US Grappling Chicago- October 9th, 2010

Is that a young Matt Hughes calf slicing a young Dan Hardy?

 It's actually Rob Van Winkle (better known as Vanilla Ice) going for a straight footlock on Robert deNiro as Travis Bickle.

^ You're right. I see it now.

 Will "The Iceman" be able to put the freeze on Bickle, or is Travis too cold?

Find out on October 9th!



Don't forget - there is a discount for schools that bring 10 or more students. Each student must register and pay online, and if your school has 10 or more students that register, you'll each be refunded $10 the day before the tournament.

 TTTop for US Grappling!

TUFF-N-UFF -  TTTop for US Grappling!

How about that ex-girlfriend story?

judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  TTTop for US Grappling!

How about that ex-girlfriend story?

There are several (stories, not girlfriends).

What's going on at your house? I saw a bunch of people working on it.


judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  TTTop for US Grappling!

How about that ex-girlfriend story?

There are several (stories, not girlfriends).

What's going on at your house? I saw a bunch of people working on it.


 Got my roof repainted (need to do that every five years or so) and patched, chimney capped, and the gutter replaced.  Remember when it rained super crazy a month or two ago?

judogoat - 
judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  TTTop for US Grappling!

How about that ex-girlfriend story?

There are several (stories, not girlfriends).

What's going on at your house? I saw a bunch of people working on it.


 Got my roof repainted (need to do that every five years or so) and patched, chimney capped, and the gutter replaced.  Remember when it rained super crazy a month or two ago?

 Yeah, I remember. Was it leaking all over the place inside? That sucks.

judogoat - 
judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  TTTop for US Grappling!

How about that ex-girlfriend story?

There are several (stories, not girlfriends).

What's going on at your house? I saw a bunch of people working on it.


 Got my roof repainted (need to do that every five years or so) and patched, chimney capped, and the gutter replaced.  Remember when it rained super crazy a month or two ago?

 Yeah, I remember. Was it leaking all over the place inside? That sucks.

 Nope, the inside was bone dry.  The gutter fell off, though.

 the beginning of the end...

this was a few months ago . i was already very stressed out because of work (and the possibility of not having work), and at that point I was having car problems. I like to think of a girlfriend as someone who makes you feel better about life and when you are down and having problems, they are the person you look forward to talking to at the end of the day who makes you feel better about life. Makes sense right?

To add to my stress, my car dies (I was told I needed a new engine). I told my then GF about that and I was upset because now I needed to find a way to and from work. The same day that happened she asked if I was coming to visit her that weekend. I told her that I didn't even know how I was getting to work the next day so I seriously doubted I would be coming there that weekend. She flipped out because I had told her we wouldn't go more than a month w/out seeing eachother. Totally flipped out not even stopping to think maybe me having no car now was a major problem I needed to deal with first.

The entire time we were together she had been asking me to move up to NY. Initially I thought about it, thinking my daughter could stay w/me up there in the summers. I really gave it a lot of thought (at first). She constantly asked about this because I had no definite answer or answer as to when this may happen (after all, I am dealing with a lot already). Finally I emailed her and was up front and said after a lot of thought given, I don't think now would be a good time to move, I don't feel right leaving my daughter. I know i'd see her in the summers but she was only 8 at the time and I felt is was important for me to see her as much as I could. My GF responds to that email with "Fine! Thanks for wasting my time!".

wtf is that about?!

I delt with constant craziness like when she asked me if I ever wanted to have more kids. I gave what I thought was a neutral / good answer and was also honest. I said that I didn't have my heart set on more kids but if I was married or "permanently" with her years down the road and she wanted to have a kid, that it isn't something I have ruled out. At the same time if we were together and she didn't want to have one, I'd be okay with that too. She said she wasn't sure if she wanted to have kids but she was VERY upset with me and my answer... Why? Because I've already had a kid therefore it wouldn't be special to me w/her or exciting and she wants it to be something I am really excited about... WTF? We weren't together a year and she was talking about that AND she wasn't sure if she wanted a kid BUT was mad that I wasn't excited about wanting one w/her?

For my birthday we went down to the beach for fights. She didn't talk to me about an hour out of that drive... Why? Apparently a friend (who is also a girl) that I've known for 15 years left me a comment on Facebook saying "Haven't talked to you in forever, give me a call". Somehow my gf always knew if someone left me a comment or befriended me on facebook within minutes of it happening. She would be pissed about it before I even knew it happened. On this car ride she had a look on her face like a pissed off child and didn't speak to me. She later told me why. She also responded to the "give me a call" comment with "NO!".


to be continued.

TUFF-N-UFF -  the beginning of the end...

this was a few months ago . i was already very stressed out because of work (and the possibility of not having work), and at that point I was having car problems. I like to think of a girlfriend as someone who makes you feel better about life and when you are down and having problems, they are the person you look forward to talking to at the end of the day who makes you feel better about life. Makes sense right?

To add to my stress, my car dies (I was told I needed a new engine). I told my then GF about that and I was upset because now I needed to find a way to and from work. The same day that happened she asked if I was coming to visit her that weekend. I told her that I didn't even know how I was getting to work the next day so I seriously doubted I would be coming there that weekend. She flipped out because I had told her we wouldn't go more than a month w/out seeing eachother. Totally flipped out not even stopping to think maybe me having no car now was a major problem I needed to deal with first.

