US Grappling Chicago- October 9th, 2010

TUFF-N-UFF -  1 nothing that i can think of

 2 it is starting to look that way isn't it?

 There's definitely something to it.  Tread carefully next time.  Think about the big picture... ask yourself why you're attracted to the girl.  Is it because she reminds you of someone else?  Is it because she particularly doesn't remind you of someone?

Both of the above are equally bad reasons to date a chick.

judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  1 nothing that i can think of

 2 it is starting to look that way isn't it?

 There's definitely something to it.  Tread carefully next time.  Think about the big picture... ask yourself why you're attracted to the girl.  Is it because she reminds you of someone else?  Is it because she particularly doesn't remind you of someone?

Both of the above are equally bad reasons to date a chick.

from years of experience I have come to the conclusion that having no chick is better than having a crazy chick


judogoat - 
TUFF-N-UFF -  1 nothing that i can think of

 2 it is starting to look that way isn't it?

 There's definitely something to it.  Tread carefully next time.  Think about the big picture... ask yourself why you're attracted to the girl.  Is it because she reminds you of someone else?  Is it because she particularly doesn't remind you of someone?

Both of the above are equally bad reasons to date a chick.

from years of experience I have come to the conclusion that having no chick is better than having a crazy chick


 100% agreed.  Sanity needs to be a prerequisite.

 well it is.... now

 Sweet....I plan to be there

JKaz -  Sweet....I plan to be there


JKaz -  Sweet....I plan to be there


 He's probably trying to un-hijack this thread and talk about the tournament.  Don't let him, Aaric!

 what tournament? this is my "crazy ex girlfriend" thread now and that will not change.

TUFF-N-UFF -  what tournament? this is my "crazy ex girlfriend" thread now and that will not change.

 Tell some stories about the one before last.

Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.

btw, i started using this account for this type of thing... it wasn't really appropriate using the other account for this.

TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.



judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.

lol true. Brain was the only one smart enough to 'get her'. The rest of you guys were so dumb that she could subtly (or not so subtly?) say you are dumb right in front of you!

 I'm just glad she didn't call me "slutty."

TotalFightSource - 
judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.

lol true. Brain was the only one smart enough to 'get her'. The rest of you guys were so dumb that she could subtly (or not so subtly?) say you are dumb right in front of you!

I know this girl! I think Brain thinks she's borderline retarded, after the "I'm a Christian atheist" conversation.

clinzyrva - 
TotalFightSource - 
judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.

lol true. Brain was the only one smart enough to 'get her'. The rest of you guys were so dumb that she could subtly (or not so subtly?) say you are dumb right in front of you!

I know this girl! I think Brain thinks she's borderline retarded, after the "I'm a Christian atheist" conversation.

I don't remember the "Christian Atheist" story! DO TELL!

I remember one time when Andrew was dating... someone, I went with the girl mentioned before over to Andrew's GF's house (this may be where the conversation w/Brain took place). Anyways, she drank too much and threw up in the bathroom. When she got up she had a little puke on her shirt or jeans and freaked out about how gross it was that she had someone elses puke on her. I tried to tell her 1. she was the only person to vomit yet that night and 2. i saw her puke on herself! She refused to listen (typical girl quality) and made sure to make a scene letting everyone know how gross it was that she got "someone elses" vomit on her. From that point on, whenever that apartment was mentioned, she would make sure whoever was around knew that the apartment and people in it (excluding her) were all disgusting.

TotalFightSource - 
clinzyrva - 
TotalFightSource - 
judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.


lol true. Brain was the only one smart enough to 'get her'. The rest of you guys were so dumb that she could subtly (or not so subtly?) say you are dumb right in front of you!

I know this girl! I think Brain thinks she's borderline retarded, after the "I'm a Christian atheist" conversation.

I don't remember the "Christian Atheist" story! DO TELL!

