This thread pops up from time to time. Same thread, new poster, but they never actually leave. The trainwreck this place is is part of it’s appeal. I don’t see why ppl complain. MMA as a sport has lost it’s luster, that’s why this place isn’t thriving like it once was. The site itself is still a fun place to check into from time to time. I wouldn’t know what other sites I would want to waste my time on. Maybe reddit, and my buddy Wild’s TMMAC, but that’s about it. I spend enough time here, fuck going to other sites to waste more time. I’m one of the few who prefers a smaller sample size of posters. I like this site because it’s not as cluttered with voices in the room. Some forums and sites have way too many ppl for it to ever feel like a close community. 

D241 -
Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

That’s a disgrace. 

D241 -
Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

The UG drama is a new thing ppl love to follow.  It used to be fake blackbelts getting roasted, now it’s anyone and everyone!  

1 Like
D241 -
Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

You Doxxed him. I like you but what you did was lower yourself to his level. You made a poor choice even though flowthego sounds like shitbag. You should take the high ground next time. Your better, your solid bro. 

1 Like
Jason Watts - 
D241 -
Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

The UG drama is a new thing ppl love to follow.  It used to be fake blackbelts getting roasted, now it’s anyone and everyone!  

It is now new. Has always been a thing.

You’re a coward and a dick rider. At least you’re not a fraud. Sayif is both.

Slydawg - 
D241 -
Ministry of Truth - 
D241 - 

I was banned multiple times in the past 2 months, one complete bullshit, the other for vote downs.

I had a popular thread over 10k views recently moved to what if


I get urges to come here and then am reminded about shit and go other places first.  

That’s weird. I’ve read many of your posts/threads, and you never come across as ban-worthy. What were you banned for outside of vote-downs?

Sorry for the late reply to this.  

Short version-Flowwiththego requested to get me banned.

Detailed version-I made a thread about Fortis MMA.  They are a younger team that has had incredible success their short amount of time.  As an mma fan, I felt we could discuss. The intentions were positive.  There was zero affiliation. 

This asshole flowwiththego came at me sideways right from the getgo, without asking questions first he just assumed I was a member of the team and he made several post shitting on the main coach, as well as shitting on MULTIPLE professional fighters, including multiple UFC fighters.  

Flowwiththego doxed himself by giving a very personal and detailed story about an incident that happened to him at Fortis MMA.  People put 2 and 2 together and figured out who he was.  

This flowwiththego guy initiated his own personal grudges on MY thread instead of creating his own.  He went out of his way to give a story that outted who he was, and he went out of his way to shit on several pro fighters, some of which invited him to go to the gym to settle the differences in person, to which he declined.  Yet he kept trying to talk hard to me and suggested I would be a coward if I didn't, yet he was running away from confrontation of the people he was shitting on. 

Long story short, I sent a message to Fortis MMA coach showing him the thread and that guy's comments. The coach replied back to me telling me that the guy had always been a coward, and told me his first and last name. 

I sent flowwiththego(mind you after he talked TONS of shit to me publically) a personal message that simply said one word, which was his first name with a question mark.  

That's it.  Kirik banned me for several weeks because I sent a pm with a first name and a question mark. 

Flowwiththego was never banned for shitting up my thread, for calilng out pro fighters and saying things he wouldn't say to their face, as well as talking tons of shit to me.  I was banned, he was free.

That's what this place has become.

You Doxxed him. I like you but what you did was lower yourself to his level. You made a poor choice even though flowthego sounds like shitbag. You should take the high ground next time. Your better, your solid bro. 

D, you’re a great poster, but I agree that doing that was out of line. FlowWiththeGo sounds like a piece of shit; he absolutely gave away evidence about who he was; but it’s out of line to dox someone.

but did we ever get evidence the coach is a fraud?

How did I dox him?  What did I do with his information?  The only person I shared it with is him.  I literally did nothing with it.  Ban worthy?

Look at this fucker.  Still bitter and still stirring up beef.  Call me a coward yet who initiated shit talk between you and I, was it me, or was it you?  Call someone a coward for not fighting when being called out, yet weren't you the one who was called out by multiple people?  what did you do?  First you completely denied it, then when I copied and pasted some of a personal message to me, then you don't deny it but you go and do the manly act of running off to a mod to get me banned.  Call me a coward and then immediately after that post you go to mulitple mods begging to get your post deleted.  And I'm the coward?  lol that's Rich.

I will go to any small, medium, or large mma venue as I have been with zero fear of running into anyone.  I'm still easily searchable on social media.  You however, won't step foot inside Fortis MMA, you won't go to mma events where there's a chance one of the people you shit talked to will be there, and you don't seem to be anywhere on social media.  You hide like a coward, I hide nothing.  

