US Grappling Chicago- October 9th, 2010

ahhh I know what story you are talking about (after you texted me and told me).

I was with the girl who "can talk to brain because he understands what she says". This story is more me being crazy though. I am sure I will leave some out because I don't think I have ever been more drunk than I was this night. We were in VA beach and went to this pub where this guy was playing irish drinking songs. It was awesome. I ended up doing more than 10 irish car bombs (people lost count after 10), I ended up accidentally (?) flipping the table over and got us kicked out. We met this group of people in the parking lot who said they had a pool and we went with them. I was the only one who got in the pool and I remember her being quite annoying. Apparently I pulled her in to the pool and tried to drowned her, I got pulled out of the pool and beaten up by 5 guys, somehow got away, got her wet 'designer jeans' from her and threw them in the ocean... never to be seen again. i woke up the next morning at that house, she was in 'the other room' w/one of the guys haha and came out wearing one of his shirts. they then dropped us off at our hotel. it was a very awkward car ride.

 Wow.  I bet neither of you remembers more than 25% of what really happened.

judogoat -  Wow.  I bet neither of you remembers more than 25% of what really happened.

I think we would be lucky to remember that much... actually, i think i'm fine with not remembering.

TotalFightSource - 
judogoat -  Wow.  I bet neither of you remembers more than 25% of what really happened.

I think we would be lucky to remember that much... actually, i think i'm fine with not remembering.

 I know the feeling.  More stories?

 Story time...

I will make this one quick. I thought it was funny. I thought I had posted it but I guess not. This happened Thursday. Keep in mind we broke up a month or 2 ago.

A friend (Oudie) picked me up from work and said if I went w/him to Mekong (Vietnamese food) he would pay. I had'nt had Mekong in forever so I was stoked. I put the message "MEKONG!" on facebook and a few minutes later got this text from her:

"I think I should delete you on Facebook as my friend. It upsets me having to see you are out with girls doing stuff".

That was funny because I wasn't out w/a girl and didn't say anything to imply that I was. It was also funny because once again she responds to facebook within moments of me posting it.

I told her I understood and would go ahead and delete her since I was on facebook at the time. She then got mad because I deleted her and didn't let her delete me. That was a big ordeal.

A few minutes later she texts me saying "Who were you at Mekong with?". This was also funny because her reason for deleting me from Facebook was so she wouldn't have to see/know about this stuff. I said to her "that defeats the purpose doesn't it" and she got mad again.

Later that same night I was on facebook and an add kept popping up for updating privacy settings so I did. I made it so only friends could view my profile. Within 5 minutes of doing that I get a text from her... "You blocked me so I can't view your profile?!"

I told her that I didn't block specifically her, I made it so only friends could see my profile. She then said "You must have just done that" and she named to the minute the time I changed those settings which means she was looking at my profile and then looked a minute later and couldn't...

She was mad and said I did this to spite her even though I told her I didn't think she would be looking at my profile because she had just said seeing what I am doing upsets her. She tried to get me to change it back.

While this was going on, I was curious and checked her profile and saw that it is private, has the same settings as mine but she is still making a big deal over it.

It is weird to know someone checks my facebook every few minutes...

 Maybe she changed her profile to match yours, though. 

But yeah, bitches be crazy!

judogoat -  Maybe she changed her profile to match yours, though. 

But yeah, bitches be crazy!

I thought that at first too (she maybe changed her profile to match mine). I told her that I noticed hers was private and I didn't make a big deal over it. She said "Mine has always been that way. Since you JUST changed yours, you are doing it to spite me."

 Oh man, you can't win for trying.  I think that's what the saying is, anyway.

More stories!



 Chicago, IL



How are you getting to Chicago? I assume flying (it's a LONG drive... been there, done that).

I am taking donations now to get off the ground.

I got a couple small donations already! I just need another $20 and I can get it set up!

Make donations to

TotalFightSource - Goat,

How are you getting to Chicago? I assume flying (it's a LONG drive... been there, done that).

I am taking donations now to get off the ground.

I got a couple small donations already! I just need another $20 and I can get it set up!

Make donations to

 We have to drive the mats there.  Well, I have to drive the mats there, anyway.  Others of us will be flying.

Why are you capping competitors at 500? How many spots left?

TheBulgarianAssassin - Why are you capping competitors at 500? How many spots left?

 This venue, our staff, and our bracketing can handle this many competitors in a very efficient manner throughout the day.   There are lots and lots of spots left.  I don't know exactly how many, but I'd guess more than 400 right now.  People are registering, though, and registrations will increase exponentially as the event draws nearer.
