UFC should drop Hughes IMO

Bj wasn't worried about Matt because his gaurd was a non offensive type guard which enabled him to pick his shots and drop bombs to Matts chin, causing him to see stars..............


robinho, it has nothing to do with weather I know about he guard or not. I've been in plenty of guards to know that the point form bottom is and what you should be doing form the top. Perhaps it's your lack of knowledge from the position that makes you think Matt shopuld have opened up his elbows in order to allow Charuto to work for his submissions. Try getting in someones guard and open up the elbows, let us know how you do.

My post was in order to explain to those who think Matt just layed there and there fore made the fight boring. I was hoping to point out that what the bottom guy is holding on for dear life and will not let go from around your waist and at least one arm, it is he who is not allowing the action to unfold. I promise you and those others that were bored that has Charuto opened his guard and not held so tightly to Mattsd arms, he would have had his face smashed in.

I thoroughly enjoyed the fight and found it to be extremely entertaining to see who would eb able to work their stuff vs. the other. It turned out that neither one could and Matt was able to win a close decision inspite of being conservitive.

I know its hard to take that Hughes was a superior fighter, but thats the wy it is.

Hughes is, pound for pound, easily a top 5 fighter. the guys has unreal takedowns and slams, is incredibly strong and has some of the best ground and pound. You cant blame Matt for Verissimo holding onto his wrists and arms for 2 rounds. Matt won the last two rounds because he was the aggressor. Verissimo was holding on for dear life because he didnt want to get struck. Matt took Verissimo down at will and all Verissimo could do was hold on. Also, in the first round, didnt anyone notice that Hughes had passed Verissimo's guard and actually had his back before Verissimo was able to slide out and get the triangle? Hughes was very close to ending the fight right there. Also, how can you say Hughes/Trigg wasnt exciting? The guy rarely goes to decision, most of his fights end in KO, TKO or stoppage...he a badass and one of the best fighters in the world.....


None of his fights are interesting....hmmm i thought newton was pretty good, i thought hughes fight with trigg was good, i thought his fight with renato was good.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I find lay-n-pray fights boring. I don't care if the guy on top gets good hits in. There's no technique.

When, in all of his UFC fights, has Hughes ever really gone for a KO or submission with the exception of Trigg?

No technique = boring fights.

"When, in all of his UFC fights, has Hughes ever really gone for a KO or submission with the exception of Trigg?"

Sakurai, Newton, Ignatov, Newton 2... Hmm, hang on, all his fights really.

Punches on the mat to a tko finish is a stoppage too you know.

Zuffa should make Matt move up to MW to fight guys he cannot just hold down on the ground.

- on the flipside, what should they do to Charuto since he only had one good sub attempt and couldnt do anything else to the guy on top?

People are also all over Hughes when he finished Newton in the rematch after not being satisfied with the controvesial ending and admitting that a rematch was necessary, he was the first and only to finish Sakurai, the first and only to tapp Trigg (JJ Machado, Iha, even Renzo in the first AD could not tap Trigg).

He has submitted many people in Extreme Challenge too.

Hughes only recent submission is against an overrated Trigg. Sakurai was obviously jetlagged during his fight with Hughes, and Newton can barely hold a winning record.

"Hughes only recent submission is against an overrated Trigg"

Damn, you're such a douche, putting other fighters down to prove a point, Wonderful!

SinCity Hustler is correct.

Yeah but it's the Pat who plays careful, not the Pat that KO'd Shonie.

Pulsar, do you have to call me a douchbag to prove your point?

"Hughes only recent submission is against an overrated Trigg. Sakurai was obviously jetlagged during his fight with Hughes, and Newton can barely hold a winning record."

- Nice try.

Hughes finished Newton. Charuto didnt.

No one has finished Sakurai. Jet lag? You're a fag.

Overatted Trigg? What does that make Renzo, JJ, and Iha? Maybe you missed it but Trigg rolled over Dennis Hallman and has only lost to Hughes and Sakurai.

Go home.

What does that make Renzo, JJ, and Iha? You're joking, right?Sorry, Renzo is the most underrated fighter in the MW division.

Drop Hughes - 32

Keep Hughes - 23


keep Hughes....get rid of the Judges. Verissimo won Round two....it wasn't even close. Watch it again. Hughes had one take down and no strikes in the round while Verissim had 5 elbows to the head of Hughes bunch of Sub. attempts and he was on the offensive the whole time while Hughes was hanging on for dear life while on top. Verissimo was in total control in round two while Hughes was afraid to make any attempts because he knew he would be submitted fast.

OH MY GOD! 3 really stupid posts in one day...

great job... I can't wait till your next thread....