I'll continue to live this way, and you continue to live in fear.  Im' 100% okay with that.

1 Like
ranier wolfcastle - 

but did we ever get evidence the coach is a fraud?


We had a long time contributor(me) make a positive intended thread with stats and a topic not yet discussed.  Then we had some troll chime in and make some wild accusations, provided zero proof, doxed himself by telling on a public forum a personal story that happened at the gym, then talked shit, then asked mods to delete post(of other people in my thread, not mine), then talked shit to me, then got me banned.

But no, zero proof but the thread got derailed and I got banned.  

Welcome to the UG.  

1 Like

I'm sure there's a lot of people lurking like me. I come in, click on a thread, see the way people talk to each other, and click back out of the app for a few days

blood fist -
Trackman 2 - I think they’re all at or fightsport

probably fightsport. i hear that place is cookin now.

Fightsport 3.0 is due to launch any day dawg. 

D241 -

How did I dox him?  What did I do with his information?  The only person I shared it with is him.  I literally did nothing with it.  Ban worthy?

Look at this fucker.  Still bitter and still stirring up beef.  Call me a coward yet who initiated shit talk between you and I, was it me, or was it you?  Call someone a coward for not fighting when being called out, yet weren't you the one who was called out by multiple people?  what did you do?  First you completely denied it, then when I copied and pasted some of a personal message to me, then you don't deny it but you go and do the manly act of running off to a mod to get me banned.  Call me a coward and then immediately after that post you go to mulitple mods begging to get your post deleted.  And I'm the coward?  lol that's Rich.

I will go to any small, medium, or large mma venue as I have been with zero fear of running into anyone.  I'm still easily searchable on social media.  You however, won't step foot inside Fortis MMA, you won't go to mma events where there's a chance one of the people you shit talked to will be there, and you don't seem to be anywhere on social media.  You hide like a coward, I hide nothing.  

I'll continue to live this way, and you continue to live in fear.  Im' 100% okay with that.

I think you are a quality poster here, but let me play Devils Advocate.  Why did you send him his first name?  If it was to install fear into him then that’s no better than doxxing.  Doxxing is a method of putting fear into someone.  What did you expect his to say when he opened the message?  What was your intent by sending him his first name?  

1 Like
Jason Watts - 
D241 -

How did I dox him?  What did I do with his information?  The only person I shared it with is him.  I literally did nothing with it.  Ban worthy?

Look at this fucker.  Still bitter and still stirring up beef.  Call me a coward yet who initiated shit talk between you and I, was it me, or was it you?  Call someone a coward for not fighting when being called out, yet weren't you the one who was called out by multiple people?  what did you do?  First you completely denied it, then when I copied and pasted some of a personal message to me, then you don't deny it but you go and do the manly act of running off to a mod to get me banned.  Call me a coward and then immediately after that post you go to mulitple mods begging to get your post deleted.  And I'm the coward?  lol that's Rich.

I will go to any small, medium, or large mma venue as I have been with zero fear of running into anyone.  I'm still easily searchable on social media.  You however, won't step foot inside Fortis MMA, you won't go to mma events where there's a chance one of the people you shit talked to will be there, and you don't seem to be anywhere on social media.  You hide like a coward, I hide nothing.  

I'll continue to live this way, and you continue to live in fear.  Im' 100% okay with that.

I think you are a quality poster here, but let me play Devils Advocate.  Why did you send him his first name?  If it was to install fear into him then that’s no better than doxxing.  Doxxing is a method of putting fear into someone.  What did you expect his to say when he opened the message?  What was your intent by sending him his first name?  

This is my thinking.

The guy is a piece of shit. You have made all-time great contributions to the forum. But, I think what you did is out of line.

If someone did that to me, I would assume they were threatening me. (Whether they were threatening to out my identity. Or, threatening me in another way). I don’t know if that’s what you meant. But, it’s definitely how I personally would have taken it.

Jason Watts - 
D241 -

How did I dox him?  What did I do with his information?  The only person I shared it with is him.  I literally did nothing with it.  Ban worthy?

Look at this fucker.  Still bitter and still stirring up beef.  Call me a coward yet who initiated shit talk between you and I, was it me, or was it you?  Call someone a coward for not fighting when being called out, yet weren't you the one who was called out by multiple people?  what did you do?  First you completely denied it, then when I copied and pasted some of a personal message to me, then you don't deny it but you go and do the manly act of running off to a mod to get me banned.  Call me a coward and then immediately after that post you go to mulitple mods begging to get your post deleted.  And I'm the coward?  lol that's Rich.

I will go to any small, medium, or large mma venue as I have been with zero fear of running into anyone.  I'm still easily searchable on social media.  You however, won't step foot inside Fortis MMA, you won't go to mma events where there's a chance one of the people you shit talked to will be there, and you don't seem to be anywhere on social media.  You hide like a coward, I hide nothing.  

