the UFC, it would be completely fraudulent as an organisation looking out for the fighters' interests. Nightmare scenario.

An Expensive Hat - 
badtrip - 
An Expensive Hat - 
badtrip - 
An Expensive Hat - 
Clarence Parents - What a dumb idea. Phone Post 3.0

How is it a bad idea?

So how is more money being fleeced out of the UFC and into the pockets of a corrupt union a good thing? The Communist union fucks will use that money to ban fighting and fund their socialist police state. I see nothing but bad. If you are a fighter and want to make more money then win some fucking fights. If you can't win then maybe you should find a job you can do to make an honest living.

The fighters union will ban fighting? Honestly I should have expected you to be this stupid once you said "Communist union fucks" with a capitalized C, lol.

You are a fucking dummy.

In capitalism, if you overexploit a resource, the price will increase and the market will correct itself. This same logic applies to human beings; if they feel they're being exploited, and they know their labor is funding an extravagant lifestyle for the boss, they will unionize and demand more. It's the human being equivalent of like, someone overhunting pigs in their area and pigs thus no longer being the same price. This applies to fighting and everything else labor related.

Ad hominem much? Being lectured about capitalism by a commie troll is priceless. Show me more of your wisdom.

Unions are surrogates for the collectivist elites. They very much want to ban fighting. The culinary union will shit where it eats to destroy the Fertitta's hard earned empire because they will now bow to their socialist extortion.

Socialists have perverted capitalism in this country. Every ill you blame on Capitalism is caused by Fabian Socialist meddling. You must live under a rock, because you have no idea about what has happened and what is happening around you.

Why do you want to fuck the fighters over so bad? The socialists already tax the fuck out of their earnings. Why let a union suck a little more?

You are literally quoting early 20th century conspiracy theories that are accepted as discredited here, dude. You need to go outside, or go take some history courses at a community college, or something. Do you think lizard people control the world too? What's your view on aliens?

Are you high? I do not need libtard indoctrination. Collectivism is shit. That is a truth and nothing I have written has been discredited. Derp much? Stop with the fallacies, phaggot.

ErikMagraken - 
Steve4192 -

It boggles my mind that people can't differentiate between 'the culinary union' and UniteHere.  The Culinary Union is a Las Vegas-based local that has a beef with Station Casinos.  UniteHere is a national union that has dozens of affiliates, of which the Las Vegas culinary union is just one of many.  It's UniteHere and the Teamsters who have offered to put their muscle behind the fighter's organization efforts, not just 'the culinary union'.  UniteHere and the Teamsters are heavy hitters who can even the scales in the battle between the Zuffa monolith and the fighters it uses as grist for it's money-making mill. 

Correct. The other point being missed by many is that the fighters are forming an Association. Not looking to unionize. These Unions are simply throwing their weight behind the organizational efforts. Nothing to date had indicated they will have a formal role in the actual running of the MMAFA. Phone Post 3.0


gokudamus - 
HereticMMA -
Malvert the Janitor - Two greedy cooperate entities pretending to give a shit about people in an effort to further their own interests. Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0
Yes, but only one of them has at least a partial alignment with the fighters. The other just wants to see the ufc burn Phone Post 3.0

A total alignment. . .

A fighters union is a great idea.

A union with the culinary union is a terrible idea for the fighters. Phone Post 3.0

"The Teamsters also confirmed to me yesterday that members of Teamsters Local 986 in California, the same branch named in the release,  have been working with the MMAFA to help them with their efforts including supporting their work to expand the Muhammad Ali Boxing Reform Act to include mixed martial arts fighters."


Keep watching. . . .

An Expensive Hat -
VinegarStrokes - 

If fighters want to get a union together cool. Go talk to MLBPA, NBAPA, NFLPA, NHLPA etc. They would have a MUCH better understanding of unionizing as professional athletes than the Cullinary Union. The CU doesn't give two shits about the sport of MMA they are just pissed because they can't get dues from the thousands of employees of the station casinos. The CU are a bunch of money hungry politicians that don't give two shits about the workers just getting more dues to line their pockets.

I hope you didn't actually think post before you hit "post" on that, dude. None of those groups has any interest in unionizing fighters, because it's not good (or bad) for them. It means nothing to them. The Culinary Union understands that a unionized UFC is a UFC with more profit going towards the athletes and less going towards Station Casinos, which is good for them and good for the fighters, for different reasons.
So what your saying is that by causing financial harm to the 2 brothers that bankroll the UFC, the fighters will benefit. I bet your face smells like balls. Phone Post 3.0

Agreed there needs to be union but these guys don't care Phone Post 3.0

badtrip - The fighters inviting in a union is like the coal workers voting for the socialist Kenyan. It will not end well. The union will work to ban fighting as much as Oblahblah worked to ban coal.

You are either joking around and acting as Larry the Cable Guy or you simply painfully retarded.

CarlClendenin - 
MMAtador - Crazy stuff, I just wish the best for the fighters and the teamsters are a solid union. If they can pull it off it might be a good thing. Phone Post 3.0

Exactly. In the beginning it was about the fighters, and their best interest. A union is exactly that, for EVERY fighter - not just UFC fighters.

A union is great for the fighters, just not the UFC. Which is what this article would reflect. However the UFC responding here is proof enough that they're actually threatened and concerned for the first time.

Kirik, or whoever posted this, is toeing the line of being an UFC shill. I hate to say that, but I have no choice. This article is nothing more than agenda pushing. This whole topic got shifted into being about the Culinary Union as opposed to the fighters' best interests.

you arent taking into account the potential damage it may due to the organization itself...not to say you are wrong, but you cannot conclude, definitively, that it is absolutely better for the fighters...

you could argue that they get a bigger piece of the pie with a union, yes...but you could also argue that although the fighters may get a smaller percentage of the pie without the union, the pie will be bigger, making their smaller proportion, larger in absolute terms


Same argument is made in all sports--and it is proven definitively false every time.

Macedawgg - 


Same argument is made in all sports--and it is proven definitively false every time.

really? show me the proof

Bigger and more successful than they ever have been. . . associations and all.

All made the same argument--will curtail growth, pie will be smaller with a union, etc.

Hasn't been true in any sport with an association--they become more successful after.

Macedawgg - 

Bigger and more successful than they ever have been. . . associations and all.

All made the same argument--will curtail growth, pie will be smaller with a union, etc.

Hasn't been true in any sport with an association--they become more successful after.

thats not proof

They are facts. 

You can delve into the research to write your own thesis--not what I'm here for believe it or not.

Macedawgg - 

They are facts. 

You can delve into the research to write your own thesis--not what I'm here for believe it or not.

ok, but im not the one making the claims about it being factual and definitive...since you felt so confident about it, I assumed you would have the proof....