The entire time we were together she had been asking me to move up to NY. Initially I thought about it, thinking my daughter could stay w/me up there in the summers. I really gave it a lot of thought (at first). She constantly asked about this because I had no definite answer or answer as to when this may happen (after all, I am dealing with a lot already). Finally I emailed her and was up front and said after a lot of thought given, I don't think now would be a good time to move, I don't feel right leaving my daughter. I know i'd see her in the summers but she was only 8 at the time and I felt is was important for me to see her as much as I could. My GF responds to that email with "Fine! Thanks for wasting my time!".

wtf is that about?!

I delt with constant craziness like when she asked me if I ever wanted to have more kids. I gave what I thought was a neutral / good answer and was also honest. I said that I didn't have my heart set on more kids but if I was married or "permanently" with her years down the road and she wanted to have a kid, that it isn't something I have ruled out. At the same time if we were together and she didn't want to have one, I'd be okay with that too. She said she wasn't sure if she wanted to have kids but she was VERY upset with me and my answer... Why? Because I've already had a kid therefore it wouldn't be special to me w/her or exciting and she wants it to be something I am really excited about... WTF? We weren't together a year and she was talking about that AND she wasn't sure if she wanted a kid BUT was mad that I wasn't excited about wanting one w/her?

For my birthday we went down to the beach for fights. She didn't talk to me about an hour out of that drive... Why? Apparently a friend (who is also a girl) that I've known for 15 years left me a comment on Facebook saying "Haven't talked to you in forever, give me a call". Somehow my gf always knew if someone left me a comment or befriended me on facebook within minutes of it happening. She would be pissed about it before I even knew it happened. On this car ride she had a look on her face like a pissed off child and didn't speak to me. She later told me why. She also responded to the "give me a call" comment with "NO!".


to be continued.

 How dare you hijack my thread with a story about your ex-girlfriend?

Keep that shit coming!

 here is another one...

went to the beach for my birthday (like I mentioned in my previous post).

She was already pissed when we got there because of that "disrespectful" facebook message a friend left me. We were staying in the same hotel as the fights. When we got there she was starving (though the fights were starting about 30 minutes from then). I found menus and she picked a vegan pizza. I remember being on the phone making the order and the guy asked me "you want the vegan cheese pizza?" so I turned to her and asked the same. She said yes. When the pizza got there it was like watching an 8 year old refuse to eat. She pushed it away and said "I can't eat that!". When I asked her why she said "I wanted the vegan veggie pizza". I told her "I asked if you wanted the vegan cheese, you said yes" and she said "I thought you were asking if I wanted vegan cheese on it" so she wasted the entire pizza and pouted for about 45 minutes. I look across the hall (where the fights are) and see there is a SOLD OUT sign on the door and it is now closed. While this was supposed to be my birthday weekend to see fights, she got all pissed off because we couldn't get in the event. Note that she didn't even want to see the event, I did. I told her "lets do something else, we can still have fun" but instead of going on with the weekend and having fun, she ruined the rest of that night by being pissed off that we couldn't get into an event that she didn't want to see to begin with. Odd how I was the one who wanted to see the event, it was my birthday but I am the one trying to make the kiddies happy.

Another funny/odd note. After we broke up she emailed me that she wanted the Nintendo Wii she gave me for Christmas back along with a CD she had given me. She then brought up a ring I had given her and said "if you want, I can pawn it and we can split the money".

Weird that I am returning the stuff given to me yet she wants to pawn what I gave to her and split the $.

TUFF-N-UFF -  here is another one...

went to the beach for my birthday (like I mentioned in my previous post).

She was already pissed when we got there because of that "disrespectful" facebook message a friend left me. We were staying in the same hotel as the fights. When we got there she was starving (though the fights were starting about 30 minutes from then). I found menus and she picked a vegan pizza. I remember being on the phone making the order and the guy asked me "you want the vegan cheese pizza?" so I turned to her and asked the same. She said yes. When the pizza got there it was like watching an 8 year old refuse to eat. She pushed it away and said "I can't eat that!". When I asked her why she said "I wanted the vegan veggie pizza". I told her "I asked if you wanted the vegan cheese, you said yes" and she said "I thought you were asking if I wanted vegan cheese on it" so she wasted the entire pizza and pouted for about 45 minutes. I look across the hall (where the fights are) and see there is a SOLD OUT sign on the door and it is now closed. While this was supposed to be my birthday weekend to see fights, she got all pissed off because we couldn't get in the event. Note that she didn't even want to see the event, I did. I told her "lets do something else, we can still have fun" but instead of going on with the weekend and having fun, she ruined the rest of that night by being pissed off that we couldn't get into an event that she didn't want to see to begin with. Odd how I was the one who wanted to see the event, it was my birthday but I am the one trying to make the kiddies happy.

Another funny/odd note. After we broke up she emailed me that she wanted the Nintendo Wii she gave me for Christmas back along with a CD she had given me. She then brought up a ring I had given her and said "if you want, I can pawn it and we can split the money".

Weird that I am returning the stuff given to me yet she wants to pawn what I gave to her and split the $.

 How much money are we talking about here?

 not sure. the ring is old. she no longer wants to give it back at all. she wants to keep it. she was supposed to come down to exchange stuff this weekend but canceled.

TUFF-N-UFF -  not sure. the ring is old. she no longer wants to give it back at all. she wants to keep it. she was supposed to come down to exchange stuff this weekend but canceled.

1.   What do you have of hers that you can sell?

2.   Ever wonder if you're just attracted to crazy chicks?

 1 nothing that i can think of

 2 it is starting to look that way isn't it?