I'll continue to live this way, and you continue to live in fear.  Im' 100% okay with that.

I think you are a quality poster here, but let me play Devils Advocate.  Why did you send him his first name?  If it was to install fear into him then that’s no better than doxxing.  Doxxing is a method of putting fear into someone.  What did you expect his to say when he opened the message?  What was your intent by sending him his first name?  

Fair point, and kudos for expressing it in a tactful manner.

The definition of doxing mentions malicious intent.  I think that's where it's, grey at best.  After tons of shit talking to me, as well as personal messages, and keep in mind this guy mentioned the city I lived in, tried to mention posting habits of me, as well as mocked me and followed me in multiple threads of mine just stirring shit up, I sent him a message stating his assumed first name and a question mark.  

Know the details.  Know that I made a thread that had nothing to do with him.

Instead of creating his own thread to air out his own dirty laundry in a negative way, he chose my positive intended thread to air out his laundry, and gave me zero opportunity to address my intentions unlike how you did Jason Watts.  You have tact.  He chose to make personal attacks and bring up personal information on me, without me ever having interacted or being negative to him.

He went out of his way to tell a descriptive story that he mentioned a gym, members, and a specific incident.  If he truly didn't want his identity known, then he could have and should have been more discreet.  If he wouldn't have come at me the way he did, do you think I would have even gone out of my way to message him?

1 Like
D241 -
Jason Watts - 
D241 -

How did I dox him?  What did I do with his information?  The only person I shared it with is him.  I literally did nothing with it.  Ban worthy?

Look at this fucker.  Still bitter and still stirring up beef.  Call me a coward yet who initiated shit talk between you and I, was it me, or was it you?  Call someone a coward for not fighting when being called out, yet weren't you the one who was called out by multiple people?  what did you do?  First you completely denied it, then when I copied and pasted some of a personal message to me, then you don't deny it but you go and do the manly act of running off to a mod to get me banned.  Call me a coward and then immediately after that post you go to mulitple mods begging to get your post deleted.  And I'm the coward?  lol that's Rich.

I will go to any small, medium, or large mma venue as I have been with zero fear of running into anyone.  I'm still easily searchable on social media.  You however, won't step foot inside Fortis MMA, you won't go to mma events where there's a chance one of the people you shit talked to will be there, and you don't seem to be anywhere on social media.  You hide like a coward, I hide nothing.  

I'll continue to live this way, and you continue to live in fear.  Im' 100% okay with that.

I think you are a quality poster here, but let me play Devils Advocate.  Why did you send him his first name?  If it was to install fear into him then that’s no better than doxxing.  Doxxing is a method of putting fear into someone.  What did you expect his to say when he opened the message?  What was your intent by sending him his first name?  

Fair point, and kudos for expressing it in a tactful manner.

The definition of doxing mentions malicious intent.  I think that's where it's, grey at best.  After tons of shit talking to me, as well as personal messages, and keep in mind this guy mentioned the city I lived in, tried to mention posting habits of me, as well as mocked me and followed me in multiple threads of mine just stirring shit up, I sent him a message stating his assumed first name and a question mark.  

Know the details.  Know that I made a thread that had nothing to do with him.

Instead of creating his own thread to air out his own dirty laundry in a negative way, he chose my positive intended thread to air out his laundry, and gave me zero opportunity to address my intentions unlike how you did Jason Watts.  You have tact.  He chose to make personal attacks and bring up personal information on me, without me ever having interacted or being negative to him.

He went out of his way to tell a descriptive story that he mentioned a gym, members, and a specific incident.  If he truly didn't want his identity known, then he could have and should have been more discreet.  If he wouldn't have come at me the way he did, do you think I would have even gone out of my way to message him?

Thanks for explaining.  I have been doxxed before but I was thankful for it because it taught me to think before I type.  Lol.  You are right about the malicious intent.  I would just put it all behind me.  Just ignore these fools and keep providing quality posts.  

I will take your advice Mr. Watts!

I made a Dolly Parton and her enigma tits thread on the OG.  Check it out!

Trackman 2 - Sherdogs was the place to be in the late 90s w all the dogs, caldog, odog, topdog, slydog, Lawdog, ect.

Perkdog as well 

God Of Thunder -
Trackman 2 - Sherdogs was the place to be in the late 90s w all the dogs, caldog, odog, topdog, slydog, Lawdog, ect.

Perkdog as well 


pidgey -
God Of Thunder -
Trackman 2 - Sherdogs was the place to be in the late 90s w all the dogs, caldog, odog, topdog, slydog, Lawdog, ect.

Perkdog as well 

