Ustream Taps Out, Gives Pirate IP Addres

bismanfightclub -  Even with your flawed logic that nobody who watches on streams would buy the PPV if the streams were shut down doesn't mean they aren't in fact STEALING a product of value from a company.

#1) I never said it was not stealing (for the second time)

2) I never said that nobody  who watches streams would buy the PPV.  I said that NOT EVERYONE would buy the ppv.  Big difference.  


Morgz - 
bismanfightclub - It's stealing, you can try to justify it in your own mind however you want, but it is stealing.   
I may need to go back and re-read more carefully, but I don't see where anyone argued that it isn't stealing.  I am just arguing that the "stealing" does not translate dollar for dollar to lost revenue like the quote in the OP says.

 You must need to re-read, cause if you STEAL something valued at $45, then the company is out $45, no matter if the product is jeans, a DVD, video game or MMA event.  Stealing is stealing, and when you steal $45, it doesn't matter that becuase you wouldn't have paid for the product that the company is not out the $45 product you stole.

 Bisman is right ... even though you are saying that it is possible that the company wasn't going to sell those jeans at all, it still cost them money for material, labor, shipping, stocking etc.  If the jeans are stolen, they complete lose the initial invested money in their product.

bismanfightclub - 
Morgz - 
bismanfightclub - It's stealing, you can try to justify it in your own mind however you want, but it is stealing.   
I may need to go back and re-read more carefully, but I don't see where anyone argued that it isn't stealing.  I am just arguing that the "stealing" does not translate dollar for dollar to lost revenue like the quote in the OP says.

 You must need to re-read, cause if you STEAL something valued at $45, then the company is out $45, no matter if the product is jeans, a DVD, video game or MMA event.  Stealing is stealing, and when you steal $45, it doesn't matter that becuase you wouldn't have paid for the product that the company is not out the $45 product you stole.

No, you are wrong.  

John Doe has 3 choices:

1) He can buy the PPV

2) He can steal a web stream

3) He can choose to NOT buy and NOT steal the web stream


1) UFC makes $50

2) UFC makes nothing (and loses a potential sale -- not a garunteed sale)

3) UFC makes nothing  (and loses a potential sale -- not a garunteed sale)

Also, once the stream is "stolen", that does not make anything unavailable or unsaleable like in the case of your blue jeans example.  if the Jeans are stolen, they are gone and no one can buy them, and Jeans manufacturer does, in fact, lose revenue.  This not necessarily the case with a stolen web stream.

Again, for the 3rd, time, it does not make it ok, but it also does not mean the UFC "loses" 100% of that potential revenue.


Monsters Ball - 


Your comparison is flawed. If somebody steals a product from a store then that store is minus that product from their inventory. If somebody steals a stream they are copying something and not taking anything away from the original.

While it is still stealing it is not taking anything from Zuffa's inventory like somebody stealing from a brick and mortar store.
Exactly 100% dead on balls accurate


Stryker89 - 
mrzipplokk - 
FrateTrane_MaimedShane - Screw you Zuffa, I'm behind seven proxies!!

 The proxy companies are required by law to maintain records and turn over info in a court case.

Really? So the proxy orginating from some island in the pacific that is used to get ot a proxy from germany that is used to get to another from another island will be tracked???? LOL yeah like the guy said if you use proxies to get to a ip from germany "where the ufc shows the ppv free on" there nothing they can do
If the FBI wants information, it will get information.


There will still be live shitty internet streams.
There will still be live proxy based streams.
There will still be as-broadcasted quality downloads the next day.

This is a no win situation for the UFC. Not now, and certainly not in the future. The RIAA and MPAA have not been able to stop filesharing/streaming and sharing and I would imagine that their resources far outweigh the UFC's resources.

Morgz - 
Monsters Ball - 


Your comparison is flawed. If somebody steals a product from a store then that store is minus that product from their inventory. If somebody steals a stream they are copying something and not taking anything away from the original.

While it is still stealing it is not taking anything from Zuffa's inventory like somebody stealing from a brick and mortar store.
Exactly 100% dead on balls accurate

100% incorrect.  If your little brains can't handle comparing an item you can feel and touch to a service you can't feel and touch think of it this way.  You are provided services by a lawyer and he sends you a bill for 1/2 hour that comes to $45 and you decide not to pay him cause he is not missing anything from his "inventory" and you feel you can get it for free so why pay for it.  You just stole $45 worth of services from this man, just as you STOLE $45 worth of services frorm the UFC when you watch the stream for free.


Nicolo Toscani - .pirate.aarrrrrrrrrr.

gotta love pirate hookers!


mrzipplokk - If the FBI wants information, it will get information.

LOL the FBI is going to get involved? Why?

Morgz - 
Monsters Ball - 


Your comparison is flawed. If somebody steals a product from a store then that store is minus that product from their inventory. If somebody steals a stream they are copying something and not taking anything away from the original.

While it is still stealing it is not taking anything from Zuffa's inventory like somebody stealing from a brick and mortar store.
Exactly 100% dead on balls accurate


 100% wrong. Keyword in Monsters post = copy.  We have copyright infringment laws in this country, so the "copying" of a live stream is equated to stealing a physical object.

MotorBoater85 - We have copyright infringment laws in this country, so the "copying" of a live stream is equated to stealing a physical object.

this is nonsense.

we have copyright laws because the traditional definitions of theft are inoperable when applied to the act creating copies of existing works.

the fact that we have copyright law is evidence that copyright violation does NOT equate to stealing a physical object.