I remember one time when Andrew was dating... someone, I went with the girl mentioned before over to Andrew's GF's house (this may be where the conversation w/Brain took place). Anyways, she drank too much and threw up in the bathroom. When she got up she had a little puke on her shirt or jeans and freaked out about how gross it was that she had someone elses puke on her. I tried to tell her 1. she was the only person to vomit yet that night and 2. i saw her puke on herself! She refused to listen (typical girl quality) and made sure to make a scene letting everyone know how gross it was that she got "someone elses" vomit on her. From that point on, whenever that apartment was mentioned, she would make sure whoever was around knew that the apartment and people in it (excluding her) were all disgusting.

 An oldie but a goodie.  Isn't there a pretty good beach story about this one?

texts from yesterday

8:05am "i still love you"
8:10am "are you dating ali now?!"

I had just left my friend Ali a comment on facebook, all it said was "snorkle" but the ex (aka the facebook police) is not trying to be a detective and came to the conclusion that "snorkle" is code you use when dating someone.

8:12am "why are you ignoring me?!"

my reply: I am not ignoring you. I am having breakfast w/my friend roxanne now.

8:20am "So girls are sleeping over at your house now?"

(I met her for breakfast, not sure where the sleeping over idea came from)

a few min later

"so, are you dating ali? you hang out at the bar she works at a lot"

my reply: Ali is my friend, I like her, I like the bar and I am friends w/a few people who work there

her reply: "you like her or you LIKE her?"

me: "stop asking me this stuff"

her: "why should i?"

me: "it is weird you ask me about every girl i mention, talk to, bump in to, etc"

her: "you seem to like everyone else more than you liked me"

later yesterday

her: "i think we should talk in person. it'd be better. you say everything is in the past, do you not want to get back together?"

her: "none of this matters. I probably won't be around much longer"

me: "wont be around? what's that supposed to mean" sounds like a "i want to die" message but think about it, what are your problems and how are they any worse than anyone elses?"

her: "I want to die, i don't want to talk to you about it"

me: if you didn't want to talk about it, why would you have brought it up? people don't say that stuff unless they want attention. it isn't something to joke about.

her: screw you. like you would understand anything about that.

i stopped replying because that comment was dumb. i prob. understand as good or better than anyone about that subject.

judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - 
clinzyrva - 
TotalFightSource - 
judogoat - 
TotalFightSource - Im not sure where to start... I was all about her for a while until I realized how crazy she was on top of being a liar. She told me she was separated from her husband and in the process of getting divorced (none of that was true at the time). She would make stuff up for attention (like saying my friends were making passes at her) but at the same time she would purposely put herself in the position of being at my friends houses or around them w/out me. She talked shit on anyone and everyone. It didn't matter if she knew them or not. One of her favorites was to call people slutty. Now it didn't matter if they were actually slutty or not, most of the time they were not. Actually most of the time I'd say she would be considered sluttier than them. She had called my most recent GF slutty and other things (w/out even knowing her) and those 2 crazies actually had a run in once. I am glad I wasn't there though I did have to hear about it for a long time (from both of them). Another thing she liked to do was put down my friends (in front of them). She wouldn't flat out say they were stupid but would often say things implying she is very smart and also implying that they were not smart enough to understand her.
At least she considered one of our friends her intellectual peer.

lol true. Brain was the only one smart enough to 'get her'. The rest of you guys were so dumb that she could subtly (or not so subtly?) say you are dumb right in front of you!

I know this girl! I think Brain thinks she's borderline retarded, after the "I'm a Christian atheist" conversation.

I don't remember the "Christian Atheist" story! DO TELL!

I remember one time when Andrew was dating... someone, I went with the girl mentioned before over to Andrew's GF's house (this may be where the conversation w/Brain took place). Anyways, she drank too much and threw up in the bathroom. When she got up she had a little puke on her shirt or jeans and freaked out about how gross it was that she had someone elses puke on her. I tried to tell her 1. she was the only person to vomit yet that night and 2. i saw her puke on herself! She refused to listen (typical girl quality) and made sure to make a scene letting everyone know how gross it was that she got "someone elses" vomit on her. From that point on, whenever that apartment was mentioned, she would make sure whoever was around knew that the apartment and people in it (excluding her) were all disgusting.

 An oldie but a goodie.  Isn't there a pretty good beach story about this one?

hmmm. rings a bell. there were so many. do you remember any of it? give me a hint?