Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 

This. Social media replaced the comradery you could only find on a forum previously. 

coastmma -
Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 

This. Social media replaced the comradery you could only find on a forum previously. 

I only bother with Twitter, got tired of Facebook and hate instagram. I used to enjoy this place for the banter but most posters are either too serious or just here to argue. 

Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 


But i still like here way more than reddit or other socials.

I am still on IRC, im old school like that.


D241 -

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

Mods are completely retarded


Grindr killed the UG


May the Lord shine a light on this forsaken forum 

Dutchemperor86 -

Grindr killed the UG


Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

1 Like

I hope that one day it can return to its former glory.

I remember what my first account got banned for, and I watch people do it everyday now. 

Fighter bashing, trolling, it’s all allowed. 

It’s a damn shame. I joined this forum when I was new to forums and everyone taught you internet etiquette. Now days it’s just a big “get fucked” fest. 

1 Like
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So that was Juliana Pena using her screen name?  

1 Like

It's sucked dick here for years.


to me it has nothing to do with mods or the website but everything to do with 90% of the so called fans that post here

pidgey -
Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 


But i still like here way more than reddit or other socials.

I am still on IRC, im old school like that.

I agree


discord is where it’s at if you want chatting though 

Jason Watts -
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So that was Juliana Pena using her screen name?  

Good question


How about "Dan Henderson" on here years ago?  Was that him, or just another hole in the system that mentaL tried to warn you about?!?

1 Like

Main reason are the trumptards who now circle jerk every post. At least that’s how it is in the OG. The UG seems like it’s just people talking shit and not being very clever

wiggum -
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

that’s so weird. you make this a better forum.

Here’s just a small example of why this place is gone to shit. You 2 are great posters imo and both of the above posts you made has been voted down 3 times. 

I know votes don’t mean much but it’s just an indication to show you how many dickheads are on this site that hold grudges & will pop into a thread to try to insult another poster if they’ve had previous arguments, no matter what the subject comes the thread is.

Dont get me wrong, this place always had trolls & dickheads as long as I can remember but they’ve got much worse over the last couple of years especially.

As Outlaw said, I still come here but it definitely feels like a chore and it doesn’t take too long before it’s gets so boring with the stupid shit that gets posted until you have to leave.

D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

1 Like
Zeekman -

Main reason are the trumptards who now circle jerk every post. At least that’s how it is in the OG. The UG seems like it’s just people talking shit and not being very clever

Yeah that’s definitely one of the main reasons. I think Conor is to the UG what Trump is to the OG too. Any time you see a thread with either of those names in he title, you can be assured there will be a bunch of idiots arguing the same tired old arguments they have been for years.

1 Like
Outlaw’d by Lytle - 
coastmma -
Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 

This. Social media replaced the comradery you could only find on a forum previously. 

I only bother with Twitter, got tired of Facebook and hate instagram. I used to enjoy this place for the banter but most posters are either too serious or just here to argue. 

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

1 Like
ScreenName22 - 
Captain Canuck -

Don't look at me.

I'm drunk half the time.

And asleep the other half?

I'm awake now!