Monsters Ball - 
bismanfightclub - 
Morgz - 
Monsters Ball - 


Your comparison is flawed. If somebody steals a product from a store then that store is minus that product from their inventory. If somebody steals a stream they are copying something and not taking anything away from the original.

While it is still stealing it is not taking anything from Zuffa's inventory like somebody stealing from a brick and mortar store.
Exactly 100% dead on balls accurate

100% incorrect.  If your little brains can't handle comparing an item you can feel and touch to a service you can't feel and touch think of it this way.  You are provided services by a lawyer and he sends you a bill for 1/2 hour that comes to $45 and you decide not to pay him cause he is not missing anything from his "inventory" and you feel you can get it for free so why pay for it.  You just stole $45 worth of services from this man, just as you STOLE $45 worth of services frorm the UFC when you watch the stream for free.


Good grief and you accuse us of having little brains?

When you take a stream you are taking a copy of something that was already produced. You don't add anything to their costs.

If you don't pay your lawyer then he is out all of the time he spent on your case so you have cost him something. So you have cost him something.

 Agian 100% Accurate.  MB types faster than me.  The lawyer is out his time that he could have sold to someone else.  This is NOT the case with a PPV as those are available no matter how many people buy them.  Has nothing to do with an "object you can touch" vs a "service".  The PPV event is there to buy (or not buy) whether someone steals a steam or not.

J Flip - 
MotorBoater85 - We have copyright infringment laws in this country, so the "copying" of a live stream is equated to stealing a physical object.

this is nonsense.

we have copyright laws because the traditional definitions of theft are inoperable when applied to the act creating copies of existing works.

the fact that we have copyright law is evidence that copyright violation does NOT equate to stealing a physical object.

 Really? Please, go on ...

The actual reason we have copyright laws is because there are dumbasses out there that can't recognize the fact that just because you can't touch something doesn't mean it can't be stolen.  The same reason people get patents for inventions.  Because they don't want other people stealing their ideas.  Just because you can physically feel an idea, does not mean someone can't take it from you.

Monsters Ball - 
bismanfightclub - 
Morgz - 
Monsters Ball - 
Your comparison is flawed. If somebody steals a product from a store then that store is minus that product from their inventory. If somebody steals a stream they are copying something and not taking anything away from the original.

While it is still stealing it is not taking anything from Zuffa's inventory like somebody stealing from a brick and mortar store.
Exactly 100% dead on balls accurate
100% incorrect.  If your little brains can't handle comparing an item you can feel and touch to a service you can't feel and touch think of it this way.  You are provided services by a lawyer and he sends you a bill for 1/2 hour that comes to $45 and you decide not to pay him cause he is not missing anything from his "inventory" and you feel you can get it for free so why pay for it.  You just stole $45 worth of services from this man, just as you STOLE $45 worth of services frorm the UFC when you watch the stream for free.

Good grief and you accuse us of having little brains?

When you take a stream you are taking a copy of something that was already produced. You don't add anything to their costs.

If you don't pay your lawyer then he is out all of the time he spent on your case so you have cost him something. So you have cost him his time which is money.

The UFC is out all the time and money as well. A lawyer taking 2 minutes to notarize a paper is hardly a lot of time and effort either. Why don't you stiff one and see how that works out for you. Like I said, you guys can try and justify to yourselves that you aren't stealing anything, or that you are only stealing something of no value (according to you) and that everyone does it, so it's "ok", but you are stealing, and the product/service you are stealing has value. The fact that you can't understand that is sad.

Well, you guys have Christian Darrow on your side.  I think that speaks volumes.

I agree it is wrong to get a product (in this case a PPV event) but not pay the person selling it.

It is nothing like stealing a pair of jeans though. If you steal jeans, they are gone from the store. Someone else could have bought them and now that you have them, nobody can buy them which means the store is out that $. PPV doesn't work that way. A store has an inventory of product. The UFC doesn't have an inventory of PPV. I am sure there are plenty of people who watch streams but would pay if the stream wasn't available. That being said, I am sure there are also people who just wouldn't watch if there were no streams. Because of that, you can't say "There were 10,000 people watching streams so we lost 10,000 sales".

The actual reason we have copyright laws is because there are dumbasses out there that can't recognize the fact that just because you can't touch something doesn't mean it can't be stolen. The same reason people get patents for inventions. Because they don't want other people stealing their ideas. Just because you can physically feel an idea, does not mean someone can't take it from you.

you missed the point.

bismanfightclub -  you guys can try and justify to yourselves that you aren't stealing anything, or that you are only stealing something of no value (according to you) and that everyone does it, so it's "ok", but you are stealing, and the product/service you are stealing has value. The fact that you can't understand that is sad.
For the 4th time:  No one is saying it isn't stealing.

No one is saying those people who watch streams are stealing something of no value. 

The fact that you still can't understand that no one is saying those things is also sad.  This has been a decent little discussion.  Please don't cheapen it by trying to put words in other people's mouths.  


J Flip - 
The actual reason we have copyright laws is because there are dumbasses out there that can't recognize the fact that just because you can't touch something doesn't mean it can't be stolen. The same reason people get patents for inventions. Because they don't want other people stealing their ideas. Just because you can physically feel an idea, does not mean someone can't take it from you.

you missed the point.

 I think you are correct in that assumption, and I believe I may have jumped to quickly on that one.  My bad.