USADA clears Cyborg

Andrewsimar Palhardass -
3rdAveE - Ridiculous. USADA officially in the UFCs pocket.

So they shelled out the cash for Cyborg but not for Jon Jones or Anderson Silva?


Thacommish -

Usada learned nothing with cung le.


The damage has been done with the accusations already, to give an all clear now just confirms how much of a farce this is

She didn't deny the accusations... she
got granted a retroactive TUE.

Brabatross - Great news, I love watching Cyborg fight. One of the only woman fighters worth watching.

I agree she's entertaining for sure but that's a problem when you have only one woman worth watching, and she's juice to the gills... Should get rid of 145, and even WMMA, i don't understand the appeal.

Brabatross -
Thacommish -

Usada learned nothing with cung le.


The damage has been done with the accusations already, to give an all clear now just confirms how much of a farce this is

She didn't deny the accusations... she
got granted a retroactive TUE.
After the fact. She lied to begin with and receives no repercussions.

lol usada is a joke 

Told ya.  Now watch.  She will NEVER fight in the USA.  Anyone want to bet? Lol. The UFC is so full of shit.  

She is so bad for the sport, for women's mma. This sucks

If USADA testing was bad for the sport, this is worse.
You can't admit you knew it was a prohibited substance AND neglect to disclose it when asked, then ask for a retroactive TUE.

Even if it turns out to be a valid diagnosis and treatment, that's a failed test and she should be punished as such.

I don't get the hate? Someone care to explain their opinion on why without being teenage girls about it?


mine is this, I'm not a Chris fan. Her past steroid use and her continue talk of R.R.(who I'm also not a fan of) and the seems to be endless whining. But Usada never clears anyone. Even when the person has a legit reason they still get suspended. When usada says someone made an honest mistake they still serve some sort of suspension. Given their track record maybe maybe she was actually clean guys? Maybe this is good news?

Hate420 -
ufc98newb -

usada loses a lot of credibility with this. 

I don't know how anybody can claim otherwise.

You're a moron
Explain, it basically tells fighters it's OK not to follow protocol.

lol at the comments that suggest she got popped for a PED. She tested positive for a non performance enhancing substance. Who gives a fuck got cry babies. I want to see her fight. She didn't fail for steroids and said they were sex drugs lol 

She is very lucky they were understanding of her situation. 


I hope this doesn't set a precedent were people are constantly getting retroactive TUE. It WILL be abused.

Stin - If USADA testing was bad for the sport, this is worse.
You can't admit you knew it was a prohibited substance AND neglect to disclose it when asked, then ask for a retroactive TUE.

Even if it turns out to be a valid diagnosis and treatment, that's a failed test and she should be punished as such.

Even if you like Cyborg, I don't see how anyone can logically come to any other conclusion than this. You know you're doing something you shouldn't, you lie and say you are not, you fail the test, THEN you say "Oh, btw, I actually was actually taking a banned substance when I said I wasn't, but trust me, it was legit". If this isn't bad enough, it came AFTER she's been through the process of failing a drug test. You'd think anyone with any sense would get real familiar with the ins and outs of the process after one failure if it was in fact a mistake that someone wanted to avoid in the future.

Didn't like it when Mayweather got a retroactive TUE, don't like it now. It's a bad precedent to set, which (as we saw with TRT-Vitor) will almost certainly be abused. Why have rules if you allow loopholes?

GrilliamG - Didn't like it when Mayweather got a retroactive TUE, don't like it now. It's a bad precedent to set, which (as we saw with TRT-Vitor) will almost certainly be abused. Why have rules if you allow loopholes?

Trt was a tue for anabolic steroids. This is not the same as cyborg 

Don J -
CRE - 

Most of us just want to see the best fights.

Good news for Cyborg.

Germaine isn't playing around with her though, this isn't some come collect your belt fight. Be ready for a war.

Put it this way. Cyborg shoots takedowns on GDR, desperate doubles. If Cyborg bangs, she's going to get banged out by De REEMdamie.

Agreed...although I think Germain will opt for surgery now.
haha...She's definitely getting that surgery now!

god we are doomed

Long time clean athlete Lyoto Machida admits he fucked up and gets 18 months. Long time drugs cheat and worst smell test failer in all of MMA Cris Cyborg fucks up and admits it after she's caught, and gets let off.


Well done USADA, you just made yourselves irrelevant 

Andrewsimar Palhardass -
3rdAveE - Ridiculous. USADA officially in the UFCs pocket.

So they shelled out the cash for Cyborg but not for Jon Jones or Anderson Silva?
But this is post zuffa era now...

Stin - If USADA testing was bad for the sport, this is worse.
You can't admit you knew it was a prohibited substance AND neglect to disclose it when asked, then ask for a retroactive TUE.

Even if it turns out to be a valid diagnosis and treatment, that's a failed test and she should be punished as such.
I'm actually you can do that. Cris just proved you can