Ultimate Orange

"Cybergenics was actually good in every way except the supplements. The workout was a sure fire route to over training as well. But with just a little modification could work wonders.
Cybergenics is a great cycle if you are on the juice!

I actually do know a few guys who did it and got grat results."

I never did Cybergenics myself, but I remember a couple of college buddies did this and made some great gains. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you couldn't drink alcohol during the cycle.

I did try Ultimate Orange a few times, and handled some decent weights in the bench.

Ahh the good ol days
Cybergenics,Weider and Champion weight gainers,whey protien,then Myoplex and creatine which worked very good.

Now all that crap gives me butt mud.

Best drink ever is a chocolate met-rx mixed with cranberry juice. Such a kick ass post workout drink.

what exactly was this stuff, and why is it banned?

Remember when met-rx came in two canisters? I would always forget one....

The Redline drink that comes in a small metal (I think it's plastic now) bottle makes me too hyped to work out. My friend said Hydroxycut Hardcore does the same to him.

The first supplement I ever bought was called "metaform." It was grape and it was horrible. I actually used to get supplements for free in highschool and college when friends would buy them and they couldn't stand the taste. I would choke down anything. Recently, I used to hate 'maximum greens' until I started mixing it with low sodium v8. But now that I'm a vegetarian, I've got the greens covered :)

You guys have said good things about Spike... is it not one of the typical, loaded with caffeine products?

LOL at gainers fuel. Takes me back to jr high.

I gained 40 lbs and went up 80 lbs in my bench on milkshake mix. I knew a guy who ran a burger joint. he would sell me the milkshake mix in big gallon paper cartons. the stuff they dumped in the milkshake machines. Thick like motor oil and fresh from the dairy. Loads of sugar.

I would drink a glass of that stuff a couple of times a day. I was lifting everyday. Dumber than dirt.

I remember this stuff from around 97 when I was 17. Tried one can and my bench went up about 35lbs. It seemed like a one shot deal type of thing where the feeling I got the first time could never really be duplicated

That's why you needed to up it to two or three scoops, put on two t-shirts and chalk your hands up.

And bounce the bar.