My original account was shut down with ZERO. explanation despite many attempts to find out why. I posted here from 07 until a couple years ago when it happened. Fuck the UG

Fedoral Crime -
wiggum -
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

that’s so weird. you make this a better forum.

Here’s just a small example of why this place is gone to shit. You 2 are great posters imo and both of the above posts you made has been voted down 3 times. 

I know votes don’t mean much but it’s just an indication to show you how many dickheads are on this site that hold grudges & will pop into a thread to try to insult another poster if they’ve had previous arguments, no matter what the subject comes the thread is.

Dont get me wrong, this place always had trolls & dickheads as long as I can remember but they’ve got much worse over the last couple of years especially.

As Outlaw said, I still come here but it definitely feels like a chore and it doesn’t take too long before it’s gets so boring with the stupid shit that gets posted until you have to leave.








FannyPacksForever -

My original account was shut down with ZERO. explanation despite many attempts to find out why. I posted here from 07 until a couple years ago when it happened. Fuck the UG

It was probably during the Cindy O era where she had admin status and banned people (including blue names) she didnt like/didnt tell anyone why since there was no accountability despite them paying for those accounts

InTheClosetCucumberBoy -
FannyPacksForever -

My original account was shut down with ZERO. explanation despite many attempts to find out why. I posted here from 07 until a couple years ago when it happened. Fuck the UG

It was probably during the Cindy O era where she had admin status and banned people (including blue names) she didnt like/didnt tell anyone why since there was no accountability despite them paying for those accounts

Someone I know was a victim of that. The way they used to let her carry on here was crazy. That period was the beginning of the end.

oranos -
D241 -

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

I feel like theres a mod who's in the pocket of other users. If you piss someone off in that group, they get the mod to take care of it.

"in the pocket of other users" 

Yes, people who use the UG are paying off mods to ban other users. 

Tin foil hat much?.

Gartlin -
oranos -
D241 -

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

I feel like theres a mod who's in the pocket of other users. If you piss someone off in that group, they get the mod to take care of it.

"in the pocket of other users" 

Yes, people who use the UG are paying off mods to ban other users. 

Tin foil hat much?.

There’s definitely been some shady Mod behaviour going on over the years...

Outlaw’d by Lytle -
Gartlin -
oranos -
D241 -

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

I feel like theres a mod who's in the pocket of other users. If you piss someone off in that group, they get the mod to take care of it.

"in the pocket of other users" 

Yes, people who use the UG are paying off mods to ban other users. 

Tin foil hat much?.

There’s definitely been some shady Mod behaviour going on over the years...

Wait....there are mods here? 


Trackman 2 - I think they’re all at or fightsport

probably fightsport. i hear that place is cookin now.

ranier wolfcastle - 

i never leave

And that's why you are one of my favorite posters.

Nothing ruffles your feathers. You are a pillar of sanity with a bit of subtle humor thrown in that is under-appreciated.

Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So the site was hacked.

FingerorMoon -
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So the site was hacked.

Chill out! In 20+ years the security has been good here, if something slipped through it happens, they fixed the hole. Don’t blow it out of proportion. You can make an argument about other things like modding or the app but I think they have done as well as can be with the security

Seems like the posters on the UG are getting stupider. 

Sometimes feels like it’s a bunch of teenagers posting.

The OG is MAGAville on the Front of a Storm.


Slydawg - 
FingerorMoon -
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So the site was hacked.

Chill out! In 20+ years the security has been good here, if something slipped through it happens, they fixed the hole. Don’t blow it out of proportion. You can make an argument about other things like modding or the app but I think they have done as well as can be with the security

No you chill out! lol

I don’t care. I just found it funny to say, ‘the site wasn’t hacked, someone just found an exploit and used it to access the site and do things they shouldn’t be doing’ …which is the exact definition of hacking.

1 Like
pidgey -
Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 


But i still like here way more than reddit or other socials.

I am still on IRC, im old school like that.

Wow. Thats how i learned about 9/11. Woke up in my dorm and hopped on dalnet or efnet. Thought i was being trolled by the room headlines.

FingerorMoon -
Slydawg - 
FingerorMoon -
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So the site was hacked.

Chill out! In 20+ years the security has been good here, if something slipped through it happens, they fixed the hole. Don’t blow it out of proportion. You can make an argument about other things like modding or the app but I think they have done as well as can be with the security

No you chill out! lol

I don’t care. I just found it funny to say, ‘the site wasn’t hacked, someone just found an exploit and used it to access the site and do things they shouldn’t be doing’ …which is the exact definition of hacking.

I have to retract what I said. You were right. I posted on another thread shortly after I replied to you. I hit the “post” and somehow my entire post was changed to a bunch of shit about the Middle East. Someone saw my reply to you and then hacked me.

1 Like
FingerorMoon - 
Underground Feed -
Jason Watts - 

The final straw for some people was when this place was hacked two weeks ago and there was no word for days.  Someone was posting from dozens of 09 green name accounts.   

This site was not 'hacked'. Nobody gained access to user credentials. Someone was exploiting a hole that allowed scripts if you altered you post source code to pass user IDs into the form and post as different people.

We addressed it soon as we figured out what was going on and the exploit is gone.

So the site was hacked.

Yes, that is indeed a hack.

1 Like
RonysTorresIceBag - 
pidgey -
Stea1th -

Forums in general are turning into ghost towns. this isn’t because of any one thing. 


But i still like here way more than reddit or other socials.

I am still on IRC, im old school like that.

Wow. Thats how i learned about 9/11. Woke up in my dorm and hopped on dalnet or efnet. Thought i was being trolled by the room headlines.

Same here, except I found out via ARPANET whilst cru151n6 on my 7r45h80.

Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

1 Like

Here is the thread that got me banned for multiple weeks.  Flowwiththego went and tattled on me for sending him a pm that had a first name with a question mark. 

The thread is kinda fucked up in that many post were deleted so it might be hard to follow.  I can connect the dots if there's any questions.

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